
# networks_ui <- function(id){
#   ns <- NS(id)
#   tagList(
#     tags$a(
#       icon("pencil-ruler", class = "fa-lg"),
#       onclick = "pushbar.open('save_pushbar');",
#       class = "btn btn-primary",
#       `data-pushbar-target` = "save_pushbar",
#       id = "optsBtn"
#     ),
#     tags$a(
#       icon("database", class = "fa-lg"),
#       onclick = "pushbar.open('search_pushbar');",
#       class = "btn btn-primary",
#       `data-pushbar-target` = "search_pushbar",
#       id = "search"
#     ),
#     tags$a(
#       icon("searchengin", class = "fa-lg"),
#       onclick = "pushbar.open('search_node_pushbar');",
#       class = "btn btn-primary",
#       `data-pushbar-target` = "search_node_pushbar",
#       id = "searchNode"
#     ),
#     shinyjs::hidden(
#       actionButton(
#         ns("hide_tweet"),
#         "",
#         icon = icon("times"),
#         class = "btn-danger"
#       )
#     ),
#     conditionalPanel(
#       "input['networks-network'] != 'hashtags'",
#       tags$a(
#         icon("layer-group", class = "fa-lg"),
#         onclick = "pushbar.open('legend_pushbar');",
#         class = "btn btn-primary",
#         `data-pushbar-target` = "legend_pushbar",
#         id = "legendBottom"
#       )
#     ),
#     div(
#       id = "pushbarSearchNode",
#       `data-pushbar-id` = "search_node_pushbar",
#       class = "pushbar from_left",
#       h4("SEARCH"),
#       fluidRow(
#         column(9, uiOutput(ns("node_search_ui"))),
#         column(
#           3,
#           br(),
#           actionButton(
#             ns("search_node"),
#             "",
#             icon = icon("search-plus"),
#             width = "100%",
#             class = "btn-primary"
#           )
#         )
#       ),
#       radioButtons(
#         ns("zoom"),
#         "Zoom level",
#         choices = c(
#           "High" = "high",
#           "Medium" = "medium",
#           "Low" = "low"
#         ),
#         inline = TRUE,
#         width = "100%",
#         selected = "medium"
#       ),
#       tags$a(
#         id = "closeSearchNode",
#         icon("times"), onclick = "pushbar.close();", class = "btn btn-danger"
#       )
#     ),
#     actionButton(
#       "stats",
#       "",
#       icon("brain", class = "fa-lg"),
#       class = "btn-primary",
#       onclick = "pushbar.open('stats_pushbar');",
#     ),
#     div(
#       id = "pushbarBottom",
#       `data-pushbar-id` = "stats_pushbar",
#       class = "pushbar from_right",
#       h4("STATS"),
#       uiOutput(ns("trend_text")),
#       reactrend::reactrendOutput(ns("trendline"), width = "100%"),
#       fluidRow(
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("n_nodes"))),
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("n_edges")))
#       ),
#       fluidRow(
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("n_tweets")))
#       ),
#       uiOutput(ns("selected_headline")),
#       uiOutput(ns("selected_source")),
#       fluidRow(
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("source_indegree"))),
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("source_outdegree")))
#       ),
#       fluidRow(
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("source_pagerank"))),
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("source_eigen")))
#       ),
#       uiOutput(ns("arrow_down")),
#       uiOutput(ns("selected_target")),
#       fluidRow(
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("target_indegree"))),
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("target_outdegree")))
