
Defines functions computeBoundVal computeBoundInt computeBound

Documented in computeBound

### Solves programs (5) over 2-point masses distribution functions, when nu = 1.
computeBoundVal <- function(H,mu, sigma, lambda, direction = c("max", "min"))
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  scale <- if (direction == "min") 1 else -1

  # Exclusion of trivial scenarios
  if (mu^2 > sigma) output <- list(bound = scale*Inf, P = NULL)
  if (mu^2 == sigma)output <- list(bound = H(mu), P = getDistribution(mu,sigma))

  # Treatment of non-trivial scenarios
  if (mu^2 < sigma){
    Z <- GenSAmodified(fn = function(x1) scale*W(x1, mu, sigma, lambda, H),
                      par         = 0,
                      lower       = 0,
                      upper       = mu)
    output <- list(bound = scale*Z$value, P = getDistribution(mu,sigma,x1 = Z$par))


### Solves programs (EC.19) over 2-point masses distribution functions, when nu = 1.
computeBoundInt <- function(H,mu, sigma, lambda, direction = c("max", "min"))
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  scale <- if (direction == "min") 1 else -1

  # Exclude trival scenarios
  if ( (mu[1] > mu[2]) || (sigma[1] > sigma[2])) output <- list(bound = scale*Inf, P = NULL)
  if (mu[1]^2 > sigma[2])  output <- list(bound = scale*Inf, P = NULL)
  if (mu[1]^2 == sigma[2]) output <- list(bound = H(mu[1]), P = getDistribution(mu[1],sigma[2]))

  # Non-trivial scenario
  if (mu[1]^2 < sigma[2])
    # First subprogram
    lower <- c(0,max(sigma[1],mu[2]^2))
    upper <- c(mu[2],sigma[2])

    if (any(lower > upper)) { Z1 <- list(value = Inf) ; P1 <- list(NULL)
    } else{
      Z1 <- GenSAmodified(fn = function(args) scale*W(x = args[1], mu[2], rho = args[2], lambda, H),
                          par         = lower,
                          lower       = lower,
                          upper       = upper)

      P1 <- getDistribution(mu = mu[2],sigma = Z1$par[2],x1 = Z1$par[1])

    # Second Subprogram
    lower <- c(0, mu[1])
    upper <- rep(min(mu[2], sqrt(sigma[2])),2)

    if (any(lower > upper)){ Z2 <- list(value = Inf) ; P2 <- list(NULL)
    } else{
      f2 <- function(args){ if (args[1] > args[2]) Inf else scale*W(x = args[1], w = args[2], sigma[2], lambda, H)}
      Z2 <- GenSAmodified(fn = f2,
                          par   = lower,
                          lower = lower,
                          upper = upper)
      P2 <- getDistribution(mu = Z2$par[2], sigma =  sigma[2],x1 = Z2$par[1])

    bound <- max(scale*Z1$value,scale*Z2$value)
    P <- if (bound == scale*Z1$value) P1 else P2

    output <- list(bound = bound, P = P)


