
Defines functions factors_weight_IC factors_weight_return factors_weight_pca factors_weight_equal weight_formula composite_factor

Documented in composite_factor factors_weight_equal weight_formula

#' Build composite factor by aggregating related factors
#' Composite factor is built by aggregating formula coming from weight of
#' similar or correlated factors, which is determined by various methods, such as ....
#' How to build composition
#' @param ds_factors  a factors dataset.
#' @param aggregate_formula a formula to aggregate factors into new factor,
#' e.g. \code{composite_factor ~ 0.33*PE + 0.33*PB + 0.33*PS}.
#' @param drop  a logic to determine whether to drop original factors in the
#' result datasets, by default TRUE.
#' @return            a dataset of new factor.
#' @export
composite_factor <- function(ds_factors,
                             drop = TRUE) {

  # Validate params

  aggregate_formula <- rlang::enquo(aggregate_formula)
  formula_string <- rlang::quo_text(aggregate_formula)
  deparse_formula <- stringr::str_split(formula_string,
    pattern = "\\s*~\\s*", n = 2
  if (length(deparse_formula) == 2) {
    factor_var <- rlang::parse_expr(deparse_formula[1])
    factor_formula <- rlang::parse_expr(deparse_formula[2])
  } else {
    factor_var <- rlang::parse_expr("composite_factor")
    factor_formula <- rlang::parse_expr(deparse_formula[1])

  # Make sure compute factors are valid fields in ds_fators
  compute_factors <- all.vars(factor_formula)
  is_valid_formula_factor <- compute_factors %in% names(ds_factors)
  if (!all(is_valid_formula_factor)) {
    msg <- sprintf(
      "factors(%s): not vaild factor field of factors dataset",
      stringr::str_c(compute_factors[!is_valid_formula_factor], collapse = ",")

  ds_result_factors <- ds_factors %>%
    dplyr::mutate(!!factor_var := !!factor_formula)

  if (drop) {
    origin_fields <- names(ds_result_factors)
    output_fields <- origin_fields[!(origin_fields %in% compute_factors)]

    ds_result_factors <- ds_result_factors %>%


#' Build aggregating formula of composite factor
#' Aggregating formula is built from weight of similar or correlated factors
#' Composite factor is built by aggregating formula coming from weight of
#' similar or correlated factors, which is determined by various methods, such as ....
#' @param factors_weight  a list of factor weight with columns of factor_name and
#' factor_weight.
#' @param new_factor_name a name of composite factor, by default "composite_factor".
#' @return            a formula of compoiste factor,
#' like \code{composite_factor ~ 0.33*PE + 0.33*PB + 0.33*PS}.
#' @export
weight_formula <- function(factors_weight,
                           new_factor_name = "composite_factor") {

  weight_formula_string <- stringr::str_c(factors_weight$factor_name,
    round(factors_weight$factor_weight, 3),
    sep = "*",
    collapse = "+"

  if (!is.null(new_factor_name) && (!length(new_factor_name) == 0)) {
    weight_formula_string <- stringr::str_c(
      " ~ ",

  weight_formula <- rlang::parse_expr(weight_formula_string)
  weight_formula <- as.formula(weight_formula)


#' Compute factors weight for compositing factor by equal-weight method
#' Compute factors weight by giving each factor equal weight of
#' \eqn{1/number of factors}. The result of factors weight could be used for
#' \code{\link{weight_formula}} to build a formula of composite factor
#' @param factors_list  a list of factors.
#' @return      a list of factorS weight with columns of factor_name, factor_weight.
#' @export
factors_weight_equal <- function(factors_list) {

  # Validate params

  factor_weight_list <- rep(1 / length(factors_list), length(factors_list))

  factors_weight <- list(
    factor_name = factors_list,
    factor_weight = factor_weight_list


# compute factor weights by PCA method
factors_weight_pca <- function(ds_factors_return) {

  # Validate params

# compute factor weights by historical returns method
factors_weight_return <- function(ds_factors_return) {

  # Validate params

# compute factor weights by histocial ICs method
factors_weight_IC <- function(ds_factors_IC) {

  # Validate params
chriszheng2016/zstmodelr documentation built on June 13, 2021, 8:59 p.m.