#       ),
#       fluidRow(
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("target_pagerank"))),
#         column(6, uiOutput(ns("target_eigen")))
#       ),
#       tags$a(
#         id = "closeStats",
#         icon("times"), onclick = "pushbar.close();", class = "btn btn-danger"
#       )
#     ),
#     # div(
#     #   id = "pushbarTop",
#     #   `data-pushbar-id` = "search_pushbar",
#     #   class = "pushbar from_left",
#     #   h4("DATA"),
#     #   tabsetPanel(
#     #     type = "tabs",
#     #     tabPanel(
#     #       "SEARCH ",
#     #       textInput(
#     #         ns("q"),
#     #         "",
#     #         width = "100%",
#     #         placeholder = "Query"
#     #       ),
#     #       tippy_this(ns("q"), "Your search query"),
#     #       fluidRow(
#     #         column(
#     #           4,
#     #           actionButton(
#     #             ns("addOpts"),
#     #             "",
#     #             icon = icon("plus")
#     #           )
#     #         ),
#     #         column(
#     #           8,
#     #           actionButton(
#     #             ns("submit"),
#     #             "Search",
#     #             icon = icon("search"),
#     #             width = "100%",
#     #             class = "btn btn-primary"
#     #           )
#     #         )
#     #       ),
#     #       br(),
#     #       div(
#     #         id = ns("searchOptions"),
#     #         style = "display:none;",
#     #         sliderInput(
#     #           ns("n"),
#     #           label = "Number of tweets",
#     #           min = .get_tweet_range("min"),
#     #           max = .get_tweet_range("max"),
#     #           value = .get_tweet_range("min"),
#     #           step = 100,
#     #           width = "100%"
#     #         ),
#     #         tippy_this(ns("n"), "Number of tweets to fetch"),
#     #         selectInput(
#     #           ns("type"),
#     #           "Type",
#     #           choices = c(
#     #             "Recent" = "recent",
#     #             "Mixed" = "mixed",
#     #             "Popular" = "popular"
#     #           ),
#     #           selected = "recent",
#     #           width = "100%"
#     #         ),
#     #         tippy_this(ns("type"), "Type of tweets to fetch"),
#     #         fluidRow(
#     #           column(
#     #             7,
#     #             checkboxInput(
#     #               ns("include_rts"),
#     #               "Include retweets",
#     #               TRUE,
#     #               width = "100%"
#     #             )
#     #           ),
#     #           column(5, checkboxInput(ns("append"), "Append"))
#     #         ),
#     #         tippy_this(ns("include_rts"), "Whether to include retweets"),
#     #         textInput(ns("longitude"), "Longitude", value = "", width = "100%"),
#     #         textInput(ns("latitude"), "Latitude", value = "", width = "100%"),
#     #         fluidRow(
#     #           column(6,textInput(ns("radius"), "Radius", value = "", width = "100%")),
#     #           column(6, selectInput(ns("metric"), "Metric", choices = c("Kilometer" = "km", "Miles" = "mi")))
#     #         )
#     #       )
#     #     ),
#     #     tabPanel(
#     #       "LOAD",
#     #       fileInput(
#     #         ns("file"),
#     #         label = "Choose one or more previously downloaded Chirp file(s) (.RData)",
#     #         accept = c(".RData", ".rdata"),
#     #         placeholder = " No file selected",
#     #         width = "100%",
#     #         multiple = TRUE
#     #       ),
#     #       checkboxInput(ns("append_file"), "Append")
#     #     )
#     #   ),
#     #   a(
#     #     "chrip.sh",
#     #     id = "leftLink",
#     #     href = "https://chirp.sh",
#     #     target = "_blank"
#     #   ),
#     #   tags$a(
#     #     id = "closeSearch",
#     #     icon("times"), onclick = "pushbar.close();", class = "btn btn-danger"
#     #   )
#     # ),
#     shinyjs::useShinyjs(),
#     # div(
#     #   `data-pushbar-id` = "legend_pushbar",
#     #   class = "pushbar from_bottom",
#     #   fluidRow(
#     #     column(12, uiOutput(ns("legend"), class = "center"))
#     #   ),
#     #   tags$a(
#     #     style = "right:20px;bottom:20px;position:absolute;",
#     #     icon("times"), onclick = "pushbar.close();", class = "btn btn-danger"
#     #   )
#     # ),
#     div(
#       id = "pushbarLeft",
#       `data-pushbar-id` = "save_pushbar",
#       class = "pushbar from_right",
#       h4("OPTIONS"),
#       br(),
#       # selectInput(
#       #   ns("network"),
#       #   "NETWORK TYPE",
#       #   choices = c(
#       #     "Retweets" = "retweet_screen_name",
#       #     "Hashtags" = "hashtags",
#       #     "Conversations" = "mentions_screen_name"
#       #   ),
#       #   width = "100%"
#       # ),
#       # tippy_this(ns("network"), "Type of network to draw"),
#       # conditionalPanel(
#       #   "input['networks-network'] != 'retweet_screen_name'",
#       #   checkboxInput(
#       #     ns("comentions"),
#       #     "Co-mentions",
#       #     width = "100%"
#       #   )
#       # ),
#       # conditionalPanel(
#       #   "input['networks-network'] == 'retweet_screen_name'",
#       #   checkboxInput(
#       #     ns("quoted"),
#       #     "Include quoted",
#       #     width = "100%",
#       #     value = TRUE
#       #   )
#       # ),
#       fluidRow(
#         column(
#           6, 
#           selectInput(
#             ns("size"), 
#             "NODES SIZE", 
#             choices = c(
#               "# tweets" = "n_tweets",
#               "In-degree" = "in_degree",
#               "Out-degree" = "out_degree",
#               "Closeness" = "closeness",
#               "Pagerank" = "pagerank",
#               "Authority" = "authority",
#               "Eigen" = "eigen"
#             ),
#             width = "100%"
#           ),
#           tippy_this(ns("size"), "Variable to size nodes")
#         ),
#         column(
#           6, 
#           selectInput(
#             ns("colour"), 
#             "NODES COLOUR", 
#             choices = c(
#               "Cluster" = "group",
#               "# tweets" = "n_tweets",
#               "Components" = "components", 
#               "In-degree" = "in_degree",
#               "Out-degree" = "out_degree",
#               "Closeness" = "closeness",
#               "Pagerank" = "pagerank",
#               "Authority" = "authority",
#               "Eigen" = "eigen",
#               "Type" = "type"
#             ),
#             width = "100%"
#           ),
#           tippy_this(ns("colour"), "Variable to colour nodes")
#         )
#       ),
#       # selectInput(
#       #   ns("edges_colour"),
#       #   "EDGES COLOUR",
#       #   choices = c(
#       #     "None" = "none",
#       #     "Sentiment" = "sentiment",
#       #     "# tweets" = "size"
#       #   ),
#       #   width = "100%"
#       # ),
#       # h5("FILTER"),
#       # fluidRow(
#       #   column(
#       #     8,
#       #     checkboxInput(
#       #       ns("delete_nodes"), 
#       #       "DELETE NODES", value = FALSE
#       #     ),
#       #     tippy_this(ns("delete_nodes"), "Tick and click on nodes to delete them")
#       #   ),
#       #   column(
#       #     4,
#       #     conditionalPanel(
#       #       "input['networks-network'] != 'retweet_screen_name'",
#       #       checkboxInput(
#       #         ns("include_retweets"), 
#       #         "RTs",
#       #         value = TRUE
#       #       )
#       #     )
#       #   )
#       # ),
#       sliderInput(
#         ns("node_size"),
#         "Filter node by size",
#         width = "100%",
#         min = 3,
#         max = 17,
#         value = c(3, 17)
#       ),
#       h5("LAYOUT"),
#       fluidRow(
#         column(
#           6, 
#           actionButton(
#             ns("start_layout"), 
#             "START", 
#             icon = icon("play"),
#             width = "100%"
#           )
#         ),
#         column(
#           6, 
#           actionButton(
#             ns("kill_layout"), "
#             STOP", 
#             icon = icon("stop"),
#             width = "100%"
#           )
#         )
#       ),
#       br(),
#       actionButton(
#         ns("noverlap"), 
#         "NO OVERLAP", 
#         icon = icon("magnet"),
#         width = "100%"
#       ),
#       h5("EXPORT"),
#       fluidRow(
#         column(
#           6, 
#           actionButton(
#             