Man pages for computationales/rpmodel

calc_gammastarCalculates the CO2 compensation point
calc_kmmCalculates the Michaelis Menten coefficient for...
calc_patmCalculates atmospheric pressure
calc_soilmstressCalculates an empirical soil moisture stress factor
co2_to_caCO2 partial pressure
dampen_vecDampen inputs of rpmodel
density_h2oDensity of water
ftemp_arrhCalculates the Arrhenius-type temperature response
ftemp_inst_jmaxCalculates the instantaneous temperature response of Jmax
ftemp_inst_rdCalculates the temperature response of dark respiration
ftemp_inst_vcmaxCalculates the instantaneous temperature response of Vcmax
ftemp_kphioCalculates the temperature dependence of the quantum yield...
rpmodelInvokes a P-model function call
viscosity_h2oViscosity of water
computationales/rpmodel documentation built on July 1, 2024, 11:10 p.m.