
Defines functions bqr_partition

Documented in bqr_partition

#' Convert date-sharded tables to a single partitioned table
#' Moves the old style date-sharded tables such as \code{[TABLE_NAME]_YYYYMMDD} to the new date partitioned format.
#' @param sharded The prefix of date-sharded tables to merge into one partitioned table
#' @param partition Name of partitioned table. Will create if not present already
#' @param projectId The project ID
#' @param datasetId The dataset ID
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#'  bqr_partition("ga_sessions_", "ga_partition")
#' }
#' @details 
#' Performs lots of copy table operations via \link{bqr_copy_table} 
#' Before partitioned tables became available, BigQuery users would often divide 
#'   large datasets into separate tables organized by time period; usually daily tables, 
#'   where each table represented data loaded on that particular date.
#' Dividing a dataset into daily tables helped to reduce the amount of data scanned 
#'   when querying a specific date range. For example, if you have a a year's worth of data 
#'   in a single table, a query that involves the last seven days of data still requires 
#'   a full scan of the entire table to determine which data to return. 
#'   However, if your table is divided into daily tables, you can restrict the query to 
#'   the seven most recent daily tables.
#' Daily tables, however, have several disadvantages. You must manually, or programmatically, 
#'   create the daily tables. SQL queries are often more complex because your data can be 
#'   spread across hundreds of tables. Performance degrades as the number of referenced 
#'   tables increases. There is also a limit of 1,000 tables that can be referenced in a 
#'   single query. Partitioned tables have none of these disadvantages.
#' @return A list of copy jobs for the sharded tables that will be copied to one partitioned table
#' @seealso \href{https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-partitioned-tables}{Partitioned Tables Help}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats setNames
bqr_partition <- function(sharded,
                          projectId = bqr_get_global_project(),
                          datasetId = bqr_get_global_dataset()){
  ## check for shared tables
  tables <- bqr_list_tables(projectId = projectId, datasetId = datasetId)
  shard_tables <- tables[grepl(paste0("^",sharded), tables$tableId),]
  if(nrow(shard_tables) == 0){
    stop("No sharded tables not found - is your tableID correct? Got ", sharded)
  ## check for partition table, creating if not there
  part_table <- tables[grepl(paste0("^",partition,"$"), tables$tableId),"tableId"]
  if(length(part_table) == 0){
    myMessage("Creating Partition Table: ", partition, level = 3)
    shard_schema <- bqr_query(projectId = projectId, 
                              datasetId = datasetId, 
                              query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 1', shard_tables$tableId[[1]]))
    part_table <- bqr_create_table(projectId = projectId,
                                   datasetId = datasetId,
                                   tableId = partition,
                                   template_data = shard_schema,
                                   timePartitioning = TRUE)
  ## extract shard dates
  ex <- function(x) {
  shard_dates <- vapply(shard_tables$tableId, ex, character(1), USE.NAMES = TRUE)
  ## query sharded tables, putting results in partition table
  part_query <- function(sdn){
    myMessage("Partitioning ", sdn, level = 3)
    bqr_copy_table(source_projectid = projectId,
                   source_datasetid = datasetId,
                   source_tableid = sdn,
                   destination_projectid = projectId,
                   destination_datasetid = datasetId,
                   destination_tableid = paste0(partition,"$",shard_dates[[sdn]]),
                   writeDisposition = "WRITE_EMPTY")
  result <- lapply(names(shard_dates), part_query)
  setNames(result, names(shard_dates))
cloudyr/bigQueryR documentation built on May 23, 2024, 10:18 a.m.