
Defines functions parse_lines get_timeout fetch get_instance_metadata is_ec2 instance_document is_ecs ecs_metadata

Documented in ecs_metadata instance_document is_ec2 is_ecs

parse_lines <- function(x) {
    strsplit(x, "\n")[[1]]

get_timeout <- function(default_timeout="1") {
    # check for timeout in env vars
    timeout <- Sys.getenv("AWS_METADATA_SERVICE_TIMEOUT", default_timeout)
    timeout <- as.integer(timeout)
    if (is.na(timeout)) {
        timeout <- 1

fetch <- function(uri) {
    timeout <- get_timeout()
    handle <- curl::new_handle(timeout_ms = timeout)
    response <- try(
                                handle = handle),
        silent = TRUE
    if (inherits(response, "try-error")) {
    } else {


get_instance_metadata <- function(item,
                                  version = "latest",
                                  base_url = "", 
                                  parse = "text",
                                  ...) {
    if (!missing(item)) {
        uri <- paste0(base_url, version, "/", item)
    } else {
        uri <- base_url
    response <- fetch(uri)
    if (is.null(response)) {
        stop("Request failed", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (response[["status_code"]] >= 400) {
    if (parse == "json") {
    } else {

#' @rdname ec2metadata
#' @name aws.ec2metadata-package
#' @title Get EC2 Instance Metadata
#' @aliases aws.ec2metadata-package aws.ec2metadata
#' @docType package
#' @description Retrieve EC2 instance metadata from the instance
#' @author Thomas J. Leeper <thosjleeper@gmail.com>
#' @keywords package 

#' @rdname ec2metadata
#' @export
is_ec2 <- function() {
    x <- try(get_instance_metadata(), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(x, "try-error")) {
    } else {

#' @rdname ec2metadata
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @export
instance_document <- function() {
    jsonlite::fromJSON(get_instance_metadata(item = "dynamic/instance-identity/document"))

#' @rdname ec2metadata
#' @details \code{is_ec2()} returns a logical for whether the current R session appears to be running in an EC2 instance. \code{is_ecs()} returns a logical for whether the current R session appears to be running in an ECS task container.
#' \code{instance_document} returns a list containing values from the \href{http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-identity-documents.html}{Instance Identity Document}, including the instance ID, AMI ID, region, availability zone, etc.
#' \code{metadata} is a list of functions to return various metadata values for the currently running EC2 instance. These are only meant to be called from an EC2 instance; no guarantees are made about behavior on other platforms. Two functions: \code{versions()} and \code{meta_data_items()} return the versions of the metadata, and the set of top-level metadata items, respectively.
#' The function \code{item()} retrieves a particular metadata item specified by its full path.
#' The remaining functions in the list are aliases for potentially commonly needed metadata items.
#' The environment variable \code{AWS_METADATA_SERVICE_TIMEOUT} controls the timeout for instance metadata checks, and defaults to 1 second.
#' @return \code{is_ec2()} and \code{is_ecs()} return a logical. Generally, all other functions will return a character string containing the requested information, otherwise a \code{NULL} if the response is empty. The \code{iam_role()} and \code{ecs_metadata()} functions return a list. An error will occur if, for some reason, the request otherwise fails.
#' @examples
#' names(metadata)
#' \dontrun{
#' if (is_ec2()) {
#'   metadata$versions()
#'   metadata$items()
#'   # get instance id
#'   metadata$instance_id()
#'   # get ami id
#'   metadata$ami_id()
#'   # get IAM role (NULL if none specified)
#'   metadata$iam_info()
#'   metadata$iam_role("myrole")
#'   # get an arbitrary metadata item
#'   metadata$item("meta-data/placement/availability-zone")
#'   # get region from instance identity document
#'   instance_document()$region
#' }
#' # Can also get ECS container metadata
#' if (is_ecs()) {
#'   # Get ECS role credentials
#'   metadata$ecs_task_role()
#'   # or
#'   ecs_metadata()
#' }
#' }
#' @references \href{http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html}{Metadata Documentation}
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom curl curl_fetch_memory
#' @export
metadata <- list(
    versions = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(version = , ...)
    meta_data_items = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data", ...)
    item = function(item, ...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = item, ...)
    ami_id = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/ami-id", ...)
    launch_index = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/ami-launch-index", ...)
    ancestor_ami_ids = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/ancestor-ami-ids", ...)
    hostname = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/hostname", ...)
    iam_info = function(...) {
        info <- get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/iam/info", parse = "json", ...)
    iam_role_names = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/iam/security-credentials/", ...)
    iam_role = function(role, ...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = paste0("meta-data/iam/security-credentials/", role), parse = "json", ...)
    instance_action = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/instance-action", ...)
    instance_id = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/instance-id", ...)
    instance_type = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/instance-type", ...)
    kernel_id = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/kernel-id", ...)
    local_hostname = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/local-hostname", ...)
    local_ipv4 = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/local-ipv4", ...)
    availability_zone = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/placement/availability-zone", ...)
    public_hostname = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/public-hostname", ...)
    public_ipv4 = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/public-ipv4", ...)
    public_key = function(key = 0, ...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = paste0("meta-data/public-keys/", key, "/openssh-key"), ...)
    ramdisk_id = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/ramdisk-id", ...)
    reservation_id = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/reservation-id", ...)
    security_groups = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/security-groups", ...)
    domain = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/services/domain", ...)
    partition = function(...) {
        get_instance_metadata(item = "meta-data/services/partition", ...)
    ecs_task_role = function(...) {



#' @rdname ec2metadata
#' @export
is_ecs <- function() {
    container_relative <- Sys.getenv(ENV_CONTAINER_CREDS)
    return(!is.null(container_relative) && (container_relative != ""))

#' @rdname ec2metadata
#' @param base_url Base URL for querying instance metadata
#' @export
ecs_metadata <- function(base_url = "") {
    container_relative <- Sys.getenv(ENV_CONTAINER_CREDS)
    uri <- paste0(base_url, container_relative)
    response <- fetch(uri)
    if (is.null(response)) {
        out <- NULL
    } else {
        out <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(response[["content"]]))
cloudyr/aws.ec2metadata documentation built on July 16, 2019, 8:26 a.m.