
Defines functions .onAttach .info_package .pretty_p .pretty_star

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  ## This function should not be called by the user.
  ## It displays a message when the package is being loaded.
  packageStartupMessage(## display message
    '\n Welcome to matingRhinos,',
    '\n ',
    '\n This package has been created to document the analysis of the paper:',
    '\n ',
    '\n Mate choice, reproductive success and inbreeding in white rhinos',
    '\n (Ceratotherium simum Burchell, 1817): new insights for',
    '\n conservation management -- by Kretzschmar P., Auld H., Boag P.,',
    '\n Ganslosser U., Scott C., Van Coeverden de Groot P.J. &',
    '\n Courtiol A. (accepted in Evolutionary Applications).',
    '\n ',
    '\n Type ?matingRhinos for information about how to use this package!',
    '\n ',
    '\n WARNING: this package has not been conceived for general use.',

.info_package <- function() {
  print(paste("number of functions =", length(ls("package:matingRhinos"))))
  if (requireNamespace("R.utils", quietly = TRUE)) {
    files <- dir(paste0(system.file(package = "matingRhinos"), "/R/"))
    filenames_R <- paste0(system.file(package = "matingRhinos"), "/R/", files)
    lines_code <- sum(sapply(filenames_R, function(file) R.utils::countLines(file)))
    print(paste("number of lines of code =", lines_code))
  } else {message("Install the package R.utils for more info.")}

.pretty_p <- function(p, prefix = TRUE, raw = FALSE, digits = 2L) {
  stopifnot(length(p) == 1)
  if (is.na(p)) return(NA)
  out_txt <- format(signif(p, digits = digits), nsmall = 2L)
  if (raw) return(out_txt)
  if (p < 0.001) {
    out_txt <- ifelse(prefix, 'p < 0.001', '< 0.001')
  } else if (out_txt != "1.00") {
    out_txt <- ifelse(prefix, paste('p =', out_txt), out_txt)
  } else out_txt <- ifelse(prefix, paste('p ~', out_txt), paste('~', out_txt))

.pretty_ps <- Vectorize(.pretty_p)

.pretty_star <- function(p) {
  stars <- rep('ns', length(p))
  stars[p < 0.1] <- '.'
  stars[p < 0.05] <- '*'
  stars[p < 0.01] <- '**'
  stars[p < 0.001] <- '***'
courtiol/matingRhinos documentation built on Nov. 22, 2019, 11:10 p.m.