
# Imported from:
#    https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/v1.6.2/R/pkg/R/utils.R
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Fast append to list by using an accumulator.
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17046336/here-we-go-again-append-an-element-to-a-list-in-r
# The accumulator should has three fields size, counter and data.
# This function amortizes the allocation cost by doubling
# the size of the list every time it fills up.
addItemToAccumulator <- function(acc, item) {
  if (acc$counter == acc$size) {
    acc$size <- acc$size * 2
    length(acc$data) <- acc$size
  acc$counter <- acc$counter + 1
  acc$data[[acc$counter]] <- item

initAccumulator <- function() {
  acc <- new.env()
  acc$counter <- 0
  acc$data <- list(NULL)
  acc$size <- 1

# Utility function to recursively traverse the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of a
# user defined function (UDF), and to examine variables in the UDF to decide
# if their values should be included in the new function environment.
# param
#   node The current AST node in the traversal.
#   oldEnv The original function environment.
#   defVars An Accumulator of variables names defined in the function's calling environment,
#           including function argument and local variable names.
#   checkedFunc An environment of function objects examined during cleanClosure. It can
#               be considered as a "name"-to-"list of functions" mapping.
#   newEnv A new function environment to store necessary function dependencies, an output argument.
processClosure <- function(node, oldEnv, defVars, checkedFuncs, newEnv) {
  nodeLen <- length(node)
  if (nodeLen > 1 && typeof(node) == "language") {
    # Recursive case: current AST node is an internal node, check for its children.
    if (length(node[[1]]) > 1) {
      for (i in 1:nodeLen) {
        processClosure(node[[i]], oldEnv, defVars, checkedFuncs, newEnv)
    } else {
      # if node[[1]] is length of 1, check for some R special functions.
      nodeChar <- as.character(node[[1]])
      if (nodeChar == "{" || nodeChar == "(") {
        # Skip start symbol.
        for (i in 2:nodeLen) {
          processClosure(node[[i]], oldEnv, defVars, checkedFuncs, newEnv)
      } else if (nodeChar == "<-" || nodeChar == "=" ||
                 nodeChar == "<<-") {
        # Assignment Ops.
        defVar <- node[[2]]
        if (length(defVar) == 1 && typeof(defVar) == "symbol") {
          # Add the defined variable name into defVars.
          addItemToAccumulator(defVars, as.character(defVar))
        } else {
          processClosure(node[[2]], oldEnv, defVars, checkedFuncs, newEnv)
        for (i in 3:nodeLen) {
          processClosure(node[[i]], oldEnv, defVars, checkedFuncs, newEnv)
      } else if (nodeChar == "function") {
        # Function definition.
        # Add parameter names.
        newArgs <- names(node[[2]])
        lapply(newArgs, function(arg) { addItemToAccumulator(defVars, arg) })
        for (i in 3:nodeLen) {
          processClosure(node[[i]], oldEnv, defVars, checkedFuncs, newEnv)
      } else if (nodeChar == "$") {
        # Skip the field.
        processClosure(node[[2]], oldEnv, defVars, checkedFuncs, newEnv)
      } else if (nodeChar == "::" || nodeChar == ":::") {
        processClosure(node[[3]], oldEnv, defVars, checkedFuncs, newEnv)
      } else {
        for (i in 1:nodeLen) {
          processClosure(node[[i]], oldEnv, defVars, checkedFuncs, newEnv)
  } else if (nodeLen == 1 &&
             (typeof(node) == "symbol" || typeof(node) == "language")) {
    # Base case: current AST node is a leaf node and a symbol or a function call.
    nodeChar <- as.character(node)
    if (!nodeChar %in% defVars$data) {
      # Not a function parameter or local variable.
      func.env <- oldEnv
      topEnv <- parent.env(.GlobalEnv)
      # Search in function environment, and function's enclosing environments
      # up to global environment. There is no need to look into package environments
      # above the global or namespace environment that is not sparklyr below the global,
      # as they are assumed to be loaded on workers.
      while (!identical(func.env, topEnv)) {
        # Namespaces other than "sparklyr" will not be searched.
        if (!isNamespace(func.env) ||
            (getNamespaceName(func.env) == "sparklyr" &&
             !(nodeChar %in% getNamespaceExports("sparklyr")))) {
          # Only include sparklyr internals.
          # Set parameter 'inherits' to FALSE since we do not need to search in
          # attached package environments.
          if (tryCatch(exists(nodeChar, envir = func.env, inherits = FALSE),
                       error = function(e) { FALSE })) {
            obj <- get(nodeChar, envir = func.env, inherits = FALSE)
            if (is.function(obj)) {
              # If the node is a function call.
              funcList <- mget(nodeChar, envir = checkedFuncs, inherits = F,
                               ifnotfound = list(list(NULL)))[[1]]
              found <- sapply(funcList, function(func) {
                ifelse(identical(func, obj), TRUE, FALSE)
              if (sum(found) > 0) {
                # If function has been examined, ignore.
              # Function has not been examined, record it and recursively clean its closure.
                     if (is.null(funcList[[1]])) {
                     } else {
                       append(funcList, obj)
                     envir = checkedFuncs)
              obj <- cleanClosure(obj, checkedFuncs)
            assign(nodeChar, obj, envir = newEnv)
        # Continue to search in enclosure.
        func.env <- parent.env(func.env)

# Utility function to get user defined function (UDF) dependencies (closure).
# More specifically, this function captures the values of free variables defined
# outside a UDF, and stores them in the function's environment.
# param
#   func A function whose closure needs to be captured.
#   checkedFunc An environment of function objects examined during cleanClosure. It can be
#               considered as a "name"-to-"list of functions" mapping.
# return value
#   a new version of func that has an correct environment (closure).
cleanClosure <- function(func, checkedFuncs = new.env()) {
  if (is.function(func)) {
    newEnv <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
    func.body <- body(func)
    oldEnv <- environment(func)
    # defVars is an Accumulator of variables names defined in the function's calling
    # environment. First, function's arguments are added to defVars.
    defVars <- initAccumulator()
    argNames <- names(as.list(args(func)))
    for (i in 1:(length(argNames) - 1)) {
      # Remove the ending NULL in pairlist.
      addItemToAccumulator(defVars, argNames[i])
    # Recursively examine variables in the function body.
    processClosure(func.body, oldEnv, defVars, checkedFuncs, newEnv)
    environment(func) <- newEnv
clarkfitzg/rddlist documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:35 p.m.