#' Solves programs (5) and (EC.19) over 2-point masses distribution functions
#' This function solves programs (5) and (EC.19), in the case
#' when their respective feasible region is restricted to distribution functions with at most two point supports.
#' @param H The function defined in the objective value of program  (5) and (EC.19)
#' @param mu Either an ordered vector containing bounds of the first moment in program (EC.19), or a scalar
#' value as in program (5)
#' @param sigma Either an ordered vector containing bounds of the second moment in program (EC.19), or a scalar
#' value as in program (5)
#' @param lambda A real number  giving the limit value of the ratio H(x)/x^2 when x goes to infinity
#' @param nu A real number as defined in program (5) and  (EC.19) (actually denoted nubar in the latter case)
#' @param direction A string either \emph{min} or \emph{max} identifying the type of wether program (5)
#'  should be a min or a max program. Default is \emph{max}.
#' @return
#' \item{bound}{the optimal objective value}
#' \item{P}{the optimal distribution function with point masses p = (p1,p2) and point supports x = (x1,x2)}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##############################################################################
#' #### Solving a program alike  to (5)
#' ##############################################################################
#' ####
#' #### max P(X > c)
#' #### s.t. sum(px) = 1
#' ####      sum(px^2) = 2
#' ####      (p,x) is a two point mass distribution function where x => 0
#' ####
#' #### where c is some positive number. We point out that the solution to this
#' #### problem is given in Theorem 3.3 of
#' #### "Optimal Inequalities in Probability Theory: a Convex Optimization Approach"
#' #### by D. Bertsimas and I. Popescu.
#' ####
#' ################################################################################
#' c <- qexp(0.9)
#' H <- function(x) as.numeric(c <= x)
#' mu <- 1
#' sigma <- 2
#' lambda <- 0
#' output <- computeBound(H,mu, sigma, lambda)
#' # Check that optimal upper bound is equal to  the analytical solution
#' CMsquare <- (sigma- mu^2)/mu^2
#' delta <-  c/mu-1
#' data.frame(Algorithm = output$bound, Analytical = CMsquare/(CMsquare + delta^2))
#' # Check that the output is feasible
#' with(output$P, data.frame(moments = c(sum(p),sum(p*x), sum(p*x^2)), truth = c(1,mu,sigma) ))
#' ##############################################################################
#' #### Solving a program alike  to (EC.19)
#' ##############################################################################
#' ####
#' #### max P(X > c)
#' #### s.t. sum(p)  = 1
#' ####      1 <= sum(px) <= 1
#' ####      2 <= sum(px^2) <= 2
#' ####      (p,x) is a two point mass distribution function where x => 0
#' ####
#' #### where c is some positive number. This program is the same as the first one
#' #### but formulated with inequalities rather than equalities.
#' ####
#' ################################################################################
#' mu <- c(1,1)
#' sigma <- c(2,2)
#' lambda <- 0
#' output <- computeBound(H,mu, sigma, lambda)
#' # Check that optimal upper bound is equal to  the analytical solution
#' data.frame(Algorithm = output$bound, Analytical = CMsquare/(CMsquare + delta^2))
#' # Check that the output is feasible
#' with(output$P, data.frame(lowerMomentBound = c(1, mu[1], sigma[1]), moments = c(sum(p),sum(p*x), sum(p*x^2)), upperMomentBound = c(1, mu[2], sigma[2]) ))
#' ##############################################################################
#' #### Solving a program alike  to (1)
#' ##############################################################################
#' ####
#' #### max P(x >b)
#' #### s.t. f(a) = eta
#' ####      1-F(a) = beta
#' ####      f'(a) => -nu
#' ####      f(x) is convex for all x => a
#' ####      f(x) is non-negative for all x => a
#' ####
#' #### where b is some real number larger than a. This problem is of the form of
#' #### program (1). By Theorem 4, it is equivalent to solve
#' ####
#' #### max sum(p H(x))
#' #### s.t sum(px) = mu
#' ####     sum(px^2) = sigma
#' ####     (p,x) is a two point mass distribution function where x => 0
#' ####
#' #### where mu = eta/nu, sigma = beta/nu, H(x) = 1/2(x + a -b)I(x =a =>b)
#' ####
#' ################################################################################
#' # Assume the true distribution function is a standard exponential
#' a <- qexp(0.7)
#' eta <- dexp(a)
#' nu <- dexp(a)
#' beta <- 1-pexp(a)
#' mu <- eta/nu
#' sigma <- 2*beta/nu
#' lambda <- 1/2
#' # Compute the optimal upper bound for various valus of b
#' b <- qexp(seq(0.7,0.99, by = 0.01))
#' runFunc <- function(b){
#' H <- function(x) 1/2*(x + a - b)^2*( x +a >= b)
#' bound <- RobustTail::computeBound(H,mu,sigma,lambda,nu)$bound
#' output <- data.frame(b = b, bound = bound)
#' }
#' dataPlot <- plyr::ldply(lapply(X = b, FUN = runFunc))
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(dataPlot, aes(x = b, y = bound)) +
#' geom_line() +
#' labs(y = "Optimal Upper Bound") +
#' ylim(c(0,0.3))
computeBound = function(H, mu, sigma, lambda, nu = 1, direction = c("max", "min"))
  direction <- match.arg(direction)

  Nmu <- length(mu)
  Nsigma <- length(sigma)

  # Check parameters
  if (Nmu > 2 | Nmu < 1) return("mu must be either a scalar or a vector of length 2.")
  if (Nsigma > 2 | Nsigma < 1) return("sigma must be either a  scalar or vector of length 2.")

  # Check that nu >= 0
  scale <- if (direction == "min") 1 else -1
  if (nu < 0) return(list(bound = scale*Inf, P = NULL))

  # Compute bound
  if (Nmu == 1 & Nsigma == 1) output <- computeBoundVal(H, mu, sigma, lambda, direction)
  if (Nmu == 2 & Nsigma == 2) output <- computeBoundInt(H, mu, sigma, lambda, direction)
  if (Nmu == 1 & Nsigma == 2) output <- computeBoundInt(H, rep(mu,2), sigma, lambda, direction)
  if (Nmu == 2 & Nsigma == 1) output <- computeBoundInt(H, mu, rep(sigma,2), lambda, direction)

  output$bound <- nu*output$bound
cmottet/RobustTail documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:44 p.m.