ns("save_img"), 
#             "SAVE IMAGE", 
#             icon = icon("image"),
#             width = "100%"
#           )
#         ),
#         column(
#           6, 
#           actionButton(
#             ns("save_svg"), 
#             "SAVE SVG",
#             icon = icon("html5"),
#             width = "100%"
#           )
#         )
#       ),
#     #   br(),
#     #   downloadButton(ns("downloadData"), "DOWNLOAD DATA", style = "width:100%;"),
#     #   tags$a(
#     #     id = "closeOpts",
#     #     icon("times"), onclick = "pushbar.close();", class = "btn btn-danger"
#     #   )
#     #   ),
#     # actionButton(
#     #   ns("vr"),
#     #   "",
#     #   icon = icon("vr-cardboard", class = "fa-lg"),
#     #   class = "btn btn-primary"
#     # ),
#     # shinyjqui::jqui_draggable(
#     #   htmlOutput(
#     #     ns("display"), style="position:absolute;z-index:99;left:20px;top:70px;"
#     #   )
#     # ),
#     shinycustomloader::withLoader(
#       sigmajs::sigmajsOutput(ns("graph"), height = "99vh"),
#       type = "html",
#       loader = "loader9"
#     ),
#     uiOutput(ns("virtReal"))
#     )
# }
# # Server ------------------------------------------------------------------
# networks <- function(input, output, session, dat){
#   tweets <- reactiveVal(dat)
#   shinyjs::hide("virtReal")
#   # observeEvent(input$submit, {
#   #   geocode <- NULL
#   #   
#   #   if(input$longitude != "" && input$latitude != "" && input$radius != "")
#   #     geocode <- paste(input$longitude, input$latitude, paste0(input$radius, input$metric), sep = ",")
#   #   
#   #   if(input$q != ""){
#   #     
#   #     session$sendCustomMessage(
#   #       "load", 
#   #       paste("Fetching", prettyNum(input$n, big.mark = ","), "tweets")
#   #     )
#   #     
#   #     lim <- .check_rate_limit()
#   #     
#   #     options(search_query = .clean_input(input$q))
#   #     
#   #     if(lim$remaining == 0){
#   #       shinyjs::disable("submit")
#   #       shinyjs::delay(difftime(Sys.time(), lim$reset_at, units = "secs") * 1000, shinyjs::enable("submit"))
#   #       time <- difftime(Sys.time(), lim$reset_at, units = "mins")
#   #       time <- ceiling(time)
#   #       showModal(
#   #         modalDialog(
#   #           title = "Rate limit hit!",
#   #           "You have hit the rate limit, wait until",
#   #           time 
#   #           , "to make another search.",
#   #           easyClose = TRUE,
#   #           footer = NULL
#   #         )
#   #       )
#   #     } else {
#   #       tw <- rtweet::search_tweets(
#   #         input$q,
#   #         n = input$n,
#   #         type = input$type,
#   #         include_rts = input$include_rts,
#   #         geocode = geocode,
#   #         token = .get_token()
#   #       )
#   #       if(isTRUE(input$append))
#   #         rbind.data.frame(tweets(), tw) %>% 
#   #         tweets()
#   #       else
#   #         tweets(tw)
#   #     }
#   #     
#   #     session$sendCustomMessage("unload", "") # stop loading
#   #   }
#   #   
#   # })
#   # observeEvent(input$file, {
#   #   
#   #   file <- input$file
#   #   
#   #   s <- ""
#   #   if(length(file$datapath))
#   #     s <- "s"
#   #   
#   #   session$sendCustomMessage(
#   #     "load", 
#   #     paste0("Loading file", s, "...")
#   #   )
#   #   tw <- file$datapath %>% 
#   #     purrr::map_df(function(x){
#   #       get(load(x))
#   #     })
#   #   if(isTRUE(input$append_file))
#   #     rbind.data.frame(tweets(), tw) %>% 
#   #     tweets()
#   #   else
#   #     tweets(tw)
#   #   session$sendCustomMessage("unload", "") # stop loading
#   # })
#   shinyjs::hide("save_el")
# # make plot data ----------------------------------------------------------
#   graph <- reactive({
#     tw <- tweets() %>% 
#       filter(is_retweet %in% c(FALSE, input$include_retweets)) %>% 
#       .compute_sentiment()
#     if(isTRUE(input$comentions) && input$network %in% c("hashtags", "mentions_screen_name"))
#       edges <- tw %>% gt_co_edges(!!sym(input$network))
#     else
#       edges <- tw %>% 
#         gt_edges(screen_name, !!sym(input$network), sentiment) %>% 
#         gt_preproc_edges(.preproc)
#     if(isTRUE(input$quoted) && input$network == "retweet_screen_name")
#       