
RLLog = R6::R6Class("RLLog",  #nocov start
  public = list(
    log.root = NULL,
    log.nn = NULL,
    conf = NULL,
    flag = NULL,
    # the configuration of logging does not impact the performance, so use global configuration
    initialize = function(conf) {
      conf.logging = conf$conf.log.perf
      self$conf = conf
      # make log obj
      self$log.root = logging::getLogger(conf$conf.log.perf$LOGGERNAMERL)
      self$log.nn = logging::getLogger(conf$conf.log.perf$LOGGERNAMENN)
      logging::removeHandler("writeToConsole", logger = conf$conf.log.perf$LOGGERNAMENN)
      logging::removeHandler("basic.stdout", logger = conf$conf.log.perf$LOGGERNAMENN)
      # whether log to file
      self$flag = conf$get("log")
      if (is.null(self$flag)) self$flag = FALSE
      if (self$flag) {
        # root logger
        logging::addHandler(writeToFile, file = file.path(conf$conf.log.perf$filePrefix, conf.logging$RLSufix), logger = conf.logging$LOGGERNAMERL)
        # every step logger
        logging::addHandler(writeToFile, file = file.path(conf.logging$filePrefix, conf$conf.log.perf$NNSufix), logger = conf$conf.log.perf$LOGGERNAMENN)
        # first logging
        self$log.root$info(conf$conf.log.perf$filePrefix)  # take down the directory name
        info = paste0("\n", conf.logging$info.before, conf.logging$filePrefix, conf.logging$info.after)

    afterAll = function() {
      if (self$flag) {
      filename.replay = file.path(rlR.conf4log$filePrefix, "replay.dt.csv")
      filename.experience = file.path(self$conf$conf.log.perf$filePrefix, "experience.dt.csv")
      self$log.root$info("\n a = BBmisc::load2('%s')\n", self$conf$conf.log.perf$resultTbPath)
      cat(sprintf("\n a = BBmisc::load2('%s') \n", self$conf$conf.log.perf$resultTbPath))
      write.csv(self$rl.agent$mem$dt, file = filename.experience)
      self$log.root$info("\n b = read.csv('%s') \n", filename.experience)
) # nocov end
compstat-lmu/rlR documentation built on June 26, 2019, 5:56 p.m.