ftemp_inst_jmax: Calculates the instantaneous temperature response of Jmax

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ftemp_inst_jmaxR Documentation

Calculates the instantaneous temperature response of Jmax


Given Jmax at a reference temperature (argument tcref) this function calculates its temperature-scaling factor following modified Arrhenius kinetics based on Kattge & Knorr (2007). Calculates f for the conversion

V = f Vref


ftemp_inst_jmax(tcleaf, tcgrowth = tcleaf, tcref = 25)



Leaf temperature, or in general the temperature relevant for photosynthesis (degrees Celsius)


(Optional) Growth temperature, in the P-model, taken to be equal to tcleaf (in degrees Celsius). Defaults to tcgrowth = tcleaf.


Reference temperature (in degrees Celsius)


The function is given by Kattge & Knorr (2007) as

fv = f(T, \Delta Hv) A/B

where f(T, \Delta Hv) is a regular Arrhenius-type temperature response function (see ftemp_arrh) with Hv=49884 J mol-1,

A = 1 + exp( (T0 \Delta S - Hd) / (T0 R) )


B = 1 + exp( (T \Delta S - Hd) / (TK R) )

Here, T is in Kelvin, T0=293.15 K, Hd = 200000 J mol-1 is the deactivation energy and R is the universal gas constant and is 8.3145 J mol-1 K-1, and

\Delta S = aS - bS T

with aS = 659.70 J mol-1 K-1, and bS = 0.75 J mol-1 K-2, and T given in degrees Celsius (!)


A numeric value for fv


Kattge, J. and Knorr, W.: Temperature acclimation in a biochemical model of photosynthesis: a reanalysis of data from 36 species, Plant, Cell and Environment, 30,1176–1190, 2007.


# Relative change in Jmax going (instantaneously, i.e.
# not acclimatedly) from 10 to 25 degrees (percent change):
print((ftemp_inst_jmax(25)/ftemp_inst_jmax(10)-1)*100 )

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