edges <- edges %>% 
#         gt_edges_bind(screen_name, quoted_screen_name) 
#     graph <- edges %>%
#       gt_nodes() %>%
#       gt_collect()
#     graph <- tbl_graph(
#       nodes = graph$nodes, 
#       edges = graph$edges
#     ) %>% 
#       activate(nodes) %>% 
#       mutate(
#         name = nodes,
#         id = name,
#         label = name,
#         n_tweets = n,
#         out_degree = centrality_degree(mode = "out"),
#         in_degree = centrality_degree(mode = "in"),
#         authority = centrality_authority(),
#         pagerank = centrality_pagerank(),
#         closeness = centrality_closeness(),
#         eigen = centrality_eigen(),
#         components = group_components(type = "weak"),
#         group = group_walktrap()
#       ) %>% 
#       igraph::as_data_frame("both")
#     edges <- graph$edges %>% 
#       mutate(
#         id = 1:n(),
#         source = from,
#         target = to,
#         size = n,
#         type = "arrow"
#       ) %>% 
#       select(-one_of("to", "from"))
#     nodes <- graph$vertices %>% 
#       mutate(
#         group = as.factor(group),
#         components = as.factor(components)
#       ) %>% 
#       select(-one_of("n", "nodes"))
#     session$sendCustomMessage("unload", "") # stop loading
#     list(
#       nodes = nodes,
#       edges = edges
#     )
#   })
#   output$legend <- renderUI({
#     nodes <- .color_nodes(graph()$nodes, "group") %>% 
#       select(label, group, color)
#     if(input$network == "hashtags"){
#       return("")
#     }
#     leg <- tweets() %>% 
#       select_("hashtags", "screen_name", "v2" = input$network) %>% 
#       mutate(
#         screen_name = tolower(screen_name),
#         v2 = tolower(v2)
#       ) %>% 
#       left_join(nodes, by = c("screen_name" = "label")) %>% 
#       left_join(nodes, by = c("v2" = "label"), suffix = c("_source", "_target")) %>% 
#       mutate(
#         group_source = case_when(
#           is.na(group_source) ~ group_target,
#           TRUE ~ group_source,
#         ),
#         color_source = case_when(
#           is.na(color_source) ~ color_target,
#           TRUE ~ color_source,
#         ),
#         grp = case_when(
#           group_source == group_target ~ group_source,
#           TRUE ~ group_source
#         ),
#         color = case_when(
#           color_source == color_target ~ color_source,
#           TRUE ~ color_source
#         )
#       )  %>% 
#       filter(!is.na(grp)) %>% 
#       tidyr::unnest(hashtags) %>% 
#       mutate(hashtgas = tolower(hashtags)) %>% 
#       group_by(grp, color) %>% 
#       count(hashtags, sort = TRUE) %>%  
#       filter(hashtags != .get_search_query()) %>% 
#       filter(!is.na(hashtags)) %>% 
#       slice(1) %>% 
#       ungroup() %>% 
#       mutate(grp = as.integer(grp)) %>% 
#       arrange(grp) %>% 
#       slice(1:10) 
#     ch <- as.character(unlist(leg$grp))
#     ch <- c("all", ch)
#     names(ch) <- c("All nodes", paste0("#", as.character(unlist(leg$hashtags))))
#     ns <- session$ns
#     tgs <- radioButtons(
#       ns("legendOut"),
#       choices = ch,
#       inline = TRUE,
#       width = "100%"
#     )
#     tgs
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$legendOut, {
#     ns <- session$ns
#     if(input$legendOut != "all")
#       sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_filter_undo_p("legend-filter") %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_filter_eq_p(input$legendOut, "group", name = "legend-filter")
#     else if(input$legendOut == "all")
#       sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_filter_undo_p("legend-filter") 
#   })
#   .color_nodes <- function(nodes, x){
#     var = pull(nodes, x)
#     if(inherits(var, "factor") || inherits(var, "character")){
#       var_unique <- unique(var)
#       colors <- scales::col_factor(
#         .get_discrete(), 
#         var_unique
#       )(var)
#     } else {
#       colors <- scales::col_numeric(
#         .get_pal(), domain = NULL
#       )(var)
#     }
#     nodes$color <- colors
#     return(nodes)
#   }
#   # plot network ------------------------------------------------------------
#   output$graph <- sigmajs::renderSigmajs({
#     g <- graph()
#     nodes <- g$nodes
