
Defines functions umat top1freq1dim tau quickintsample loglikPLMIX howmanyranked chisqmeasuretheomatrix1dim chisqmeasuretheocond chisqmeasuretheo1dim chisqmeasuretheo chisqmeasureobsmatrix1dim chisqmeasureobscond chisqmeasureobs1dim chisqmeasureobs UpWhet UpPhetpartial SimYpsilon PLMIXsim Estep CompRateYpartial CompRateP CompProbZpartial

Documented in chisqmeasureobs chisqmeasureobs1dim chisqmeasureobscond chisqmeasureobsmatrix1dim chisqmeasuretheo chisqmeasuretheo1dim chisqmeasuretheocond chisqmeasuretheomatrix1dim CompProbZpartial CompRateP CompRateYpartial Estep howmanyranked loglikPLMIX PLMIXsim quickintsample SimYpsilon tau top1freq1dim umat UpPhetpartial UpWhet

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# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' Multinomial probability computation for the Multinomial full-conditionals of the latent component memberships
#' The function \code{CompProbZpartial} computes the multinomial probabilities of the Multinomial full-conditionals of the latent component memberships for the Gibbs sampling of a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @param Y Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of the quantitative latent variables.
#' @param u_bin Binary \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix indicating whether sample unit \eqn{s} ranked item \eqn{i}.
#' @param n_rank Numeric vector of length \eqn{N} with the number of items ranked by each sample unit.
#' @param omega Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @return Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{G} matrix of multinomial probabilities.
CompProbZpartial <- function(p, pi_inv, Y, u_bin, n_rank, omega) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_CompProbZpartial`, p, pi_inv, Y, u_bin, n_rank, omega)

#' Rate parameter computation for the Gamma full-conditionals of the support parameters
#' The function \code{CompRateP} computes the rate parameters of the Gamma full-conditionals of the support parameters for the Gibbs sampling of a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models.
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @param Y Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of the quantitative latent variables.
#' @param z Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of binary component memberships.
#' @param u_bin Binary \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix indicating whether sample unit \eqn{s} ranked item \eqn{i}.
#' @param n_rank Numeric vector of length \eqn{N} with the number of items ranked by each sample unit.
#' @param rate0 Numeric vector of \eqn{G} rate hyperparameters.
#' @return Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of rate parameters.
CompRateP <- function(pi_inv, Y, z, u_bin, n_rank, rate0) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_CompRateP`, pi_inv, Y, z, u_bin, n_rank, rate0)

#' Rate parameter computation for the Exponential full-conditionals of the quantitative latent variables
#' The function \code{CompRateYpartial} computes the rate parameters of the Exponential full-conditionals of the quantitative latent variables for the Gibbs sampling of a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @param ref_order Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific reference orders.
#' @param z Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of binary component memberships.
#' @param n_rank Numeric vector of length \eqn{N} with the number of items ranked by each sample unit.
#' @return Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of rate parameters.
CompRateYpartial <- function(p, pi_inv, ref_order, z, n_rank) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_CompRateYpartial`, p, pi_inv, ref_order, z, n_rank)

#' E-step in the EM algorithm for MAP estimation of a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models
#' The function \code{Estep} updates the posterior component membership probabilities in the EM algorithm for MAP estimation of a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param ref_order Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific reference orders.
#' @param weights Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @return Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{G} matrix of estimated posterior component membership probabilities.
Estep <- function(p, ref_order, weights, pi_inv) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_Estep`, p, ref_order, weights, pi_inv)

#' Random generation from a finite mixture of Plackett-Luce models and subsequent censoring
#' Random generation from a finite mixture of Plackett-Luce models and subsequent censoring according to a given partial ordering matrix.
#' @param N Number of sample units.
#' @param K Number of possible items.
#' @param G Number of mixture components.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param ref_order Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific reference orders.
#' @param weights Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @param rankingFormat Logical: whether the final simulated data should be expressed in ranking format.
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings (to replicate the observed missingness patterns).
#' @return Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{G} matrix of simulated data (default is in ordering format) with the same missingness patterns of \code{pi_inv}.
PLMIXsim <- function(N, K, G, p, ref_order, weights, rankingFormat, pi_inv) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_PLMIXsim`, N, K, G, p, ref_order, weights, rankingFormat, pi_inv)

#' Gibbs sampling of the quantitative latent variables
#' The function \code{CompRateYpartial} simulates from the Exponential full-conditionals of the quantitative latent variables for the Gibbs sampling of a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models.
#' @param rate Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of rate parameters.
#' @param n_rank Numeric vector of length \eqn{N} with the number of items ranked by each sample unit.
#' @return Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of posterior samples of the quantitative latent variables.
SimYpsilon <- function(rate, n_rank) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_SimYpsilon`, rate, n_rank)

#' M-step for the support parameters of a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models
#' The function \code{UpPhetpartial} updates the support parameter estimates in the EM algorithm for MAP estimation of a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param ref_order Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific reference orders.
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @param u_bin Binary \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix indicating whether sample unit \eqn{s} ranked item \eqn{i}.
#' @param z_hat Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{G} matrix of posterior component membership probabilities.
#' @param shape0 Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}{K} matrix of shape hyperparameters.
#' @param rate0 Numeric vector of \eqn{G} rate hyperparameters.
#' @param n_rank Numeric vector of length \eqn{N} with the number of items ranked by each sample unit.
#' @return Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of estimated component-specific support parameters.
UpPhetpartial <- function(p, ref_order, pi_inv, u_bin, z_hat, shape0, rate0, n_rank) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_UpPhetpartial`, p, ref_order, pi_inv, u_bin, z_hat, shape0, rate0, n_rank)

