


#  This file is a part of the R package "gradDescent".
#  Author: Galih Praja Wijaya
#  Co-author: Dendi Handian, Imam Fachmi Nasrulloh
#  Supervisors: Lala Septem Riza, Rani Megasari, Enjun Junaeti
#  Copyright (c) Department of Computer Science Education, Indonesia University of Education.
#  This package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
#  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#' A function to build prediction model using Gradient Descent method.
#' This function build a prediction model using Gradient Descent (GD) method.
#' Gradient Descent is a first order optimization algorithm to find a local
#' minimum of an objective function by searching along the steepest descent
#' direction. In machine learning, it is mostly used for dealing with supervised
#' learning, which is regression task. By using GD, we construct a model
#' represented in a linear equation that maps the relationship between input
#' variables and the output one. In other words, GD determines suitable coefficient
#' of each variables. So, that the equation can express the mapping correctly.
#' @title Gradient Descent (GD) Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with GD
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with GD
#' GDmodel <- GD(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(GDmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{MBGD}}
#' @references
#' L.A. Cauchy,
#' "Methode generale pour la resolution des systemes d equations",
#' Compte Rendu a l Academie des Sciences 25,
#' pp. 536-538 (1847)
#' @export

GD <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, seed=NULL){
	#convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
	dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
	#shuffle data train
	dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
	#initialize theta
	theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
	#bind 1 column to dataTrain
	dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
	#parse dataTrain into input and output
	inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
	outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
	#temporary variables
	temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	#updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	#constant variables
	rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
	#loop the gradient descent
	for(iteration in 1:maxIter){
		error <- (inputData %*% t(theta)) - outputData
		for(column in 1:length(theta)){
			term <- error * inputData[,column]
			#calculate gradient
			gradient <- sum(term) / rowLength
			temporaryTheta[1,column] = theta[1,column] - (alpha*gradient)
		#update all theta in the current iteration
		theta <- temporaryTheta
	result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using Mini-Batch Gradient Descent (MBGD) method.
#' This function based on \code{\link{GD}} method with optimization to use
#' the training data partially. MBGD has a parameter named batchRate that represent
#' the instances percentage of training data.
#' @title Mini-Batch Gradient Descent (MBGD) Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations.
#' @param nBatch a integer value representing the training data batch.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with MBGD
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with 0.8 batch rate MBGD
#' MBGDmodel <- MBGD(splitedDataSet$dataTrain, nBatch=2)
#' #show result
#' print(MBGDmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{GD}}
#' @references
#' A. Cotter, O. Shamir, N. Srebro, K. Sridharan
#' Better Mini-Batch Algoritms via Accelerated Gradient Methods,
#' NIPS,
#' pp. 1647- (2011)
#' @export

MBGD <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, nBatch=2, seed=NULL){
  #convert nBatch to batchRate
  batchRate <- 1/nBatch;
	#convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
	dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
	#shuffle dataTrain
	dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
	#initialize theta
	theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
	#bind 1 column to dataTrain
	dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
	#temporary variables
	temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	#updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	#loop the gradient descent
	for(iteration in 1:maxIter){
	  #split dataTrain to Batch
	  if(iteration %% nBatch == 1){
	    temp <- 1
	    x <- nrow(dataTrain)*batchRate
	    temp2 <- x
	  }else if(nBatch == 1){
	    temp <- 1
	    x <- nrow(dataTrain)*batchRate
	    temp2 <- x
	  #dataTrain batch
	  batch <- dataTrain[temp:temp2,]
	  #parse dataTrain into input and output
	  inputData <- batch[,1:ncol(batch)-1]
	  outputData <- batch[,ncol(batch)]
	  #constant variables
	  rowLength <- nrow(batch)
	  #next batch
	  temp <- temp + x
	  temp2 <- temp2 + x

