
#'@title addTrans
#'@description addTrans function for making plot colours transparent
#'@param color Colour for plotting
#'@param trans Transparency ranging 0 - 255, 0 being fully transparent and 255
#'    fully visible
#'@return res colour code for direct use in plotting

addTrans <- function(color,trans)
  # This function adds transparancy to a color.
  # Define transparancy with an integer between 0 and 255
  # 0 being fully transparant and 255 being fully visable
  # Works with either color and trans a vector of equal length,
  # or one of the two of length 1.

  if (length(color)!=length(trans)&!any(c(length(color),length(trans))==1)) stop("Vector lengths not correct")
  if (length(color)==1 & length(trans)>1) color <- rep(color,length(trans))
  if (length(trans)==1 & length(color)>1) trans <- rep(trans,length(color))

  num2hex <- function(x)
    hex <- unlist(strsplit("0123456789ABCDEF",split=""))
  rgb <- rbind(col2rgb(color),trans)
  res <- paste("#",apply(apply(rgb,2,num2hex),2,paste,collapse=""),sep="")
chrisjw18/OxygenEvol documentation built on May 12, 2019, 5:23 p.m.