
reshaEnv <- new.env()

get_resha <- function(){
  resha <- get0("resha", envir=reshaEnv)
  if (is.null(resha)){
    message("Constructing the stemmer")
    # resha_data is from sysdata.rda
    resha <- hashmap::hashmap(resha_data$token, resha_data$stem)
    assign("resha", resha, reshaEnv)

#' Stem Turkish tokens
#' This function attempts to stem Turkish tokens using a look-up table (derived
#' from Nuve) as a fast substitute for more complex but more accurate
#' morphological analysis.  If tokens contain an apostrophe, only characters
#' before are stemmed and the remainder discarded.
#' This code should work the same way as the original Java implementation.
#' The interface on the other hand is designed to work feel like
#' the \code{SnowballC} package.
#' Note: This function assumes that all proper nouns are capitalized and
#' other words are not.  (The stemmer is built around a look up table) so
#' you may wish to check that non-proper nouns starting sentences are
#' lowercased appropriately in the input.
#' @param x A token or a vector of tokens
#' @param ... Extra arguments, currently ignored
#' @return A stemmed token or vector of stemmed tokens, or the originals if no stems could be found
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   toks <- c("kitapçığında", "kitapçıdaki", "İstanbul'da")
#'   wordStem(toks)
#' @references \itemize{
#'   \item{Resha}{\url{https://github.com/hrzafer/resha-turkish-stemmer}},
#'   \item{Nuve}{\url{https://github.com/hrzafer/nuve}}
#' }
wordStem <- function(x, ...){
  resha <- get_resha() # or construct it as necessary
  trunc_match <- regexpr("'", x)
  trunc <- trunc_match > -1
  x[trunc] <- substr(x[trunc], 1, trunc_match[trunc]-1)
  res <- resha[[x]]
  no_stem <- which(is.na(res))
  res[no_stem] <- x[no_stem]

#' Add a single token-stem mapping
#' This overwrites or augments the package's existing token to stem mapping.
#' @param token A new token
#' @param stem Its stem
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @examples
#' add_stem("zürriyetindensin", "zürriyet")
add_stem <- function(token, stem){
  resha <- get_resha()
  resha[[token]] <- stem

#' Add a file of new token-stems pairs
#' The file should have lines of the form <token>[whitespace]<stem>.
#' Empty lines and
#' lines starting with # will be ignored.  An example of the correct format
#' is \code{system.file("extdata", "manual.dict", package = "Resha")}
#' Note that changes to the token-stem mapping are not maintained
#' between package loadings.
#' @param fname Name of the file
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @examples
#' newfile <- system.file("extdata", "manual.dict", package = "Resha")
#' add_stems(newfile)
add_stems <- function(fname){
  lns <- readLines(fname)
  lns <- lns[lns != "" & substr(lns, 1, 1) != "#"]
  m <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(lns, "\\W")), nrow=2)
  resha <- get_resha()
  resha$insert(m[1,], m[2,])
conjugateprior/Resha documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:20 p.m.