qplot: Draw a quick plot

View source: R/qplot.R

qplotR Documentation

Draw a quick plot


Use qplot() to draw simple ggplots. For example, you can draw a histogram to visualize the distribution of a single variable (geom = "histogram"). You can draw a scatterplot to visualize the relationship between two variables (geom = "point") and even add a line of best fit (geom = c("point", "smooth")). You can also represent a variable using a different color (and fill, shape, size). Finally, you can facet by a discrete variable to draw multiple plots for each realization of that variable.


qplot(x, y, ..., data, facets, geom, main)



Specify which variable should be drawn on the x-axis.


Specify which variable should be drawn on the y-axis. If you're drawing the distribution of a single variable with a histogram or similar geom, specifying both x and y may be unnecessary.


Optionally include which variables should be represented by color, fill, shape, and size. color refers to the color of the geom outline, and fill refers to the color of the interior.


A data frame like a tibble.


A faceting formula. For example, to facet by the variable z, facets = ~ z


A character vector of geometries to draw. Any geom from ggplot will work. For example, to use geom_boxplot, use geom = "boxplot".


A character string for the main plot title.

See Also

ggplot(), geom_histogram(), geom_point(), geom_smooth()


# A tibble with the heights and weights of 4 individuals:

htwt <- tibble(
  sex = c("male", "male", "female", "female"),
  height = c(62, 72, 68, 64),
  weight = c(169, 243, 147, 135)

# A simple scatterplot with sex represented by `color`:

  data = htwt,
  x = height,
  y = weight,
  color = sex,
  geom = "point",
  main = "Heights and Weights of 4 Individuals"


# A simple histogram with sex represented by `fill`:

  data = htwt,
  x = height,
  fill = sex,
  geom = "histogram",
  bins = 4,
  main = "Frequency of Height Among 4 Individuals"


# Faceting by sex:

  data = htwt,
  x = height,
  y = weight,
  color = sex,
  geom = c("point", "line"),
  facets = ~ sex,
  main = "Heights and Weights of 4 Individuals"

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