
#' #' Calculate auc for a scored data set.
#' #' @description Specify one of the scored data sets. get_auc will calculate the
#' #' AUC for that set and append it to a vector of auc values.
#' #' @param data_name The name of the data set, defined in the report list.
#' #' @param fold An optional param to calculate AUC split by the named column. Useful
#' #' for calculating AUC on cross-validation sets.
#' #' @return Returns the auc for a given data set. 
#' get_auc <- function(data_name, fold=NA){
#'   data <- s3read(get_set(data_name))
#'   calc <- function(x){
#'     pred <- ROCR::prediction(x[['score']], x[['dep_var']])
#'     ROCR::performance(pred, "auc")@y.values[[1]]
#'   }
#'   #TODO: Not sure if this actually works anymore with data that has folds. 
#'   out <- if(!is.na(fold)){
#'     sapply(split(data, data[[fold]]), calc)
#'   }else{
#'     calc(data)
#'   }
#'   out
#' }
#' #' Calculate AUCs for all scored sets.
#' #' @description Just sapply get_auc across every scored_set.
#' #' @param data_paths A vector of the scored set names
#' #' @param folds An optional vector of the names of fold columns. Defaults to NA,
#' #' and will recycle. #'
#' #' @return AUC measures for each data set. 
#' #' @export
#' get_aucs <- function(data_names, folds=NA, location="auc$val"){
#'   mapply(get_auc, data_names, folds) %>% add_element(location)
#' }
#' #' Adds decile info to report.
#' #' @description Create a dataframe with set name, x column decile, and expected
#' #' and actual scores. Also appends a plot visualizing the differences between
#' #' expected and actual values.
#' #' @param scored_sets The names of the scored data sets.
#' #' @param xcol Which column to use as an expected score, ranked by decile. 
#' #' Defaults to 'score', but could be used for other rank-orderings.
#' #' @param ycol Which column to use as the actual measure. Defaults to 'dep_var',
#' #' but could be used on custom measures. 
#' #' @return A plot to show expected vs. actual by score, and the tables used to
#' #' create that plot. 
#' #' @export
#' make_decile_tables <- function(
#'     scored_sets
#'   , xcol = 'score'
#'   , ycol='dep_var'
#'   , location = 'performance'
#' ){
#'   #Function to create single table
#'   decile_table <- function(scored_set, xcol, ycol){
#'     data <- s3read(get_set(scored_set))
#'     if(length(unique(data[[xcol]])) <= 10){
#'       lvls = unique(data[[xcol]])
#'     }else{
#'       lvls = data[xcol] %>% {c(unique(.[. < 0 | . == 999]), quantile(.[. > 0],0:10/10))}
#'     }
#'     data %>%
#'       mutate_(decile = xcol, .dots=xcol) %>%
#'       mutate_(target = ycol, .dots=ycol) %>%
#'       mutate(decile = cut(decile, unique(sort(lvls)), labels=F, include.lowest=T)) %>%
#'       group_by(expected_decile = decile) %>%
#'       summarise(
#'          count=n()
#'         ,set=scored_set
#'         ,expected = mean(score)
#'         ,actual = mean(target)
#'       ) %>%
#'       as.data.frame
#'   }
#'   scored_sets %>%
#'     lapply(function(y) decile_table(y, xcol, ycol)) %>%
#'     do.call(rbind, .) %>%
#'     add_element(paste0(location,'$decile_table$',xcol,'_v_',ycol))
#'   get_element(paste0(location,'$decile_table$',xcol,'_v_',ycol)) %>%
#'     {
#'       qplot(expected_decile, expected, data=., geom="line", color="black") +
#'         geom_point(aes(y=actual, color="darkred")) +
#'         geom_col(aes(y = count/sum(count), fill="navyblue"),alpha=I(0.20)) +
#'         facet_wrap(~set) +
#'         scale_fill_manual(
#'            name = "test"
#'           ,values=c('navyblue'='navyblue')
#'           ,labels = c('Volume')
#'         ) +
#'         scale_color_manual(
#'           name = "test"
#'           ,values=c('black'='black','darkred'='darkred')
#'           ,labels = c('Expected','Actual')
#'         ) +
#'         ggtitle('Validation Plot')
#'     } %>% store_plot(paste0(xcol,'_v_',ycol)) %>%
#'     add_element(paste0(location,'$decile_plot$',xcol,'_v_',ycol))
#' }
christiantillich/syberiaReports documentation built on July 24, 2019, 1:56 p.m.