#' M-step for the weights of a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models
#' The function \code{UpWhet} updates the mixture weight estimates in the EM algorithm for MAP estimation of a Bayesian mixture of Plackett-Luce models
#' @param z_hat Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{G} matrix of posterior component membership probabilities.
#' @param alpha0 Numeric vector of \eqn{G} Dirichlet hyperparameters.
#' @return Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} estimated mixture weights.
UpWhet <- function(z_hat, alpha0) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_UpWhet`, z_hat, alpha0)

#' Chi-squared index relying on paired comparisons for observed data
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param weights Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @return Chi-squared index value.
chisqmeasureobs <- function(pi_inv, p, weights) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_chisqmeasureobs`, pi_inv, p, weights)

#' Chi-squared index relying on top1 preferences for observed data
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param weights Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @return Chi-squared index value.
chisqmeasureobs1dim <- function(pi_inv, p, weights) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_chisqmeasureobs1dim`, pi_inv, p, weights)

#' Conditional Chi-squared index relying on paired comparisons for observed data
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param weights Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @return Conditional Chi-squared index value.
chisqmeasureobscond <- function(pi_inv, p, weights) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_chisqmeasureobscond`, pi_inv, p, weights)

#' Generic term of the conditional Chi-squared index relying on top1 preferences for observed data
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param weights Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @return Numeric \eqn{K}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of the conditional Chi-squared index.
chisqmeasureobsmatrix1dim <- function(pi_inv, p, weights) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_chisqmeasureobsmatrix1dim`, pi_inv, p, weights)

#' Chi-squared index relying on paired comparisons for replicated data
#' @param N Number of sample units.
#' @param ref_order Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific reference orders.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param weights Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @param pi_inv_obs Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings (to replicate the observed missingness patterns).
#' @return Chi-squared index value.
chisqmeasuretheo <- function(N, ref_order, p, weights, pi_inv_obs) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_chisqmeasuretheo`, N, ref_order, p, weights, pi_inv_obs)

#' Chi-squared index relying on top1 preferences for replicated data
#' @param N Number of sample units.
#' @param ref_order Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific reference orders.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param weights Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @param pi_inv_obs Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings (to replicate the observed missingness patterns).
#' @return Chi-squared index value.
chisqmeasuretheo1dim <- function(N, ref_order, p, weights, pi_inv_obs) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_chisqmeasuretheo1dim`, N, ref_order, p, weights, pi_inv_obs)

#' Conditional Chi-squared index relying on paired comparisons for replicated data
#' @param N Number of sample units.
#' @param ref_order Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific reference orders.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param weights Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @param pi_inv_obs Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings (to replicate the observed missingness patterns).
#' @return Conditional Chi-squared index value.
chisqmeasuretheocond <- function(N, ref_order, p, weights, pi_inv_obs) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_chisqmeasuretheocond`, N, ref_order, p, weights, pi_inv_obs)

#' Generic term of the conditional Chi-squared index relying on top1 preferences for replicated data
#' @param N Number of sample units.
#' @param ref_order Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific reference orders.
#' @param p Numeric \eqn{G}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of component-specific support parameters.
#' @param weights Numeric vector of the \eqn{G} mixture weights.
#' @param pi_inv_obs Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings (to replicate the observed missingness patterns).
#' @return Numeric \eqn{K}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of the conditional Chi-squared index.
chisqmeasuretheomatrix1dim <- function(N, ref_order, p, weights, pi_inv_obs) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_chisqmeasuretheomatrix1dim`, N, ref_order, p, weights, pi_inv_obs)

#' Counts how many items are ranked in a partial ranking matrix
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @return Numeric vector of length \eqn{N} with the number of items ranked by each sample unit
#' @export
howmanyranked <- function(pi_inv) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_howmanyranked`, pi_inv)

#' @rdname loglikelihood
#' @export
loglikPLMIX <- function(p, ref_order, weights, pi_inv) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_loglikPLMIX`, p, ref_order, weights, pi_inv)

#' Weighted sampling without replacement from a finite urn
#' @param n Number of distinct integer-labeled balls in the urn.
#' @param size Number of balls sampled without replacement.
#' @param prob Numeric vector of length \eqn{n} probability masses assigned to each ball.
#' @return vector
quickintsample <- function(n, size, prob) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_quickintsample`, n, size, prob)

#' Compute paired comparison matrix for a partial ordering dataset
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @return The \eqn{K}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} paired comparison matrix: number of times that item \eqn{i} is preferred to item \eqn{i'}.
tau <- function(pi_inv) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_tau`, pi_inv)

#' Computation top1 frequencies conditionally on the number of ranked items
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @return Numeric \eqn{K}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix of top1 frequencies.
top1freq1dim <- function(pi_inv) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_top1freq1dim`, pi_inv)

#' Binary matrix detailing the items ranked by each sample unit
#' The function \code{umat} returns a binary matrix whose elements indicate which items has been ranked by each sample unit.
#' @param pi_inv Numeric \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} data matrix of partial orderings.
#' @return Binary \eqn{N}\eqn{\times}{x}\eqn{K} matrix indicating whether sample unit \eqn{s} ranked item \eqn{i}.
umat <- function(pi_inv) {
    .Call(`_PLMIX_umat`, pi_inv)
cmollica/PLMIX documentation built on Dec. 31, 2020, 10:04 p.m.