		error <- (inputData %*% t(theta)) - outputData
		for(column in 1:length(theta)){
			term <- error * inputData[,column]
			#calculate gradient
			gradient <- sum(term) / rowLength
			temporaryTheta[1,column] = theta[1,column] - (alpha*gradient)
		#update all theta in the current iteration
		theta <- temporaryTheta
	result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) method.
#' This function based on \code{\link{GD}} method with optimization to use only one instance
#' of training data stochasticaly. So, SGD will perform fast computation and the learning.
#' However, the learning to reach minimum cost will become more unstable.
#' @title Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with SGD
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with SGD
#' SGDmodel <- SGD(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(SGDmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{SAGD}}
#' @references
#' N. Le Roux, M. Schmidt, F. Bach
#' A Stochastic Gradient Method with an Exceptional Convergence Rate for Finite Training Sets,
#' Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,
#' (2011)
#' @export

SGD <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, seed=NULL){
	#convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
	dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
	#shuffle dataTrain
	dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
	#initialize theta
	theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
	#bind 1 column to dataTrain
	dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
	#parse dataTrain into input and output
	inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
	outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
	#temporary variables
	temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	# updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	#constant variables
	rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
	stochasticList <- sample(1:rowLength, maxIter, replace=TRUE)
	#loop the gradient descent
	for(iteration in 1:maxIter){
		error <- (inputData[stochasticList[iteration],] %*% t(theta)) - outputData[stochasticList[iteration]]
		for(column in 1:length(theta)){
			#calculate gradient
			gradient <- error * inputData[stochasticList[iteration], column]
			temporaryTheta[1,column] = theta[1,column] - (alpha*gradient)
		#update all theta in the current iteration
		theta <- temporaryTheta
	result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using Stochastic Average Gradient Descent (SAGD) method.
#' This function based on \code{\link{SGD}} that only compute one instances of
#' of training data stochasticaly. But \code{SAGD} has an averaging control optimization
#' to decide between do the coefficient update or not randomly. This optimization
#' will speed-up the learning, if it doesn't perform computation and
#' update the coefficient.
#' @title Stochastic Average Gradient Descent (SAGD) Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with SAGD
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with SAGD
#' SAGDmodel <- SAGD(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(SAGDmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{SGD}}
#' @references
#' M. Schmidt, N. Le Roux, F. Bach
#' Minimizing Finite Sums with the Stochastic Average Gradient,
#' INRIA-SIERRA Project - Team Departement d'informatique de l'Ecole Normale Superieure,
#' (2013)
#' @export

SAGD <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, seed=NULL){
	#convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
	dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
	#shuffle dataTrain
	dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
	#initialize theta
	theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
	#bind 1 column to dataTrain
	dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
	#parse dataTrain into input and output
	inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
	outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
	#temporary variables
	temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	# updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	#constant variables
	rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
	stochasticList <- sample(1:rowLength, maxIter, replace=TRUE)
	#loop the gradient descent
	for(iteration in 1:maxIter){
		#stochastic average randomization
		if(sample(0:1,1) == 1){
			error <- (inputData[stochasticList[iteration],] %*% t(theta)) - outputData[stochasticList[iteration]]
			for(column in 1:length(theta)){
				#calculate gradient
				gradient <- error * inputData[stochasticList[iteration], column]
				temporaryTheta[1,column] = theta[1,column] - (alpha*gradient)
			#update all theta in the current iteration
			theta <- temporaryTheta
	result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using Momentum Gradient Descent (MGD) method.
#' This function based on \code{\link{SGD}} with an optimization to speed-up the learning
#' by adding a constant momentum.
#' @title Momentum Gradient Descent (MGD) Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations.
#' @param momentum a float value represent momentum give a constant speed to learning process.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with MGD
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with MGD
#' MGDmodel <- MGD(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(MGDmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{AGD}}
#' @references
#' N. Qian
#' On the momentum term in gradient descent learning algorithms.,
#' Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society,
#' pp. 145-151- (1999)
#' @export

