The new defb system has been updated so that the converted and processed data within each experiment is now saved in a single file in a SQLite database (per experiment).

Older versions of defb (the PNAS version) would create a folder named "defb" which, in turn, contained multiple folders with all of the data files.

Within this "defb" folder created with the old defb version, there should be a folder "Converted_To_mzXML".

In the new version of defb navigate to the "Starting with Raw Data" tab and choose "Click here to convert mzML/mzXML files". When asked to select the location of your mzML/mzXMl files, select the "Converted_To_mzXML" from your old defb analysis. After selecting "Process Data" your data will be converted to the new format and ready to use with the new version defb.

chasemc/ghosts documentation built on May 8, 2019, 12:50 a.m.