
Defines functions is_type_field verify_fields

Documented in is_type_field verify_fields

# Utility functions - fields

#' Verify existence of fields in data
#' Verify whether some fields exist in the data or not.
#' @param  data   A dataframe or matrix to check.
#' @param  fields A character vector of field names to check.
#' @family utils_fields
#' @return  Invisible NULL if succeed, otherwise raise error.
#' @export
verify_fields <- function(data, fields) {

  # validate params
  data_sym <- rlang::ensym(data)


  all_fields <- names(data)

  # check whether the fields are exist in data
  fields_are_existed <- fields %in% all_fields
  if (any(!fields_are_existed)) {
    msg <- sprintf(
      "Some fields(%s) don't exist in %s",

#' Check whether fields are specified type
#' Predicate fields of dataframe are specified type or not.
#' @note
#'  numeric means integer or double; double don't include date.
#' @param data     A vector of date/timestamps.
#' @param expect_type A character of type to test, e.g. "numeric", "integer",
#'   "double", "character", "date", "factor", "list", "NA"
#' @param negate  A logic flag of whether to negate expect_type of not,
#'   Default FALSE means
#'   not to negate the expect_type.
#' @param predicate_fun  A function used as testing, return TRUE if matched.
#'   Default NULL means not to use predicate_fun for testing.
#' @param ... Params to predicate_fun.
#' @family utils_fields
#' @return  return a vectors of logical with same length of names of dataframe.
#' @export
is_type_field <- function(data, expect_type = c(
                          negate = FALSE,
                          predicate_fun = NULL,
                          ...) {
  # validate params

  # build fun of expecation
  if (is.null(predicate_fun)) {
    expect_type <- match.arg(expect_type)
    predicate_fun <- switch(expect_type,
      "numeric" = {
        # numeric means an object of typeof integer or double
        # purrr::as_mapper(~(inherits(., what = "numeric")))
        purrr::as_mapper(~ (is.numeric(.)))
      "integer" = {
        purrr::as_mapper(~ (typeof(.) == "integer"))
      "double" = {
        # need to exclude Date type whose tyepof also is double
        purrr::as_mapper(~ (typeof(.) == "double" &&
          (!inherits(., what = "Date"))))
      "character" = {
        purrr::as_mapper(~ (typeof(.) == "character"))
      "date" = {
        purrr::as_mapper(~ (inherits(., what = "Date")))
      "factor" = {
        purrr::as_mapper(~ (is.factor(.)))
      "list" = {
        # list means to coloum-list
        purrr::as_mapper(~ (typeof(.) == "list"))
      "NA" = {
        # NA means all data in a coloum are NA
        purrr::as_mapper(~ (all(is.na(.))))
  } else {
    predicate_fun <- predicate_fun

  # need to get negative expected fields
  if (negate) {
    predicate_fun <- purrr::negate(predicate_fun)

  # use fun of expection to get result
  are_expect_fields <- purrr::map_lgl(data, predicate_fun, ...)


#' Identify fields with specified type
#' Get the field names of dataframe with specified type.
#' @inheritParams is_type_field
#' @return A vectors of field names with specified type. If no field is
#'   expect type, return a character(0).
#' @family utils_fields
#' @export
expect_type_fields <- function(data, expect_type = c(
                               negate = FALSE,
                               predicate_fun = NULL,
                               ...) {
  # validate params

  # find out whether field is specified type
  are_expect_fields <- is_type_field(data,
    expect_type = expect_type,
    negate = negate,
    predicate_fun = predicate_fun,
  all_fields <- names(data)
  expect_fields <- all_fields[are_expect_fields]

chriszheng2016/zstmodelr documentation built on June 13, 2021, 8:59 p.m.