
threshPred_UI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    tags$div(title='Create binary map of predicted presence/absence assuming all values above threshold value represent presence. Also can be interpreted as a "potential distribution" (see guidance).',
             selectInput(ns('predThresh'), label = "Set threshold",
                choices = list("No threshold" = 'noThresh',
                               "Minimum Training Presence" = 'mtp', 
                               "10 Percentile Training Presence" = 'p10')))

threshPred_MOD <- function(input, output, session, pred) {
    # generate binary prediction based on selected thresholding rule 
    # (same for all Maxent prediction types because they scale the same)
    if (input$predThresh != 'noThresh') {
      # find predicted values for occurrences for selected model
      # extract the suitability values for all occurrences
      occs.xy <- rvs$occs[c('longitude', 'latitude')]
      if (rvs$comp7.type == 'logistic') {
        predCur <- rvs$modPredsLog[[rvs$modSel]]
      } else if (rvs$comp7.type == 'cloglog') {
        predCur <- rvs$modPredsCLL[[rvs$modSel]]  
      } else {
        predCur <- rvs$modPreds[[rvs$modSel]]  
      # determine the threshold based on the current, not projected, prediction
      occPredVals <- raster::extract(predCur, occs.xy)
      # get the chosen threshold value
      x <- thresh(occPredVals, input$predThresh)  
      # threshold model prediction
      pred <- pred > x
      # rename
      names(pred) <- paste0(rvs$modSel, '_thresh_', input$predThresh)
      rvs %>% writeLog(input$predThresh, 'threshold selected: value =', 
                       round(x, digits = 3), '.')
    return(list(thresh=input$predThresh, pred=pred))
chhetrid/rangemapR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:09 a.m.