Man pages for claudiacava/StarBioTrek

averageFor TCGA data get human pathway data and creates a matrix...
Data_CANCER_normUQ_filtTCGA data
ds_score_crtlkFor TCGA data get human pathway data and creates a measure of...
euc_dist_crtlkFor TCGA data get human pathway data and creates a measure of...
GE_matrixGet human KEGG pathway data and a gene expression matrix in...
getKEGGdataGet human KEGG pathway data.
getNETdataGet network data.
IPPIMultilayer analysis Cava et al. BMC Genomics 2017
list_path_netGet human KEGG pathway data and output of path_net in order...
list_path_plotA matrix of gene expression for pathways given by the user.
matrix_plotGet human KEGG pathway data and a gene expression matrix in...
netwnetwork data
normTCGA data with normal samples
pathPathway data from KEGG
path_netGet human KEGG pathway data and network data in order to...
plotting_cross_talkGet human KEGG pathway data and a gene expression matrix we...
process_matrixProcess matrix TCGA data after the selection of pairwise...
proc_pathGet human KEGG pathway data.
score_euc_distScore Matrix of pairwise pathway using euclidean distance
select_classSelect the class of TCGA data
SelectedSampleSelect the class of TCGA data
StarBioTrekDownload data
st_dvFor TCGA data get human pathway data and creates a measure of...
svm_classificationSVM classification for each feature
tumoTCGA data with tumour samples
claudiacava/StarBioTrek documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:29 p.m.