MGD <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, momentum=0.9, seed=NULL){
	#convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
	dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
	#shuffle dataTrain
	dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
	#initialize theta
	theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
	#bind 1 column to dataTrain
	dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
	#parse dataTrain into input and output
	inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
	outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
	#temporary variables
	temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	#constant variables
	rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
	#loop the gradient descent
	for(iteration in 1:maxIter){
		error <- (inputData %*% t(theta)) - outputData
		for(column in 1:length(theta)){
			term <- error * inputData[,column]
			#calculate gradient
			gradient <- sum(term) / rowLength
			updateRule[1,column] <-  (momentum*updateRule[1,column]) + (alpha*gradient)
			temporaryTheta[1,column] = theta[1,column] - updateRule[1,column]
		#update all theta in the current iteration
		theta <- temporaryTheta
	result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using Accelerated Gradient Descent (AGD) method.
#' This function based on \code{\link{SGD}} and \code{\link{MGD}} with optimization
#' to accelerate the learning with momentum constant in each iteration.
#' @title Accelerated Gradient Descent (AGD) Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations.
#' @param momentum a float value represent momentum give a constant speed to learning process.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with AGD
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with AGD
#' AGDmodel <- AGD(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(AGDmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{MGD}}
#' @references
#' Y. Nesterov
#' A method for unconstrained convex minimization problem with the rate of convergence O (1/k2),
#' Soviet Mathematics Doklady 27 (2),
#' pp. 543-547 (1983)
#' @export

AGD <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, momentum=0.9, seed=NULL){
	#convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
	dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
	#shuffle dataTrain
	dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
	#initialize theta
	theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
	#bind 1 column to dataTrain
	dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
	#parse dataTrain into input and output
	inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
	outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
	#temporary variables
	temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	#constant variables
	rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
	#loop the gradient descent
	for(iteration in 1:maxIter){
		theta <- theta - (updateRule * momentum)
		error <- (inputData %*% t(theta)) - outputData
		for(column in 1:length(theta)){
			term <- error * inputData[,column]
			#calculate gradient
			gradient <- sum(term) / rowLength
			updateRule[1,column] <-  (momentum*updateRule[1,column]) + (alpha*gradient)
			temporaryTheta[1,column] = theta[1,column] - updateRule[1,column]
		#update all theta in the current iteration
		theta <- temporaryTheta
	result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using ADAGRAD method.
#' This function based on \code{\link{SGD}} with an optimization to create
#' an adaptive learning rate with an approach that accumulate previous cost in each iteration.
#' @title ADAGRAD Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with ADAGRAD
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with ADAGRAD
#' ADAGRADmodel <- ADAGRAD(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(ADAGRADmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ADADELTA}}, \code{\link{RMSPROP}}, \code{\link{ADAM}}
#' @references
#' J. Duchi, E. Hazan, Y. Singer
#' Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization,
#' Journal of Machine Learning Research 12,
#' pp. 2121-2159 (2011)
#' @export

