
Defines functions rename defaults

# This file was copied (mostly untouched) from ggplot2

defaults <- function(x, y) c(x, y[setdiff(names(y), names(x))])

#' Rename elements in a list, data.frame or vector
#' This is akin to `dplyr::rename` and `plyr::rename`. It renames elements given
#' as names in the `replace` vector to the values in the `replace` vector
#' without touching elements not referenced.
#' @param x A data.frame or a named vector or list
#' @param replace A named character vector. The names identifies the elements in
#' `x` that should be renamed and the values gives the new names.
#' @return `x`, with new names according to `replace`
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rename <- function(x, replace) {
  current_names <- names(x)
  old_names <- names(replace)
  missing_names <- setdiff(old_names, current_names)
  if (length(missing_names) > 0) {
    replace <- replace[!old_names %in% missing_names]
    old_names <- names(replace)
  names(x)[match(old_names, current_names)] <- as.vector(replace)
coolbutuseless/ggpattern documentation built on June 7, 2024, 4:21 p.m.