# Chong Wu
# email: wuxx0845@umn.edu
NMiSPU = function(y, X,tree,cov = NULL, model = c("gaussian", "binomial"), pow = c(2:8, Inf), n.perm = 1000){

    if (any(is.na(y))){
        ids = which(is.na(y))
        stop(paste("subjects", ids, "has missing response, please remove before proceed \n"))

        if(NROW(X)!= length(y)) stop("Dimensions of X and y don't match.")

    if (!is.null(X)){
        if (any(is.na(X))){
            stop("NAs in  covariates X, please impute or remove subjects which has missing covariates values")

    ## calcualte cum and br.len (branch length)
    GuniF.cum = NGUniFrac_cum(X,tree)
    cum = GuniF.cum$cum
    br.len = GuniF.cum$br.len
    br.len = as.matrix(br.len)

    # create weighted generalized taxa proportions
    cum2 = cum *matrix(rep(br.len,each = dim(cum)[2]),nrow = dim(cum)[1],ncol = dim(cum)[2],byrow = TRUE)

    tmp.cum = cum
    tmp.cum[tmp.cum != 0] = 1
    # create unweighted generalized taxa proportions
    cum3 = tmp.cum *matrix(rep(br.len,each = dim(cum)[2]),nrow = dim(cum)[1],ncol = dim(cum)[2],byrow = TRUE)

    # applying MiSPU and aMiSPU
    aSPU.res <- MiSPUR(y, t(cum3), t(cum2),cov = cov, model = model, pow = pow, n.perm = n.perm) # corrects the bug here. It should be y, instead of Y. Thanks anonymous reviewer for pointing this out.

chestnut55/NMiSPU documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:45 p.m.