run_long_tests <- identical("true", Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"))
if (run_long_tests) {
# Environment variables from GH actions
ess_email <- Sys.getenv("ESS_EMAIL")
round_one <- import_rounds(1, ess_email)
# Test for all rounds
available_rounds <- show_rounds()
all_rounds <- import_rounds(available_rounds, ess_email)
test_that("import_rounds checks for args", {
regexp = "length(rounds) > 0",
fixed = TRUE)
test_that("download_rounds checks for args", {
regexp = "length(rounds) > 0",
fixed = TRUE)
test_that("import_round for only one round", {
# check is list
expect_is(round_one, "data.frame")
# check it is the first round
expect_true(unique(round_one$essround) == 1)
# check that the number of rows is greater than 0
expect_gt(nrow(round_one), 0)
# check that the number of columns is greater than 0
expect_gt(ncol(round_one), 0)
test_that("import_round for all rounds", {
# check is list
expect_is(all_rounds, "list")
# check is length seven
expect_length(all_rounds, length(available_rounds))
# check that all ess returns data frames
function(x) "data.frame" %in% class(x),
FUN.VALUE = logical(1))))
# Check that all rounds are indeed the first seven rounds
function(x) unique(x$essround),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) == available_rounds))
# check that all data frames have more than 0 rows
expect_equal(all(vapply(all_rounds, nrow, numeric(1)) > 0), TRUE)
# check that all data frames have more than 0 columns
expect_equal(all(vapply(all_rounds, ncol, numeric(1)) > 0), TRUE)
test_that("download_round for downloading works fine", {
# Test whether you get a message where the downloads are at
expect_message(downloads <-
output_dir = tempdir(),
format = "stata"),
"All files saved to")
# Test whether the downloaded files are indeed there
ess_files <- list.files(downloads, pattern = "ESS", recursive = TRUE)
# Same number of stata files as the rounds attempted
# to download?
expect_equal(sum(grepl(".dta", ess_files)), 1)
# Same number of zip files as the rounds attempted
# to download?
expect_equal(sum(grepl(".zip", ess_files)), 1)
# Same number of do files as the rounds attempted
# to download?
expect_equal(sum(grepl(".do", ess_files)), 1)
# Delete all downloaded files
unlink(downloads, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
test_that("output_dir should be valid", {
# Here output_dir is set to NULL
output_dir = NULL))
test_that("import_round files with other non-stata format", {
# Test for only one wave
wave_one <- import_rounds(1, ess_email, format = "spss")
# check is list
expect_is(wave_one, "data.frame")
# check that the number of rows is greater than 0
expect_gt(nrow(wave_one), 0)
# check that the number of columns is greater than 0
expect_gt(ncol(wave_one), 0)
test_that("Specify 'sas' for import_rounds data throws error",{
expect_error(import_rounds(1, ess_email, format = "sas"),
"You cannot read SAS but only 'spss' and 'stata' files with this function") # nolint
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