Man pages for chrarnold/GRaNIE
GRaNIE: Reconstruction cell type specific gene regulatory networks including enhancers using chromatin accessibility and RNA-seq data

addConnections_peak_geneAdd peak-gene connections to a 'GRN' object
addConnections_TF_peakAdd TF-peak connections to a 'GRN' object
addDataAdd data to a 'GRN' object
addData_TFActivityAdd TF activity data to GRN object using a simplified...
addTFBSAdd TFBS to a 'GRN' object
add_TF_gene_correlationAdd TF-gene correlations to a 'GRN' object. The information...
AR_classification_wrapperRun the activator-repressor classification for the TFs for a...
build_eGRN_graphBuilds a graph out of a set of connections
calculateCommunitiesEnrichmentEnrichment analysis for the genes in each community in the...
calculateCommunitiesStatsGenerate graph communities and their summarizing statistics
calculateGeneralEnrichmentRun an enrichment analysis for the genes in the filtered...
calculateTFEnrichmentCalculate TF-based GO enrichment
changeOutputDirectoryChange the output directory of a GRN object
deleteIntermediateDataOptional convenience function to delete intermediate data...
filterDataFilter data from a 'GRN' object
filterGRNAndConnectGenesFilter the GRN and integrate peak-gene connections.
generateStatsSummaryGenerate a summary PDF for the number of connections for a...
genes-methodsGet the number of genes for a 'GRN' object.
getCountsGet counts for the various data defined in a 'GRN' object
getGRNConnectionsExtract connections from a 'GRN' object
getParametersRetrieve parameters for previously used function calls and...
getTopNodesRetrieve top Nodes in the filtered 'GRN'
GRaNIE*GRaNIE* (*G*ene *R*egul*a*tory *N*etwork *I*nference...
GRN-classCreate, represent, investigate, quantify and visualize...
importTFDataImport externally derived TF Activity data. EXPERIMENTAL.
initializeGRNInitialize a 'GRN' object
loadExampleObjectLoad example GRN dataset
overlapPeaksAndTFBSOverlap peaks and TFBS for a 'GRN' object
peaks-methodsGet the number of peaks for a 'GRN' object.
performAllNetworkAnalysesPerform all network-related statistical and descriptive...
plotCommunitiesEnrichmentPlot community-based enrichment results
plotCommunitiesStatsPlot general structure & connectivity statistics for each...
plotDiagnosticPlots_peakGenePlot diagnostic plots for peak-gene connections for a 'GRN'...
plotDiagnosticPlots_TFPeaksPlot diagnostic plots for TF-peak connections for a 'GRN'...
plotGeneralEnrichmentPlot the general enrichement results
plotGeneralGraphStatsPlot general structure and connectivity statistics for a...
plotPCA_allProduce a PCA plot of the data from a 'GRN' object
plot_stats_connectionSummaryPlot various network connectivity summaries for a 'GRN'...
plotTFEnrichmentPlot TF-based GO enrichment results
visualizeGRNVisualize a filtered GRN.
chrarnold/GRaNIE documentation built on April 28, 2022, 2:18 a.m.