ADAGRAD <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, seed=NULL){
	#convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
	dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
	#shuffle dataTrain
	dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
	#initialize theta
	theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
	#bind 1 column to dataTrain
	dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
	#parse dataTrain into input and output
	inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
	outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
	#temporary variables
	temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	gradientList <- matrix(nrow=1, ncol=0)
	#constant variables
	rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
	stochasticList <- sample(1:rowLength, maxIter, replace=TRUE)
	#loop the gradient descent
	for(iteration in 1:maxIter){
		error <- (inputData[stochasticList[iteration],] %*% t(theta)) - outputData[stochasticList[iteration]]
		for(column in 1:length(theta)){
			#calculate gradient
			gradient <- error * inputData[stochasticList[iteration], column]
			#adagrad update rule calculation
			gradientList <- cbind(gradientList, gradient)
			gradientSum <- sqrt(gradientList %*% t(gradientList))
			updateRule[1,column] <- (alpha / gradientSum) * gradient
			temporaryTheta[1,column] = theta[1,column] - updateRule[1,column]
		#update all theta in the current iteration
		theta <- temporaryTheta
	result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using ADADELTA method.
#' This function based on \code{\link{SGD}} with an optimization to create
#' an adaptive learning rate by hessian approximation correction approach.
#' Correction and has less computation load than \code{\link{ADAGRAD}}. This method
#' create an exclusive learning rate and doesn't need \code{alpha} parameter, but uses
#' momentum parameter same as \code{\link{MGD}} and \code{\link{AGD}}.
#' @title ADADELTA Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations.
#' @param momentum a float value represent momentum give a constant speed to learning process.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with ADADELTA
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with ADADELTA
#' ADADELTAmodel <- ADADELTA(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(ADADELTAmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ADAGRAD}}, \code{\link{RMSPROP}}, \code{\link{ADAM}}
#' @references
#' M. D. Zeiler
#' Adadelta: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method,
#' arXiv: 1212.5701v1,
#' pp. 1-6 (2012)
#' @export

ADADELTA <- function(dataTrain, maxIter=10, momentum=0.9, seed=NULL){
	#convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
	dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
	#shuffle dataTrain
	dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
	#initialize theta
	theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
	#bind 1 column to dataTrain
	dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
	#parse dataTrain into input and output
	inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
	outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
	#temporary variables
	temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	ESG <- 0
	ESR <- 0
	RMSUpdate <- 0
	smooth <- 0.0000001
	#constant variables
	rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
	stochasticList <- sample(1:rowLength, maxIter, replace=TRUE)
	#loop the gradient descent
	for(iteration in 1:maxIter){
		error <- (inputData[stochasticList[iteration],] %*% t(theta)) - outputData[stochasticList[iteration]]
		for(column in 1:length(theta)){
			#calculate gradient
			gradient <- error * inputData[stochasticList[iteration], column]
			#adadelta update rule calculation
			ESG <- (momentum*ESG) + (1-momentum)*gradient^2
			RMSGradient <- sqrt(ESG + smooth)
			ESR <- (momentum*ESR) + (1-momentum)*updateRule[1,column]^2
			updateRule[1,column] <- (RMSUpdate / RMSGradient) * gradient
			#temporary change
			temporaryTheta[1,column] = theta[1,column] - updateRule[1,column]
			#adadelta temporary change
			RMSUpdate <- sqrt(ESR + smooth)
		#update all theta in the current iteration
		theta <- temporaryTheta
	result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using RMSPROP method.
#' This function based on \code{\link{SGD}} with an optimization to create
#' an adaptive learning rate by RMS cost and hessian approximation correction approach.
#' In other word, this method combine the \code{\link{ADAGRAD}} and \code{\link{ADADELTA}}
#' approaches.
#' @title ADADELTA Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations.
#' @param momentum a float value represent momentum give a constant speed to learning process.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with RMSPROP
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with RMSPROP
#' RMSPROPmodel <- RMSPROP(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(RMSPROPmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ADAGRAD}}, \code{\link{ADADELTA}}, \code{\link{ADAM}}
#' @references
#' M. D. Zeiler
#' Adadelta: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method,
#' arXiv: 1212.5701v1,
#' pp. 1-6 (2012)
#' @export

