## Copied from bob_review.R
# I know, these all need to be drastically cleaned up
# anyways, only difference here is that we are shifting the
# fixation point to be -200ms
#### 1. MISE between curves and true (generate function) ####
sim <- runSub(ntrials = 10, fbst = TRUE)
makeJointFits <- function(ss) {
ss <- copy(ss)
true_coef <- ss$subInfo$pars
## Get aggregated and saccade
raw_ag <- eyetrackSim:::aggregateSub(ss)
raw_ag[, `:=`(id = 1, gp = "A")]
raw_sac <- eyetrackSim:::buildSaccadeSub(ss)
raw_sac[, `:=`(id = 1, gp = "A", saccadenum = NULL)]
## Shift curves
raw_ag2 <- copy(raw_ag)
raw_sac2 <- copy(raw_sac)
raw_ag2[, times := times - 200L]
raw_sac2[, starttime := starttime - 200L]
## Fit the bdots
fit_ag <- bdotsFit(data = raw_ag,
subject = "id",
group = "gp",
curveType = logistic(),
time = "times",
y = "looks",
cores = 7)
fit_ag2 <- bdotsFit(data = raw_ag2,
subject = "id",
group = "gp",
curveType = logistic(),
time = "times",
y = "looks",
cores = 7)
fit_sac <- bdotsFit(data = raw_sac,
subject = "id",
group = "gp",
curveType = logistic2(),
time = "starttime",
y = "looks",
cores = 7)
fit_sac2 <- bdotsFit(data = raw_sac2,
subject = "id",
group = "gp",
curveType = logistic2(),
time = "starttime",
y = "looks",
cores = 7)
## Stuff for plots
times <- unique(raw_ag$times)
ag_f <- eyetrackSim:::logistic_f(coef(fit_ag), times)
ag_f2 <- eyetrackSim:::logistic_f(coef(fit_ag2), times)
sac_f <- eyetrackSim:::logistic_f(coef(fit_sac), times)
sac_f2 <- eyetrackSim:::logistic_f(coef(fit_sac2), times)
true_f <- eyetrackSim:::logistic_f(true_coef, times)
obs_ag <- copy(raw_ag)
obs_ag[, `:=`(id = NULL, gp = NULL)]
## Return obs
bfits <- list("ag" = fit_ag, "ag2" = fit_ag2, "sac" = fit_sac, "sac2" = fit_sac2)
curves <- list("ag_f" = ag_f, "ag_f2" = ag_f2, "sac_f" = sac_f, "sac_f2" = sac_f2, "true_f" = true_f)
return(list(bfits = bfits, curves = curves, times = times, true_coef = true_coef,
obs_ag = obs_ag, raw_sac = raw_sac))
ff <- makeJointFits(sim)
## Curve MISE of fits (ff)
mise <- function(ff) {
curves <- ff$curves
times <- ff$times
cc <- lapply(ff$bfits, coef)
cc[["true_f"]] <- ff$true_coef
misev <- vapply(cc, function(x) {
## tt = time
g <- function(tt) {
(eyetrackSim:::logistic_f(x, tt) - eyetrackSim:::logistic_f(ff$true_coef, tt))^2
integrate(g, lower = min(times), upper = max(times))$value
}, 1)
if (length(misev) == 3) {
names(misev) <- c("Aggregate -- Shifted", "Saccade -- Shifted", "Underlying")
} else {
names(misev) <- c("Aggregate", "Aggregate -- Shifted","Saccade", "Saccade -- Shifted", "Underlying")
plotBfits <- function(ff, mm = NULL) {
obs <- ff$obs_ag
times <- obs$times
curves <- ff$curves
sac <- ff$raw_sac
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
if (length(curves) == 5) {
plot(obs, lty = 2, col = 'gray', ylim = c(0, 1),
main = mm, xlab = "time", ylab = "activation")
c_lty <- c("longdash", "solid", "longdash", "solid", "solid")
c_lwd <- c(2, 3, 2, 3, 4)
c_col <- c("firebrick1", "firebrick1", "chartreuse", "chartreuse", " darkorchid1")
for (i in rev(seq_along(curves))) {
lines(times, curves[[i]], lty = c_lty[i], col = c_col[i], lwd = c_lwd[i])
legend(1250, 0.4, col = c("gray", c_col), lwd = c(1, c_lwd), lty = c("solid", c_lty),
legend = c("Obs aggregate", "Aggregated fit", "Aggregated fit -- shifted",
"Saccade fit", "Saccade fit -- shifted", "Underlying Curve"))
} else {
plot(obs, lty = 2, col = 'gray', ylim = c(0, 1),
main = mm)
c_lty <- c("solid", "solid", "solid")
c_lwd <- c(3, 3, 4)
c_col <- c("firebrick1", "chartreuse", " darkorchid1")
for (i in rev(seq_along(curves))) {
lines(times, curves[[i]], lty = c_lty[i], col = c_col[i], lwd = c_lwd[i])
legend(1250, 0.4, col = c("gray", c_col), lwd = c(1, c_lwd), lty = c("solid", c_lty),
legend = c("Obs aggregate", "Aggregated fit -- shifted",
"Saccade fit -- shifted", "Underlying Curve"))
hist(sac$starttime, main = "Saccades", xlab = "time")
simNFits <- function(ss) {
ss <- copy(ss)
true_coef <- ss$subInfo$pars
## Get aggregated and saccade
raw_ag <- eyetrackSim:::aggregateSub(ss)
