render_cert_htmls: Generates HTML files for each certificate listed in the given...

View source: R/utils_render_cert_htmls.R

render_cert_htmlsR Documentation

Generates HTML files for each certificate listed in the given register table. It checks for the existence of the certificate PDF, downloads it if necessary, and converts it to JPEG format for embedding.


Generates HTML files for each certificate listed in the given register table. It checks for the existence of the certificate PDF, downloads it if necessary, and converts it to JPEG format for embedding.


render_cert_htmls(register_table, force_download = FALSE)



A data frame containing details of each certificate, including repository links and report links.


Logical; if TRUE, forces the download of certificate PDFs even if they already exist locally. Defaults to FALSE.

codecheckers/codecheck documentation built on Feb. 25, 2025, 8:41 a.m.