
defb experiments are built upon SQLite, as included withing the RSQLite package. This provides a lightweight but powerful RDMS for handling all the data stored by defb.

What R packages does defb use to work with SQLite?

What defb functions create the database?

The answer is pretty complicated, but some places to start looking are:

sqlTableArchitecture.R (Layouts the database structure)


dbCreators.R (creates a database)

How does defb handle adding new replicates to an existing experiment/database?

Let's say you have an experiment that contains a sample named "sample_1", and then later want to add a new replicate of "sample1" and merge this into the earlier experiment. This works because...

The mzML/mzXML file is stored and indexed by its hash, not by sample ID.

This hash is linked to sampleIDs in the "IndividualSpectra" table and so spectrum and peak data is always attributable to the originating mzML/mzXML.

chasemc/ghosts documentation built on May 8, 2019, 12:50 a.m.