#     # nodes <- .color_nodes(nodes, "group")
#     # nodes <- .size_nodes(nodes, "n_tweets")
#     edges <- g$edges
#     sigmajs::sigmajs(type = "webgl") %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_nodes(nodes, id, label, size, color, group) %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_edges(edges, id, source, target, type, size) %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_force(slowDown = 4) %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_kill() %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_drag_nodes() %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_force_stop(2500) %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_layout() %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_settings(
#         minArrowSize = 1,
#         batchEdgesDrawing = TRUE,
#         edgeColor = "default",
#         defaultEdgeColor = .get_edge_color(),
#         font = .get_font(),
#         labelThreshold = 9999
#       )
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$edges_colour, {
#     ns <- session$ns
#     edges <- isolate(graph()$edges)
#     df <- .color_edges(edges, input$edges_colour)
#     sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_change_edges_p(df, color, "color")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$colour, {
#     ns <- session$ns
#     nodes <- isolate(graph()$nodes)
#     df = .color_nodes(nodes, input$colour)
#     sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_change_nodes_p(df, color, "color")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$size, {
#     ns <- session$ns
#     nodes <- isolate(graph()$nodes)
#     df = .size_nodes(nodes, input$size)
#     sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_change_nodes_p(df, size, "size")
#   })
#   output$display <- renderText({
#     input$graph_click_node
#     user <- input$graph_click_node$label
#     user <- gsub("#", "", user)
#     tw <- ""
#     if(!is.null(input$graph_click_node$label) & !isTRUE(input$delete_nodes)){
#       tw <- tweets() %>%
#         filter(is_retweet %in% c(FALSE, input$include_retweets)) %>% 
#         select(
#           status_id,
#           screen_name,
#           retweet_count,
#           v2 = !!sym(input$network)
#         ) %>%
#         tidyr::separate_rows(v2) %>%
#         mutate(
#           screen_name = tolower(screen_name),
#           v2 = tolower(v2)
#         ) 
#       src <- tw %>%
#         filter(screen_name == user) %>%
#         arrange(-retweet_count) 
#       if(nrow(src) >= 1)
#         tw <- src %>%	
#         slice(1) %>% 
#         .get_tweet()
#       else
#         tw <- tw %>%
#         filter(v2 == user) %>%
#         arrange(-retweet_count) %>%
#         slice(1) %>%
#         .get_tweet()
#     }
#     if(inherits(tw, "error")){
#       tw <- ""
#       shinyjs::hide("display")
#     }
#     return(tw)
#   })
#   trend <- reactive({
#     .get_trend <- function(x = "%Y-%m-%d"){
#       tweets() %>%
#         filter(is_retweet %in% c(FALSE, input$include_retweets)) %>% 
#         mutate(
#           created_at = format(created_at, x)
#         ) %>%
#         count(created_at) %>%
#         pull(n) %>%
#         list(
#           trend = .,
#           format = x
#         )
#     }
#     trend <- .get_trend()
#     if(length(trend$trend) < 4)
#       trend <- .get_trend("%Y-%m-%d %H")
#     if(length(trend$trend) < 3)
#       trend <- .get_trend("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
#     if(length(trend$trend) < 2)
#       trend <- .get_trend("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#     return(trend)
#   })
#   output$trend_text <- renderUI({
#     p(strong("Tweets"), .get_time_scale(trend()$format))
#   })
#   output$trendline <- reactrend::renderReactrend({
#     trend()$trend %>%
#       reactrend::reactrend(
#         draw = TRUE,
#         gradient = .get_pal(),
#         smooth = TRUE,
#         stroke_width = 2,
#         line_cap = "round"
#       )
#   })
#   output$n_nodes <- renderUI({
#     p(
#       strong("Nodes:"),
#       prettyNum(
#         nrow(graph()$nodes),
#         big.mark = ","
#       )
#     )
#   })
#   output$n_edges <- renderUI({
#     p(
#       strong("Edges:"),
#       prettyNum(
#         nrow(graph()$edges),
#         big.mark = ","
#       )
#     )
#   })
#   output$n_tweets <- renderUI({
#     p(
#       strong("Tweets:"),
#       prettyNum(
#         nrow(tweets() %>% filter(is_retweet %in% c(FALSE, input$include_retweets))),
#         big.mark = ","
#       )
#     )
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$graph_click_node, {
