
Defines functions change PercChange

Documented in change PercChange

#' Calculate the percentage change from a specified lag, including within groups
#' @param data a data frame object.
#' @param Var a character string naming the variable you would like to find the
#' percentage change for.
#' @param GroupVar a character string naming the variable grouping the units
#' within which the percentage change will be found for (i.e. countries in a
#' time series). If \code{GroupVar} is missing then the entire data frame is
#' treated as one unit.
#' @param NewVar a character string specifying the name for the new variable to
#' place the percentage change in.
#' @param slideBy numeric value specifying how many rows (time units) to make
#' the change comparison for. Positive values shift the data up--lead
#' the data.
#' @param type character string set at either \code{percent} for percentages or
#' \code{proportion} to find proportions.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{slide}}.
#' @return a data frame
#' @details Finds the percentage or proportion change for over a given time
#' period either within groups of data or the whole data frame. Important: the
#' data must be in time order and, if groups are used, group-time order.
#' @examples
#' # Create fake data frame
#' A <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' B <- c(1:10)
#' Data <- data.frame(A, B)
#' # Find percentage change from two periods before
#' Out <- PercChange(Data, Var = 'B',
#'          type = 'proportion',
#'          NewVar = 'PercentChange',
#'          slideBy = -2)
#' Out
#' @export

PercChange <- function(data, Var, GroupVar, NewVar, slideBy = -1,
                       type = "percent", ...){
    warning('PercChange is depricated. Please use change.', call. = F)
    if (!(type %in% c('proportion', 'percent'))){
        stop("type must be either 'proportion' or 'percent'." )
    if (missing(NewVar)){
        NewVar = paste0(Var, '_PChangeFrom', slideBy)
    Temp <- slide(data = data, Var = Var, GroupVar = GroupVar, NewVar = NewVar,
                slideBy = slideBy, ...)
    Temp[, NewVar] <- (Temp[, Var]- Temp[, NewVar])/Temp[, NewVar]

    if (type == 'percent'){
        Temp[, NewVar] <- Temp[, NewVar]*100

#' Calculate the changes (absolute, percent, and proportion) changes from a
#' specified lag, including within groups
#' @param data a data frame object.
#' @param Var a character string naming the variable you would like to find the
#' percentage change for.
#' @param GroupVar a character string naming the variable grouping the units
#' within which the percentage change will be found for (i.e. countries in a
#' time series). If \code{GroupVar} is missing then the entire data frame is
#' treated as one unit.
#' @param TimeVar optional character string naming the time variable. If
#' specified then the data is ordered by Var-TimeVar before finding the change.
#' @param NewVar a character string specifying the name for the new variable to
#' place the percentage change in.
#' @param slideBy numeric value specifying how many rows (time units) to make
#' the percentage change comparison for. Positive values shift the data up--lead
#' the data.
#' @param type character string set at \code{absolute}, \code{percent} for
#' percentages, or \code{proportion} to find proportions.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{slide}}.
#' @return a data frame
#' @details Finds the absolute, percentage, or proportion change for over a
#' given time period either within groups of data or the whole data frame.
#' Important: the data must be in time order and, if groups are used,
#' group-time order.
#' @examples
#' # Create fake data frame
#' A <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' B <- c(1:10)
#' Data <- data.frame(A, B)
#' # Find percentage change from two periods before
#' Out <- change(Data, Var = 'B',
#'          type = 'proportion',
#'          NewVar = 'PercentChange',
#'          slideBy = -2)
#' Out
#' @export

change <- function(data, Var, GroupVar, TimeVar, NewVar, slideBy = -1,
                       type = "percent", ...){
    if (!(type %in% c('absolute', 'proportion', 'percent'))){
        stop("type must be 'absolute', 'proportion', or 'percent'." )
    if (missing(NewVar)){
        NewVar = paste0(Var, '_PChangeFrom', slideBy)
    Temp <- slide(data = data, Var = Var, GroupVar = GroupVar, NewVar = NewVar,
                  slideBy = slideBy, ...)

    if (type == 'absolute') {
        Temp[, NewVar] <- Temp[, Var] - Temp[, NewVar]

    if (type == 'proportion') {
        Temp[, NewVar] <- (Temp[, Var] - Temp[, NewVar])/Temp[, NewVar]

    if (type == 'percent'){
        Temp[, NewVar] <- (Temp[, Var] - Temp[, NewVar])/Temp[, NewVar]
        Temp[, NewVar] <- Temp[, NewVar]*100
christophergandrud/DataCombine documentation built on June 18, 2020, 6:40 p.m.