
Defines functions sim.smoke

#' simulate smoking logging locations, times and satisfaction
#' *************time and space are independent ATM********************
#' @return a 2xn matrix of values with logging locations, hour of day (1:23), day of week (1:7), satisfaction scores (1:20)
#' and craving scores (1:20)
#' @param x  either 1) a matrix of locations, 2) a spatial density object as \code{class} \code{im},
#' or 3) a model fit object as returned by \code{fit_smoke} (yet to add in).
#' @param spde if user wishes to simulate based on the spde model this argument should contain a named list
#' of the following..........*********write in ****************
#' @export

sim.smoke <- function(x = NULL, sp = NULL, tod.prob = rep(1/23, times = 23), dow.prob = rep(1/7,times = 7),
                      spde = NULL,seed = 1){
        im <- x
            if(!is.null(sp)){w <- as.owin(sp)}else{w <- ripras(x)}
            x <- suppressWarnings(ppp(x[,1],x[,2],window = w,check = FALSE))
                mesh <- spde[["mesh"]]
                kappa <- spde[["kappa"]]
                sigma2 <- spde[["sigma2"]]
                denst <- density(x,window = as.owin(sp), at = "points",positive = TRUE)
                geo <- lgcpSPDE:::rgeospde(locs = mesh$loc, mesh = mesh,
                                kappa = kappa, sigma2 = sigma2, n = 1, seed = seed)
                A <- inla.mesh.project(mesh = mesh,loc = cbind(x$x,x$y))$A
                denst <- matrix(drop(denst%*%A),ncol=1)
                proj <- inla.mesh.projector(mesh = mesh)
                sample <- denst + exp(geo)
                inside <- lgcpSPDE:::inwin(proj,as.owin(sp))
                im <- matrix(inla.mesh.project(proj,sample),length(proj$x),length(proj$y))
                im[!inside] <- NA
                im <- im(t(im),xcol = proj$x ,yrow = proj$y)            
              }else{im <- density(x,positive = TRUE)}
    out <- rpoispp(im)[w]
    tod <- sample(1:23, out$n,replace = TRUE, prob = tod.prob)
    dow <- sample(1:7, out$n,replace = TRUE, prob = dow.prob)
    c <- sample(1:20, out$n,replace = TRUE)
    out <- cbind(out$x, out$y,tod,dow,c)
    colnames(out) <- c("x","y","Hour","Day","craving")
cmjt/smoke documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:44 p.m.