RMSPROP <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, momentum=0.9, seed=NULL){
	#convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
	dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
	#shuffle dataTrain
	dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
	#initialize theta
	theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
	#bind 1 column to dataTrain
	dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
	#parse dataTrain into input and output
	inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
	outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
	#temporary variables
	temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	ESG <- 0
	smooth <- 0.0000001
	#constant variables
	rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
	stochasticList <- sample(1:rowLength, maxIter, replace=TRUE)
	#loop the gradient descent
	for(iteration in 1:maxIter){
		error <- (inputData[stochasticList[iteration],] %*% t(theta)) - outputData[stochasticList[iteration]]
		for(column in 1:length(theta)){
			#calculate gradient
			gradient <- error * inputData[stochasticList[iteration], column]
			#rmsprop update rule calculation
			ESG <- (momentum*ESG) + (1-momentum)*gradient^2
			RMSGradient <- sqrt(ESG + smooth)
			updateRule[1,column] <- (alpha / RMSGradient) * gradient
			#temporary change
			temporaryTheta[1,column] = theta[1,column] - updateRule[1,column]
		#update all theta in the current iteration
		theta <- temporaryTheta
	result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using ADAM method.
#' This function based on \code{\link{SGD}} with an optimization to create
#' an adaptive learning rate by two moment estimation called mean and variance.
#' @title ADADELTA Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with ADAM
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with ADAM
#' ADAMmodel <- ADAM(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(ADAMmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ADAGRAD}}, \code{\link{RMSPROP}}, \code{\link{ADADELTA}}
#' @references
#' D.P Kingma, J. Lei
#' Adam: a Method for Stochastic Optimization,
#' International Conference on Learning Representation,
#' pp. 1-13 (2015)
#' @export

ADAM <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, seed=NULL){
	#convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
	dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
	#shuffle dataTrain
	dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
	#initialize theta
	theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
	#bind 1 column to dataTrain
	dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
	#parse dataTrain into input and output
	inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
	outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
	#temporary variables
	temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
	beta1 <- 0.9
	beta2 <- 0.999
	meanMoment <- 0
	varianceMoment <- 0
	smooth <- 0.0000001
	#constant variables
	rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
	stochasticList <- sample(1:rowLength, maxIter, replace=TRUE)
	#loop the gradient descent
	for(iteration in 1:maxIter){
		error <- (inputData[stochasticList[iteration],] %*% t(theta)) - outputData[stochasticList[iteration]]
		for(column in 1:length(theta)){
			#calculate gradient
			gradient <- error * inputData[stochasticList[iteration], column]
			#adam update rule calculation
			meanMoment <- (beta1*meanMoment) + (1-beta1)*gradient
			varianceMoment <- (beta2*varianceMoment) + (1-beta2)*(gradient^2)
			mean.hat <- meanMoment/(1-beta1)
			variance.hat <- varianceMoment/(1-beta2)
			updateRule[1,column] <- (alpha/(sqrt(variance.hat)+smooth)) * mean.hat
			#temporary change
			temporaryTheta[1,column] = theta[1,column] - updateRule[1,column]
		#update all theta in the current iteration
		theta <- temporaryTheta
	result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using SVRG method.
#' This function based on \code{\link{SGD}} with an optimization that accelerates
#' the process toward converging by reducing the gradient in \code{\link{SGD}}
#' @title Stochastic Variance Reduce Gradient (SVRG) Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations in outerloop.
#' @param innerIter the maximal number of iterations in innerloop.
#' @param option is an option to set the theta. option 1 set the theta with the last theta
#'        in innerloop. option 2 set the theta with random theta from 1 to last innerloop.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with SVRG
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with SVRG
#' SVRGmodel <- SVRG(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(SVRGmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{SSGD}}, \code{\link{SARAH}}, \code{\link{SARAHPlus}}
#' @references
#' Rie Johnson, Tong Zang
#' Accelerating Stochastic Gradient Descent using Predictive Variance Reduction,
#' Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,
#' pp. 315-323 (2013)
#' @export

