
#' @title
#' Find a set of barcode combinations with least heterogeneity
#' in barcode usage
#' @description
#' This function uses the Shannon Entropy to identify a set of compatible
#' barcode combinations with least heterogeneity in barcode usage.
#' @usage
#' optimize_combinations(combination_m, nb_lane, index_number,
#' thrs_size_comb, max_iteration, method)
#' @param combination_m A matrix of compatible barcode combinations.
#' @param nb_lane The number of lanes to be use for sequencing
#' (i.e. the number of libraries divided by the multiplex level).
#' @param index_number The total number of distinct DNA barcodes in the
#' dataset.
#' @param thrs_size_comb The maximum size of the set of compatible 
#' combinations to be used for the greedy optimization.
#' @param max_iteration The maximum number of iterations during
#' the optimizing step.
#' @param method The choice of the greedy search: 'greedy_exchange'
#' or 'greedy_descent'.
#' @details
#' N/k compatible combinations are then selected using a Shannon entropy
#' maximization approach.
#' It can be shown that the maximum value of the entropy that can be attained
#' for a selection of N barcodes among n, with possible repetitions, reads:
#' \deqn{S_{max}=-(n-r)\frac{\lfloor N/n\rfloor}{N}
#' \log(\frac{\lfloor N/n\rfloor}{N})-r\frac{\lceil N/n\rceil}{N}
#' \log(\frac{\lceil N/n\rceil}{N})}
#' where r denotes the rest of the division of N by n, while
#' \deqn{\lfloor N/n\rfloor} and \deqn{\lceil N/n\rceil} denote
#' the lower and upper integer parts of N/n, respectively.
#' **Case 1:** number of lanes < number of compatible DNA-barcode
#' combinations
#' This function seeks for compatible DNA-barcode combinations of
#' highest entropy. In brief this function uses a randomized greedy descent
#' algorithm to find an optimized selection.
#' Note that the resulting optimized selection may not be globally optimal.
#' It is actually close to optimal and much improved in terms of 
#' non-redundancy of DNA barcodes used, compared to a randomly chosen set of
#' combinations of compatible barcodes.
#' **Case 2:** number of lanes >= number of
#' compatible DNA-barcode combinations
#' In such a case, there are not enough compatible DNA-barcode combinations
#' and redundancy is inevitable.
#' @md
#' @return
#' A matrix containing an optimized set of combinations
#' of compatible barcodes.
#' @examples
#' m <- get_random_combinations(DNABarcodeCompatibility::IlluminaIndexes, 3, 4)
#' optimize_combinations(m, 12, 48)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{get_all_combinations}},
#' \code{\link{get_random_combinations}},
#' \code{\link{experiment_design}}
#' @export

optimize_combinations = function (combination_m,
                                thrs_size_comb = 120,
                                max_iteration = 50,
                                method = "greedy_exchange") {
    if (!"matrix" %in% is(combination_m)) {
        display_message(paste(  "Wrong input format, the combinations should", 
                                "be given as a matrix. The  number of columns",
                                "should be equal to the multiplex level and",
                                "the number of rows should reflect the number",
                                "of compatible combinations"))
    if (nrow(as.matrix(combination_m)) == 0) {
        display_message("No combination have been found")
    } else {
        if (is.numeric(index_number)) {
            if (is.numeric(nb_lane)) {
                max = entropy_max(index_number, ncol(combination_m) * nb_lane)
                print(paste("Theoretical max entropy:", round(max, 5)))
                if (nb_lane < nrow(combination_m)) {
                    if (nrow(combination_m) > thrs_size_comb) {
                        a_combination = recursive_entropy(
                                                thrs_size_comb), ],
                            method = method)
                        i = 0
                        while ((i < max_iteration) &&
                                (entropy_result(a_combination) < max)) {
                            temp_combination = 
                                                thrs_size_comb), ],
                                    method = method)
                            if (entropy_result(temp_combination) >
                                entropy_result(a_combination)) {
                                a_combination = temp_combination
                            i = i + 1
                    } else {
                        if (nrow(combination_m) > 30) {
                            a_combination = recursive_entropy(combination_m,
                                                            method = method)
                            i = 0
                            while ((i < max_iteration) &&
                                    (entropy_result(a_combination) < max)) {
                        temp_combination = recursive_entropy(combination_m,
                                                            method = method)
                                if (entropy_result(temp_combination) >
                                    entropy_result(a_combination)) {
                                    a_combination = temp_combination
                                i = i + 1
                        } else {
                            a_combination = recursive_entropy(combination_m,
                                                    method = "greedy_descent")
                            i = 0
                            while ((i < max_iteration) &&
                                    (entropy_result(a_combination) < max)) {
                            temp_combination = recursive_entropy(combination_m,
                                                    method = "greedy_descent")
                                if (entropy_result(temp_combination) >
                                    entropy_result(a_combination)) {
                                    a_combination = temp_combination
                                i = i + 1
                } else {
                    n = nb_lane - nrow(combination_m)
                    combination_m = combination_m[
                        nrow(combination_m)), ,
                        drop = FALSE]
                    part_combination = combination_m[
                        replace = TRUE), ]
                    a_combination = rbind(combination_m, part_combination)
                    i = 0
                    while ((i < 30) &&
                            (entropy_result(a_combination) < max) && n > 0) {
                    part_combination = combination_m[
                        replace = TRUE), ]
                    temp_combination = rbind(combination_m, part_combination)
                        if (entropy_result(temp_combination) >
                            entropy_result(a_combination)) {
                            a_combination = temp_combination
                        i = i + 1
                a_combination = a_combination[
                    nrow(a_combination)), ]
                    "Entropy of the optimized set:",
                    round(entropy_result(a_combination), 5)
            } else {
                display_message("Please enter a number as nb_lane")
        } else {
            display_message("Please enter a number as index_number")
comoto-pasteur-fr/DNABarcodeCompatibility documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 3:28 p.m.