ftemp_inst_rd: Calculates the temperature response of dark respiration

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ftemp_inst_rdR Documentation

Calculates the temperature response of dark respiration


Given the dark respiration at the reference temperature 25 degress Celsius, this function calculates its temperature-scaling factor following Heskel et al. 2016.





Temperature (degrees Celsius)


To correct for effects by temperature Heskel et al. 2016, and given the reference temperature T0 = 25 deg C, this calculates the temperature scaling factor to calculate dark respiration at temperature T (argument tc) as:

fr = exp( 0.1012 (T0-T) - 0.0005(T0^2 - T^2) )

where T is given in degrees Celsius.


A numeric value for fr


Heskel, M., O’Sullivan, O., Reich, P., Tjoelker, M., Weerasinghe, L., Penillard, A.,Egerton, J., Creek, D., Bloomfield, K., Xiang, J., Sinca, F., Stangl, Z., Martinez-De La Torre, A., Griffin, K., Huntingford, C., Hurry, V., Meir, P., Turnbull, M.,and Atkin, O.: Convergence in the temperature response of leaf respiration across biomes and plant functional types, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 3832–3837, doi:10.1073/pnas.1520282113,2016.


## Relative change in Rd going (instantaneously, i.e. not 
## acclimatedly) from 10 to 25 degrees (percent change):
print( (ftemp_inst_rd(25)/ftemp_inst_rd(10)-1)*100 )

computationales/rpmodel documentation built on July 1, 2024, 11:10 p.m.