
Defines functions get_cooccurrence_matrix

Documented in get_cooccurrence_matrix

# Given a document-topic matrix (rows are documents) returns a topic cooccurrence matrix
# R version 3.6

get_cooccurrence_matrix <- function(df) {
  # Load libraries
  # Get row and column indices of non-zero elements as a dataframe
  # Column names are "row" and "col"
  df_nz <- as.data.frame(which(df != 0, arr.ind = T))

  # Get list of sorted documents (unique row indices) and topics (unique column indices)
  rows <- sort(unique(df_nz$row))
  cols <- sort(unique(df_nz$col))

  # Find cooccurring pairs (n choose 2 combinations)
  df_comb_list <- list()
  for(i in rows) {
      df_comb_list[[i]] <-
        df_nz %>%
        filter(row == i) %>%
        select(col) %>%
        t() %>% combn(2) %>% t(),
      # Do nothing upon error, but NULL value will be added to df_comb_list
      error = function(e) {}

  # List of non-NULL combo dfs
  df_comb_list <- df_comb_list[lengths(df_comb_list) != 0]
  # Single df of combos
  df_combs <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, df_comb_list))

  # Initialize coocurrence matrix
  cooccurrence_matrix <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = length(cols), nrow = length(cols)))
  rownames(cooccurrence_matrix) <- cols
  colnames(cooccurrence_matrix) <- cols

  # Fill matrix
  for (i in seq(nrow(df_combs))) {
    rn <- toString(df_combs[i, 1])  # Row name
    cn <- toString(df_combs[i, 2])  # Column name
    cooccurrence_matrix[rn, cn] <- cooccurrence_matrix[rn, cn] + 1

ckstash/coocmat documentation built on Nov. 12, 2020, 7:44 p.m.