#     node_clicked <- input$graph_click_node$label
#     ns <- session$ns
#     if(isTRUE(input$delete_nodes))
#       sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_drop_node_p(id = input$graph_click_node$id)
#     else {
#       sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>% 
#         sigmajs::sg_filter_neighbours_p(node = input$graph_click_node$id, "neighbours-filter")
#       shinyjs::show("display")
#       shinyjs::show("hide_tweet")
#     }
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$start_layout, {
#     ns <- session$ns
#     sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_force_start_p()
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$kill_layout, {
#     ns <- session$ns
#     sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_force_kill_p()
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$noverlap, {
#     ns <- session$ns
#     sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>%
#       sigmajs::sg_noverlap_p(nodeMargin = .05)
#   })
#   notification <- NULL
#   observeEvent(input$delete_nodes, {
#     if(isTRUE(input$delete_nodes)){
#       notification <<- showNotification(
#         "Click a node to delete it.",
#         duration = NULL,
#         type = "error",
#         closeButton = FALSE
#       )
#     } else {
#       if (!is.null(notification)) removeNotification(notification)
#       notification <<- NULL
#     }
#   })
#   shinyjs::hide("searchOptions")
#   observeEvent(input$addOpts, {
#     ns <- session$ns
#     shinyjs::toggle("searchOptions")
#   })
#   output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
#     filename = function() {
#       paste('chirp-', Sys.Date(), '.RData', sep='')
#     },
#     content = function(file) {
#       tw <- tweets() 
#       save(tw, file = file)
#     }
#   )
#   nodes <- data.frame()
#   nodes_clicked <- reactive({
#     if(!is.null(input$graph_click_nodes))
#       nodes <<- rbind.data.frame(input$graph_click_nodes, nodes) %>% 
#         slice(1:2)
#   })
#   output$source_indegree <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 1)
#     if(is.null(sel))
#       return("")
#     span(
#       strong("In-degree"),
#       graph()$nodes %>% 
#         filter(label == sel) %>% 
#         pull(in_degree) %>% 
#         round(.3)
#     )
#   })
#   output$source_outdegree <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 1)
#     if(is.null(sel))
#       return("")
#     span(
#       strong("Out-degree"),
#       graph()$nodes %>% 
#         filter(label == sel) %>% 
#         pull(out_degree) %>% 
#         round(.3)
#     )
#   })
#   output$source_pagerank <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 1)
#     if(is.null(sel))
#       return("")
#     span(
#       strong("Pagerank"),
#       graph()$nodes %>% 
#         filter(label == sel) %>% 
#         pull(pagerank) %>% 
#         round(.3)
#     )
#   })
#   output$source_eigen <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 1)
#     if(is.null(sel))
#       return("")
#     span(
#       strong("Eigen"),
#       graph()$nodes %>% 
#         filter(label == sel) %>% 
#         pull(eigen) %>% 
#         round(.3)
#     )
#   })
#   output$target_indegree <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 2)
#     if(!length(sel))
#       return("")
#     span(
#       strong("In-degree"),
#       graph()$nodes %>% 
#         filter(label == sel) %>% 
#         pull(in_degree) %>% 
#         round(.3)
#     )
#   })
#   output$target_outdegree <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 2)
#     if(!length(sel))
#       return("")
#     span(
#       strong("Out-degree"),
#       graph()$nodes %>% 
#         filter(label == sel) %>% 
#         pull(out_degree) %>% 
#         round(.3)
#     )
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$graph_click_stage, {