#variance baru (SVRG)
SVRG <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, innerIter=10, option=2, seed=NULL){
  #convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
  dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
  #shuffle dataTrain
  dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
  #initialize theta
  theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
  #bind 1 column to dataTrain
  dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
  #parse dataTrain into input and output
  inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
  outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
  #temporary variables
  temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  temporaryTheta2 <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  temporaryThetaList <- matrix(ncol=length(theta))
  #updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  gradient <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  #constant variables
  rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
  randRowList <- sample(1:rowLength, innerIter, replace=TRUE)
  #loop the gradient descent
  for(iteration in 1:maxIter){

    temporaryTheta <- theta

    error <- (inputData %*% t(temporaryTheta)) - outputData
    for(column in 1:length(temporaryTheta)){
      term <- error * inputData[,column]
      #calculate gradient
      gradient[,column] <- sum(term) / rowLength

    temporaryTheta2 <- temporaryTheta
    temporaryThetaList <- temporaryTheta2

    for(innerIteration in 1:(innerIter)){
      error2 <- (inputData[randRowList[innerIteration],] %*% t(temporaryTheta2)) - outputData[randRowList[innerIteration]]
      error3 <- (inputData[randRowList[innerIteration],] %*% t(temporaryTheta)) - outputData[randRowList[innerIteration]]

      for(column in 1:length(theta)){
        term2 <- error2 * inputData[randRowList[innerIteration],column]
        term3 <- error3 * inputData[randRowList[innerIteration],column]

        totalGrad <- term2 - term3 + gradient[,column]

        temporaryTheta2[1,column] <- temporaryTheta2[1,column] - (alpha*totalGrad)

      temporaryThetaList <- rbind(temporaryThetaList, temporaryTheta2)

    randInnerIter <- sample(innerIter,1)
    if(option == 1){
      theta[1,] <- temporaryThetaList[innerIter,]
      theta[1,] <- temporaryThetaList[randInnerIter,]

  result <- theta

#' A function to build prediction model using SSGD method.
#' This function combines elements from both \code{\link{GD}} and \code{\link{SGD}}. \code{\link{SSGD}} starts by
#' computing the full gradient once and then proceeds with stochastic updates by choosing one of
#' the gradients at a time.
#' @title Semi Stochastic Gradient Descent (SSGD) Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations in outerloop.
#' @param innerIter the maximal number of iterations in innerloop.
#' @param lamda a float value to generate random value from innerIter with probability for innerloop.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with SSGD
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with SSGD
#' SSGDmodel <- SSGD(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(SSGDmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{SVRG}}, \code{\link{SARAH}}, \code{\link{SARAHPlus}}
#' @references
#' George Papamakarios
#' Comparison of Modern Stochastic Optimization Algorithms,
#' (2014)
#' @export

#variance baru (SSGD)
SSGD <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, lamda=0, innerIter=10, seed=NULL){
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  #convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
  dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
  #shuffle dataTrain
  dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
  #initialize theta
  theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
  #bind 1 column to dataTrain
  dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
  #parse dataTrain into input and output
  inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
  outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
  #temporary variables
  temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  #updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  gradient <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  #constant variables
  rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
  #loop the gradient descent
  for (iteration in 1:maxIter) {
    error <- (inputData %*% t(theta)) - outputData
    for(column in 1:length(theta)){
      term <- error * inputData[,column]
      #calculate gradient
      gradient[,column] <- sum(term) / rowLength

    #temporary theta
    themp <- theta

    #random innerIteration
    randIter <- getRandomProb(innerIter,lamda,alpha)

    for (innerIteration in 1:randIter) {
      #choose random of row
      randRow <- sample(rowLength,1)

      error2 <- (inputData[randRow,] %*% t(themp)) - outputData[randRow]
      error3 <- (inputData[randRow,] %*% t(theta)) - outputData[randRow]

      for(column in 1:length(theta)){
        term2 <- error2 * inputData[randRow,column]
        term3 <- error3 * inputData[randRow,column]

        totalGrad <- gradient[,column] - term2 + term3

        themp[1,column] <- themp[1,column] - (alpha*totalGrad)
    theta <- themp
  result <- theta
  end_time <- Sys.time()
  print(end_time - start_time)

