
Defines functions TimeFill

Documented in TimeFill

#' Creates a continuous Unit-Time-Dummy data frame from a data frame with
#' Unit-Start-End times
#' @param data a data frame with a Group, Start, and End variables.
#' @param GroupVar a character string naming the variable grouping the units
#' within which the new dummy variable will be found.
#' @param StartVar a character string indicating the variable with the starting
#' times of some series.
#' @param EndVar a character string indicating the variable with the ending
#' times of some series.
#' @param NewVar a character string specifying the name of the new dummy
#' variable for the series. The default is \code{TimeFilled}.
#' @param NewTimeVar a character string specifying the name of the new time
#' variable. The default is \code{Time}.
#' @param KeepStartStop logical indicating whether or not to keep the
#' \code{StartVar} and \code{EndVar} variables in the output data frame.
#' @return Returns a data frame with at least three columns, with the
#' \code{GroupVar}, \code{NewTimeVar}, and a new dummy variable with the name
#' specified by \code{NewVar}. This variable is \code{1} for every time
#' increment between and including \code{StartVar} and \code{EndVar}. It is
#' \code{0} otherwise.
#' @examples
#' # Create fake data
#' country = c('Panama', 'Korea', 'Korea', 'Germany', 'Finland')
#' start = c(1995, 1980, 2004, 2000, 2012)
#' end = c(1995, 2001, 2010, 2002, 2014)
#' Data <- data.frame(country, start, end)
#' # TimeFill
#' FilledData <- TimeFill(Data, GroupVar = 'country',
#'                  StartVar = 'start', EndVar = 'end')
#' # Show selection from TimeFill-ed data
#' FilledData[90:100, ]
#' @export

TimeFill <- function(data, GroupVar, StartVar, EndVar, NewVar = 'TimeFilled',
                     NewTimeVar = 'Time', KeepStartStop = FALSE)
    # Warnings
    if (class(data[, StartVar]) != 'numeric'){
        message(paste0('Converting ', deparse(substitute(StartVar)),
                       ' to numeric. Things might get wacky. Please check.'))
        data[, StartVar] <- as.character(data[, StartVar])
        data[, StartVar] <- as.numeric(data[, StartVar])
    if (class(data[, EndVar]) != 'numeric'){
        message(paste0('Converting ', deparse(substitute(EndVar)),
                       ' to numeric. Things might get wacky. Please check.'))
        data[, EndVar] <- as.character(data[, EndVar])
        data[, EndVar] <- as.numeric(data[, EndVar])

    # Keep only basic data
    Sub <- data[, c(GroupVar, StartVar, EndVar)]

    # Find minimum and maximum times and create full extent of time
    Min <- min(Sub[, StartVar])
    Max <- max(Sub[, EndVar])
    Time <- Min:Max

    UniGroup <- unique(Sub[, GroupVar])

    Full <- merge(UniGroup, Time)
    names(Full) <- c(GroupVar, NewTimeVar)
    Full <- Full[order(Full[, GroupVar], Full[, NewTimeVar]), ]
    Full <- merge(Full, Sub, by = GroupVar)

    # Create dummy variable
    Full[, NewVar] <- 0
    Full[, NewVar][Full[, StartVar] == Full[, NewTimeVar]] <- 1
    Full[, NewVar][Full[, EndVar] == Full[, NewTimeVar]] <- 1
    Full[, NewVar][Full[, StartVar] < Full[, NewTimeVar] & Full[, NewTimeVar] < Full[, EndVar]] <- 1

    # Drop unneeded duplicates
    Full <- Full[order(Full[, GroupVar], Full[, NewTimeVar], Full[, NewVar]), ]
    Full <- Full[!duplicated(Full[, c(GroupVar, NewTimeVar)], fromLast = TRUE), ]

    if (!isTRUE(KeepStartStop)){
        Full <- VarDrop(Full, c(StartVar, EndVar))

christophergandrud/DataCombine documentation built on June 18, 2020, 6:40 p.m.