dampen_vec: Dampen inputs of rpmodel

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dampen_vecR Documentation

Dampen inputs of rpmodel


Applies an exponential dampening input time series with specified time scale.


dampen_vec(vec, tau)



A numeric vector for the time series of a daily meteorological variable used as input for rpmodel (temperature, vapour pressure deficit, CO2, or atmospheric pressure). The length of x must be at least 365, i.e., corresponding to one year.


The time scale of dampening (e-folding time scale of a perturbation). Must be smaller or equal to 365 d.


A numeric vector of equal length as x with damped variation. The dampening is calculated as:

S(t+1) - S(t) = (X(t+1) - S(t)) / \tau

Where X is the daily varying time series given by argument x, S is the dampened time returned by this function, and \tau is the decay time scale of a perturbation, given by argument tau.


## Not run: 
 vec = 20 * (sin(doy*pi/(365)))^2 + rnorm(365, mean = 0, sd = 5),
 tau = 40 

## End(Not run)

computationales/rpmodel documentation built on July 1, 2024, 11:10 p.m.