#' A function to build prediction model using SARAH method.
#' This function Similarly to \code{\link{SVRG}}, \code{\link{SARAH}} iterations are divided
#' into the outer loop where a full gradient is computed and the inner loop where only
#' stochastic gradient is computed. Unlike the case of \code{\link{SVRG}}, the steps of
#' the inner loop of \code{\link{SARAH}} are based on accumulated stochastic information.
#' @title Stochastic Recursive Gradient Algorithm (SARAH) Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations in outerloop.
#' @param innerIter the maximal number of iterations in innerloop.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with SARAH
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with SARAH
#' SARAHmodel <- SARAH(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(SARAHmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{SVRG}}, \code{\link{SSGD}}, \code{\link{SARAHPlus}}
#' @references
#' Lam M. Nguyen, Jie Lu, Katya Scheinberg, Martin Takac
#' SARAH: A Novel Method for Machine Learning Problems Using Stochastic Recursive Gradient,
#' arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.00102,
#' (2017)
#' @export

#variance baru (SARAH)
SARAH <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, innerIter=10, seed=NULL){
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  #convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
  dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
  #shuffle dataTrain
  dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
  #initialize theta
  theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
  #bind 1 column to dataTrain
  dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
  #parse dataTrain into input and output
  inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
  outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
  #temporary variables
  temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  temporaryTheta2 <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  temporaryThetaList <- matrix(ncol=length(theta))
  #updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  gradient <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  #constant variables
  rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
  randRowList <- sample(1:rowLength, innerIter, replace=TRUE)
  #loop the gradient descent
  for(iteration in 1:maxIter){

    temporaryTheta <- theta

    error <- (inputData %*% t(temporaryTheta)) - outputData
    for(column in 1:length(temporaryTheta)){
      term <- error * inputData[,column]
      #calculate gradient
      gradient[,column] <- sum(term) / rowLength
      temporaryTheta2[,column] <- temporaryTheta[,column] - (alpha*gradient[,column])

    temporaryThetaList <- temporaryTheta

    for(innerIteration in 1:(innerIter-1)){
      error2 <- (inputData[randRowList[innerIteration],] %*% t(temporaryTheta2)) - outputData[randRowList[innerIteration]]
      error3 <- (inputData[randRowList[innerIteration],] %*% t(temporaryTheta)) - outputData[randRowList[innerIteration]]

      temporaryTheta <- temporaryTheta2

      for(column in 1:length(theta)){
        term2 <- error2 * inputData[randRowList[innerIteration],column]
        term3 <- error3 * inputData[randRowList[innerIteration],column]

        gradient[,column] <- term2 - term3 + gradient[,column]

        temporaryTheta2[1,column] <- temporaryTheta2[1,column] - (alpha*gradient[,column])

      temporaryThetaList <- rbind(temporaryThetaList, temporaryTheta2)

    randInnerIter <- sample(innerIter,1)
    theta[1,] <- temporaryThetaList[randInnerIter,]

  result <- theta
  end_time <- Sys.time()
  print(end_time - start_time)