#     shinyjs::hide("display")
#     shinyjs::hide("hide_tweet")
#     ns <- session$ns
#     sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_filter_undo_p("neighbours-filter")
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$hide_tweet, {
#     shinyjs::hide("display")
#     shinyjs::hide("hide_tweet")
#   })
#   output$target_pagerank <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 2)
#     if(!length(sel))
#       return("")
#     span(
#       strong("Pagerank"),
#       graph()$nodes %>% 
#         filter(label == sel) %>% 
#         pull(pagerank) %>% 
#         round(.3)
#     )
#   })
#   output$target_eigen <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 2)
#     if(!length(sel))
#       return("")
#     span(
#       strong("Eigen"),
#       graph()$nodes %>% 
#         filter(label == sel) %>% 
#         pull(eigen) %>% 
#         round(.3)
#     )
#   })
#   output$selected_headline <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 1)
#     if(!is.null(sel))
#       h5(
#         "SELECTED NODES"
#       )
#   })
#   output$selected_source <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 1)
#     if(is.null(sel))
#       p(
#         "Select nodes to see their network metrics",
#         class = "text-warning"
#       )
#     else
#       h5(
#         tags$a(
#           .get_random_icon(),
#           href = paste0("https://twitter.com/", sel),
#           target = "_blank"
#         ),
#         sel
#       )
#   })
#   output$arrow_down <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 2)
#     if(!length(sel))
#       ""
#     else
#       icon("chevron-down", class = "fa-lg center_arrow")
#   })
#   output$selected_target <- renderUI({
#     sel <- .slice_node(nodes_clicked(), 2)
#     if(!length(sel))
#       span("")
#     else
#       h5(
#         tags$a(
#           .get_random_icon(),
#           href = paste0("https://twitter.com/", sel),
#           target = "_blank"
#         ),
#         sel
#       )
#   })
#   output$node_search_ui <- renderUI({
#     ns <- session$ns
#     ch <- graph()$nodes %>% 
#       pull(label)
#     selectizeInput(
#       ns("node_searched"),
#       "Search for a node",
#       multiple = FALSE,
#       choices = ch,
#       width = "100%"
#     )
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$search_node, {
#     ns <- session$ns
#     ratio <- .zoom(input$zoom)
#     id <- graph()$nodes  %>% 
#       mutate(id = 1:n()) %>% 
#       filter(label == input$node_searched) %>% 
#       pull(id)
#     sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_zoom_p(id - 1, duration = 1500, ratio = ratio)
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$node_size, {
#     ns <- session$ns
#     sigmajs::sigmajsProxy(ns("graph")) %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_filter_undo_p("lt") %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_filter_undo_p("gt") %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_filter_lt_p(input$node_size[2] + 1, "size", name = "lt") %>% 
#       sigmajs::sg_filter_gt_p(input$node_size[1] - 1, "size", name = "gt")
#   })
#   virtReal <- eventReactive(input$vr, {
#     vr <- ""
#     if(input$vr %% 2 == 1){
#       session$sendCustomMessage(
#         "load", 
#         "Get your headset!"
#       )
#       g <- graph()
#       nodes <- g$nodes
#       nodes <- .color_nodes(nodes, "group")
#       nodes <- .size_nodes(nodes, "n_tweets")
#       vr <- virtReal::virtReal$
#         new(n_label = "label")$ # initialise
#         nodes(nodes, id, size, color, label)$ # add nodes
#         links(graph()$edges, source, target)$ # add edges
#         build( # build
#           aframer::a_camera(
#             `wasd-controls` = "fly: true; acceleration: 600",
#             aframer::a_cursor(opacity = 0.5)
#           ),
#           aframer::a_sky(color=getOption("vr_background"))
#         )$ 
#         embed(width="100%", height = "80vh")
#       session$sendCustomMessage(
#         "unload", 
#         ""
#       )
#     } 
#     return(vr)
#   })
#   output$virtReal <- renderUI({
#     virtReal()
#   })
#   observeEvent(input$vr, {
#     shinyjs::toggle("virtReal")
#   })
# }
chasemc/ghosts documentation built on May 8, 2019, 12:50 a.m.