
Defines functions c_with_literals oneUsage columnsUsed

# TODO: Have CodeAnalysis::readFaster use this code.

# find the names of all columns of the data frame `dfname` that code uses.
# See tests for what it currently does and does not handle
columnsUsed = function(code, dfname)

    locations = find_var(code, dfname)
    found = character()
    for(loc in locations){
        r = oneUsage(loc, code, dfname)
        status = r[["status"]]
        if(status == "all_columns")
        found = c(found, r[["found"]])
        if(status == "complete")

# Return a list with the columns found and a status
oneUsage = function(loc, code, dfname, subset_funcs = c("[", "[["), assign_funcs = c("=", "<-"))
    out = list(status = "continue", found = NULL)
    ll = length(loc)

    # Handle all possible cases

    parent = code[[loc[-ll]]]
    parent_func = as.character(parent[[1]])

    if(parent_func %in% assign_funcs){
        # Assignment to the variable.
        # This can be more robust - For now we'll handle it in the rhs.

    if(!(parent_func %in% subset_funcs)){
        # We don't know about this function, so assume the worst, that it uses all columns
        out[["status"]] = "all_columns"

    # Assumes that the column is the last argument,
    # which is true for common uses of `[` and `[[`.
    # We can't use match.call here because `[` is Primitive
    colcode = parent[[length(parent)]]

    if(is.character(colcode) || c_with_literals(colcode)){
        # It's just a character vector, safe to evaluate
        out[["found"]] = eval(colcode)
    } else {
        # It's not a simple character vector, so assume the worst, that it uses all columns
        out[["status"]] = "all_columns"

    grandparent = code[[loc[-c(ll-1, ll)]]]
    grandparent_func = as.character(grandparent[[1]])

    # The special case when we reassign into the same variable
    if(grandparent_func %in% assign_funcs){
        varname = as.character(grandparent[[2L]])
        if(varname == dfname){
            out[["status"]] = "complete"


# Check if expr creates a character vector from literals, meaning it looks like c("foo", "bar", ...)
c_with_literals = function(expr)
    if(as.character(expr[[1]]) != "c")
    for(i in seq(2, length(expr))){
        if(class(expr[[i]]) != "character")
clarkfitzg/codedoctor documentation built on Nov. 18, 2020, 4:34 p.m.