#' A function to build prediction model using SARAH+ method.
#' This function is practical variant of \code{\link{SARAH}}, \code{\link{SARAHPlus}} provides a possibility of
#' earlier termination and unnecessary careful choices of maximum innerloop size, and it also covers the
#' classical gradient descent when we set gammaS = 1 (since the while loop does not proceed).
#' @title Stochastic Recursive Gradient Algorithm+ (SARAH+) Method Learning Function
#' @param dataTrain a data.frame that representing training data (\eqn{m \times n}),
#'        where \eqn{m} is the number of instances and \eqn{n} is the number
#'        of variables where the last column is the output variable. dataTrain
#'        must have at least two columns and ten rows of data that contain
#'        only numbers (integer or float).
#' @param alpha a float value representing learning rate. Default value is 0.1
#' @param maxIter the maximal number of iterations in outerloop.
#' @param innerIter the maximal number of iterations in innerloop.
#' @param gammaS a float value to provide sufficient reduction. Default value is 0.125.
#' @param seed a integer value for static random. Default value is NULL, which means
#'        the function will not do static random.
#' @examples
#' ##################################
#' ## Learning and Build Model with SARAH+
#' ## load R Package data
#' data(gradDescentRData)
#' ## get z-factor data
#' dataSet <- gradDescentRData$CompressilbilityFactor
#' ## split dataset
#' splitedDataSet <- splitData(dataSet)
#' ## build model with SARAH+
#' SARAHPlusmodel <- SARAHPlus(splitedDataSet$dataTrain)
#' #show result
#' print(SARAHPlusmodel)
#' @return a vector matrix of theta (coefficient) for linear model.
#' @seealso \code{\link{SVRG}}, \code{\link{SSGD}}, \code{\link{SARAH}}
#' @references
#' Lam M. Nguyen, Jie Lu, Katya Scheinberg, Martin Takac
#' SARAH: A Novel Method for Machine Learning Problems Using Stochastic Recursive Gradient,
#' arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.00102,
#' (2017)
#' @export

#variance baru (SARAH+)
SARAHPlus <- function(dataTrain, alpha=0.1, maxIter=10, innerIter=10, gammaS=0.125, seed=NULL){
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  #convert data.frame dataSet in matrix
  dataTrain <- matrix(unlist(dataTrain), ncol=ncol(dataTrain), byrow=FALSE)
  #shuffle dataTrain
  dataTrain <- dataTrain[sample(nrow(dataTrain)), ]
  #initialize theta
  theta <- getTheta(ncol(dataTrain), seed=seed)
  #bind 1 column to dataTrain
  dataTrain <- cbind(1, dataTrain)
  #parse dataTrain into input and output
  inputData <- dataTrain[,1:ncol(dataTrain)-1]
  outputData <- dataTrain[,ncol(dataTrain)]
  #temporary variables
  temporaryTheta <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  temporaryTheta2 <- matrix(ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  temporaryThetaList <- matrix(ncol=length(theta))
  #updateRule <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  gradient <- matrix(0, ncol=length(theta), nrow=1)
  #constant variables
  rowLength <- nrow(dataTrain)
  randRowList <- sample(1:rowLength, innerIter, replace=TRUE)
  #loop the gradient descent
  for(iteration in 1:maxIter){

    temporaryTheta <- theta

    error <- (inputData %*% t(temporaryTheta)) - outputData
    for(column in 1:length(temporaryTheta)){
      term <- error * inputData[,column]
      #calculate gradient
      gradient[,column] <- sum(term) / rowLength
      temporaryTheta2[,column] <- temporaryTheta[,column] - (alpha*gradient[,column])
    firstGradient <- gradient

    temporaryThetaList <- temporaryTheta

    iter <- 1

    while(((abs(colSums(gradient)/3))^2) > (gammaS*((abs(colSums(firstGradient)/3))^2)) && iter < innerIter){

      error2 <- (inputData[randRowList[iter],] %*% t(temporaryTheta2)) - outputData[randRowList[iter]]
      error3 <- (inputData[randRowList[iter],] %*% t(temporaryTheta)) - outputData[randRowList[iter]]

      temporaryTheta <- temporaryTheta2

      for(column in 1:length(theta)){
        term2 <- error2 * inputData[randRowList[iter],column]
        term3 <- error3 * inputData[randRowList[iter],column]

        gradient[,column] <- term2 - term3 + gradient[,column]

        temporaryTheta2[1,column] <- temporaryTheta2[1,column] - (alpha*gradient[,column])

      temporaryThetaList <- rbind(temporaryThetaList, temporaryTheta2)

      iter <- iter + 1

    theta[1,] <- temporaryThetaList[iter,]

  result <- theta
  end_time <- Sys.time()
  print(end_time - start_time)
computer-science-upi/gradDescent documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:46 a.m.