Man pages for coolbutuseless/threed
Three-Dimensional Object Transformations

actualize_transformationActualize a transform
add_normalsAdd face and vertex normals to an object
add_normals.mesh3dAdd face and vertex normals for mesh3d objects.
add_zorderAdd zordering
add_zorder_multiple_objectsAdd zordering to an object with multiple object_ids mesh3d object to a data.frame representation all objects in mesh3d list into a single data.frame
as.mesh3dConvert the given object to a mesh3d object data.frame into mesh3d object
create_bbox_objCreate a bounding box for the given object at the correct...
fortify.mesh3dFortify a mesh3d object into a data.frame for compatibility...
get_element_typesDetermine element types present in object.
get_matrix_for_element_typeGet a matrix of data to represent the given element type
get_object_infoGet a list of information about a 3d object
identity_matrixCreate an identity matrix
invert_matrixInvert a matrix
look_at_matrixCreate a camera 'look-at' transformation matrix i.e....
mesh3dlistCreate a list of mesh3d objects
mesh3dobjList of sample mesh3d objects
orthographic_projectionorthographic projection
orthographic_projection_matrixCreate a simple orthographic projection matrix
perspective_projectionPerspective projection (symmetric frustrum)
perspective_projection_matrixCreate a perspective projection matrix (symmetric frustrum)
print.mesh3dPrint mesh3d object
rotate_byRotate the given object
rotation_matrixCreate a rotation matrix
scale_byScale the given object
scale_to_cube_at_originResize to standard dimension i.e. within a 2x2x2 cube centred...
scale_to_cube_at_origin.mesh3dResize to standard dimension i.e. within a 2x2x2 cube centred...
scaling_matrixCreate a scaling matrix
transform_byTransform the vertex coordinates by the transformation matrix
translate_byTranslate the given object
translation_matrixCreate a translation matrix
vec3Create a vec3 object
vec3_crossproductCalculate the vector cross-product of 2 3d vectors
vec3_dotproductCalculate the vector dot-product of 2 3d vectors
vec3_normalizeNormalize a vector to be of unit length
coolbutuseless/threed documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:08 a.m.