Man pages for codecheckers/codecheck
Helper Functions for CODECHECK Project

add_abstractInserts the abstract text and source link into the Markdown...
add_all_codecheckers_hyperlinkAdd Hyperlinks to Codecheckers Table
add_all_venues_hyperlinks_non_regAdd Hyperlinks to All Venues Table
add_cert_linksFunction for adding clickable links to the paper for each...
add_check_timeFunction for adding check time to each report in the register...
add_codecheck_details_mdPopulates an existing markdown content template with details...
add_codecheckerFunction for adding codechecker to each report in the...
add_issue_number_linksFunction for adding clickable links to the issue number of...
add_markdown_titleFunction to add the markdown title based on the specific...
add_paper_details_mdPopulates an existing markdown content template with details...
add_paper_linksFunction for adding clickable links to the paper for each...
add_report_linksFunction for adding clickable links to the report for each...
add_repository_hyperlinkReplaces a placeholder in Markdown content with a hyperlink...
add_repository_links_jsonFunction for adding repository links in the register table...
add_venue_hyperlinks_regFunction for adding clickable links to the codecheck venue...
add_venues_hyperlinks_non_regAdd Hyperlinks to Venues Table
add_venue_type_hyperlinks_non_regAdd Hyperlinks to Venue Type-Specific Table
add_venue_type_hyperlinks_regFunction for adding clickable links to the codecheck venue...
as_latex_urlWrap URL for LaTeX
check_certificate_idFunction for checking ceritificate id if there is a...
check_issue_statusFunction issue status. If the issue is not closed a warning...
cite_certificatePrint a citation for the codecheck certificate.
codecheck_metadataReturn the metadata for the codecheck project in root folder...
convert_cert_pdf_to_pngConverts each page of a certificate PDF to JPEG format...
copy_manifest_filesCopy files from manifest into the codecheck folder and...
create_all_codecheckers_tableCreate Codecheckers Table
create_all_venues_tableCreate All Venues Table
create_cert_mdGenerates a Markdown file for a certificate based on a...
create_cert_page_section_filesGenerates section files for a certificate HTML page,...
create_codecheck_filesCreate template files for the codecheck process.
create_filtered_reg_csvsCreates filtered CSV files from a register based on specified...
create_index_header_htmlDynamically generates the index_header.html from a template...
create_index_postfix_htmlDynamically generates the index_postfix.html from a template...
create_index_prefix_htmlDynamically generates the index_prefix.html from a template...
create_index_section_filesCreates index postfix, prefix and the header
create_md_tableCreates a markdown table from a register template Adds title...
create_non_register_filesCreate Non-Register Files
create_original_register_filesGenerates original register files in various output formats.
create_register_filesCreate Register Files
create_tables_non_registerCreate Non-Register Tables
create_temp_register_with_codecheckerCreates a temporary CSV register with a "Codechecker" column.
create_venues_tablesCreate Venues Tables
create_venue_type_tablesCreate Venue Type-Specific Tables
download_cert_pdfDownloads a certificate PDF from a report link and saves it...
edit_html_lib_pathsLoads a html file and replaces the libs path in the html file...
extract_cert_pdf_from_zipDownloads a ZIP file from the given URL, searches for...
filter_and_drop_register_columnsFilter and Drop Columns from Register Table
generate_hrefGenerate full href for for different href types.
generate_html_document_ymlDynamically generates a html_document.yml with the full paths...
generate_html_extra_text_non_registerGenerates the extra text of the HTML pages for non registers....
generate_html_postfix_hrefs_non_regGenerates postfix hrefs for the venues/ codecheckers list...
generate_html_postfix_hrefs_regGenerates the hrefs to set in the postfix.html file for the...
generate_html_subtext_non_registerGenerates the subtext of the HTML pages for non registers...
generate_html_title_non_registersGenerate HTML Title for Non-Register Pages
generate_output_dirGenerate Output Directory Path
generate_table_detailsGenerate Table Details
generate_table_details_non_regGenerate Table Details for Non-Register Files
get_abstractRetrieves the abstract of a research paper from CrossRef or...
get_abstract_text_crossrefExtracts the paper DOI from the config_yml of the paper,...
get_abstract_text_openalexRetrieves the abstract of a research paper using the OpenAlex...
get_cert_linkRetrieves the download link for a certificate file from...
get_codecheck_ymlGet the CODECHECK configuration file from a repository
get_codecheck_yml_githubRetrieve a codecheck.yml file from a GitHub repository
get_codecheck_yml_gitlabRetrieve a codecheck.yml file from an project
get_codecheck_yml_osfRetrieve a codecheck.yml file from an OSF project
get_codecheck_yml_uncachedRetrieve a codecheck.yml file from a remote repository
get_codecheck_yml_zenodoRetrieve a codecheck.yml file from a Zenodo record
get_or_create_zenodo_recordCreate a new Zenodo record and return its pre-assigned DOI
get_osf_cert_linkRetrieves the link to a certificate PDF file from an OSF...
get_zenodo_cert_linkAccesses a codecheck's Zenodo record via its report link,...
get_zenodo_idExtract the Zenodo record number from the report URL
get_zenodo_recordGet the full zenodo record using the record number stored in...
latex_codecheck_logoPrint the latex code to include the CODECHECK logo
latex_summary_of_manifestPrint a latex table to summarise CODECHECK metadata
latex_summary_of_metadataPrint a latex table to summarise CODECHECK metadata
list_manifest_filesSummarise manifest files.
parse_repository_specParse the repository specification in the column "Repo" in...
preprocess_registerFunction for preprocessing the register to create and return...
register_checkFunction for checking all entries in the register
register_clear_cacheFunction for clearing the register cache
register_renderFunction for rendering the register into different view
render_cert_htmlRenders an HTML certificate file from a Markdown template for...
render_cert_htmlsGenerates HTML files for each certificate listed in the given...
render_htmlRenders html for a single table
render_non_register_mdRender Non-Register Markdown Table
render_registerRender Register in Specified Output Format
render_register_jsonRenders register json for a single register_table
render_register_mdRenders register md for a single register_table
set_paper_title_referencesSet "Title" and "Paper reference" columns and values to the...
set_zenodo_certificateUpload the CODECHECK certificate to Zenodo.
upload_zenodo_metadataUpload metadata to Zenodod
validate_codecheck_ymlValidate a CODECHECK configuration
codecheckers/codecheck documentation built on Feb. 25, 2025, 8:41 a.m.