Man pages for cobriant/qelp
Quick Help: Beginner friendly help docs for R and the Tidyverse

arrangeArrange rows of a data frame
cCreate a vector
countCount observations by group
filterFilter rows of a data frame
geom_areaDraw an area plot
geom_densityDraw a density plot
geom_lineDraw a line plot
geom_pointAdd scatterplot points to a ggplot
ggplotInitiate a new ggplot
group_byGroup rows of a data frame
if_elseTransform a vector using a condition
install.packagesInstall a package
labsModify ggplot labels
left_joinJoin two data frames, keeping all the rows in the left table
libraryload a package
listCreate a list
lmFit a linear model
meanArithmetic mean
mutateMutate a data frame by adding variables
ncolNumber of columns in a data frame
nrowNumber of rows in a data frame
qplotDraw a quick plot
reduceReduce a vector to a single value by iteratively applying a...
repRepeat values
sampleRandom samples
sdStandard deviation
selectSelect columns of a data frame
str_detectDetect a pattern in a character vector
summarizeSummarize data in a data frame
tibbleConstruct a data frame
cobriant/qelp documentation built on July 1, 2022, 7:24 a.m.