raw_ag[, `:=`(id = 1, gp = "A")]
raw_sac <- eyetrackSim:::buildSaccadeSub(ss)
raw_sac[, `:=`(id = 1, gp = "A", saccadenum = NULL)]
## Shift curves
raw_ag2 <- copy(raw_ag)
raw_sac2 <- copy(raw_sac)
raw_ag2[, times := times - 200L]
raw_sac2[, starttime := starttime - 200L]
## Fit the bdots
fit_ag2 <- bdotsFit(data = raw_ag2,
subject = "id",
group = "gp",
curveType = logistic(),
time = "times",
y = "looks",
cores = 7)
fit_sac2 <- bdotsFit(data = raw_sac2,
subject = "id",
group = "gp",
curveType = logistic2(),
time = "starttime",
y = "looks",
cores = 7)
## Stuff for plots
times <- unique(raw_ag$times)
ag_f2 <- eyetrackSim:::logistic_f(coef(fit_ag2), times)
sac_f2 <- eyetrackSim:::logistic_f(coef(fit_sac2), times)
true_f <- eyetrackSim:::logistic_f(true_coef, times)
obs_ag <- copy(raw_ag)
obs_ag[, `:=`(id = NULL, gp = NULL)]
## Return obs
bfits <- list("ag2" = fit_ag2, "sac2" = fit_sac2)
curves <- list("ag_f2" = ag_f2, "sac_f2" = sac_f2, "true_f" = true_f)
return(list(bfits = bfits, curves = curves, times = times, true_coef = true_coef,
obs_ag = obs_ag, raw_sac = raw_sac))
#### 2. Compare Standard (aggregate) with Saccade ####
# set.seed(69)
# sim <- runSub(ntrials = 300, fbst = TRUE)
# true_coef <- sim$subInfo$pars
# bfit <- makeJointFits(sim)
# #### 3. Compare Standard (aggregate) with Saccade -- Early Window ####
# sim_early <- runSub(ntrials = 300, fbst = TRUE, pars = true_coef,
# window = c(100, 400), windowRate = 25)
# bfit_early <- makeJointFits(sim_early)
# #### 3. Compare Standard (aggregate) with Saccade -- Mid Window ####
# sim_mid <- runSub(ntrials = 300, fbst = TRUE, pars = true_coef,
# window = c(700, 1000), windowRate = 25)
# bfit_mid <- makeJointFits(sim_mid)
# #### 3. Compare Standard (aggregate) with Saccade -- Late Window ####
# sim_late <- runSub(ntrials = 300, fbst = TRUE, pars = true_coef,
# window = c(1400, 1700), windowRate = 25)
# bfit_late <- makeJointFits(sim_late)
# #### 3. Convergence of saccade to true with large N ####
# sim_N <- runSub(ntrials = 1e5, fbst = TRUE, pars = true_coef)
# bfitN <- simNFits(sim_N)
#### Let's do this all at once
runSet <- function(seed = 69, FBST = TRUE) {
sim <- runSub(ntrials = 300, fbst = FBST, saccadeDelay = 200)
true_coef <- sim$subInfo$pars
bfit <- makeJointFits(sim)
reg <- list("sim" = sim, "fit" = bfit)
#### 3. Compare Standard (aggregate) with Saccade -- Early Window ####
sim_early <- runSub(ntrials = 300, fbst = FBST, pars = true_coef,
window = c(100, 400), windowRate = 25, saccadeDelay = 200)
bfit_early <- makeJointFits(sim_early)
early = list("sim" = sim_early, "fit" = bfit_early)
#### 3. Compare Standard (aggregate) with Saccade -- Mid Window ####
sim_mid <- runSub(ntrials = 300, fbst = FBST, pars = true_coef,
window = c(700, 1000), windowRate = 25, saccadeDelay = 200)
bfit_mid <- makeJointFits(sim_mid)
mid <- list("sim" = sim_mid, "fit" = bfit_mid)
#### 3. Compare Standard (aggregate) with Saccade -- Late Window ####
sim_late <- runSub(ntrials = 300, fbst = FBST, pars = true_coef,
window = c(1400, 1700), windowRate = 25, saccadeDelay = 200)
bfit_late <- makeJointFits(sim_late)
late <- list("sim" = sim_late, "fit" = bfit_late)
#### 3. Convergence of saccade to true with large N ####
sim_N <- runSub(ntrials = 1e5, fbst = FBST, pars = true_coef, saccadeDelay = 200)
#bfitN <- simNFits(sim_N)
bfitN <- makeJointFits(sim_N)
nlist <- list("sim" = sim_N, "fit" = bfitN)
return(list("reg" = reg, "early" = early,
"mid" = mid, "late" = late, "nlist" = nlist))
# ## Seed = 69, fbst = true/false
# res_69_fbst <- runSet(69, TRUE)
# res_69_fbs <- runSet(69, FALSE)
# ## Seed = 6969, fbst = true/false
# res_6969_fbst <- runSet(6969, TRUE)
# res_6969_fbs <- runSet(6969, FALSE)
# save.image(file = "allSims.RData")
## Seed = 69, fbst = true/false (only true)
res_69_fbst <- runSet(79, TRUE)
## Seed = 6969, fbst = true/false
res_6969_fbst <- runSet(7969, TRUE)
save.image(file = "allSims3.RData")
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