  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  warning = FALSE,
  message = FALSE


badger::badge_devel("cparsania/parcutils" , color = "blue"),

The goal of parcutils is to provide day to day bioinformatics utility functions. Most of the functions in the package are useful for analyzing and visualizing complex RNA-seq studies.


if(require("devtools") && require("BiocManager")){
  options(repos = BiocManager::repositories() )
} else{
  options(repos = BiocManager::repositories() )

RNA-seq analysis

Differential expression analysis

Prepare a count table

count_file <- system.file("extdata","toy_counts.txt" , package = "parcutils")

count_data <- readr::read_delim(count_file, delim = "\t")


Group replicates by samples

To run DESeq2, replicates for each sample needs to be grouped.

sample_info <- count_data %>% colnames() %>% .[-1]  %>%
 tibble::tibble(samples = . , groups = rep(c("control" ,"treatment1" , "treatment2") , 
                                           each = 3))

NOTE: Samples which are present in the object 'sample_info' will be considered for differential expressed analysis.

Run DESeq2 for multiple differential gene comparison.

res <- parcutils::run_deseq_analysis(counts = count_data ,
                         sample_info = sample_info,
                         column_geneid = "gene_id" ,
                         cutoff_lfc = 1,
                         cutoff_pval = 0.05,
                         group_numerator = c("treatment1", "treatment2") ,
                         group_denominator = c("control"))

Let's have a look in to res


res is an object of improved dataframe - tibble. Each row in the res is a differential comparison which can be identified by the value from the column comp.


Data related to each differential comparison can be found from other columns of res.

For example, summary of differently expressed genes can be found from the column deg_summmary


As described below there are several helper functions to get data from the res .

Get data from res using helper functions

# get normalised gene expression value for all genes across all samples. 
parcutils::get_normalised_expression_matrix(x = res, 
                                            samples = NULL,
                                            genes = NULL,
                                            summarise_replicates = FALSE)

# average gene expression values across relicates  
parcutils::get_normalised_expression_matrix(x = res, 
                                            samples = NULL,
                                            genes = NULL,
                                            summarise_replicates = T, 
                                            summarise_method = "median")

# get fold change values for all genes and all comparisons.

q_genes = c("ENSG00000196415:PRTN3", "ENSG00000221988:PPT2", "ENSG00000163138:PACRGL", "ENSG00000183840:GPR39", "ENSG00000146700:SSC4D", "ENSG00000163746:PLSCR2", "ENSG00000155918:RAET1L", "ENSG00000151458:ANKRD50", "ENSG00000167074:TEF", "ENSG00000130159:ECSIT")

parcutils::get_fold_change_matrix(x = res, 
                                  sample_comparisons = res$de_comparisons, 
                                  genes = q_genes)

# get differentially expressed genes for given comparison 

parcutils::get_genes_by_regulation(x = res, 
                                  sample_comparison = "treatment1_VS_control", 
                                  regulation = "both" # can be one of the "up" , "down" , "both", "other", "all"

# get replicates group data 


Generate several visualizations from res

Visualize pairwise correlation between replicates

parcutils::get_pairwise_corr_plot(res, samples =c("control" ,"treatment1"))

Visualize all sample correlation by heat box

parcutils::get_corr_heatbox(x = res, show_corr_values = T, cluster_samples = F)

Visualize samples by Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

parcutils::get_pca_plot(x = res, 
                        samples  =c("control" ,"treatment1" ,"treatment2"))

Counts of diff expressed genes

parcutils::get_diff_gene_count_barplot(x = res)

change color of the bars

parcutils::get_diff_gene_count_barplot(x = res, col_down = "green4")

Visualize differential expressed genes by volcano plot

parcutils::get_volcano_plot(x = res, sample_comparison = "treatment2_VS_control",
                            col_up = "#a40000",
                            col_down = "#16317d", 
                            repair_genes = T,
                            col_other = "grey")

# change cutoffs 

parcutils::get_volcano_plot(x = res, repair_genes = T,
                            sample_comparison = "treatment2_VS_control",
                            pval_cutoff = 0.01,
                            log2fc_cutoff = 0.6, 
                            col_up = "#a40000",
                            col_down = "#16317d",
                            col_other = "grey")

Visualize gene expression distribution using box plot

# all replicates 
parcutils::get_gene_expression_box_plot(x = res, 
                                        samples =c("control" ,"treatment1"), 
                                        group_replicates = FALSE,
                                        convert_log2 = T)
# summarise  replicates 
parcutils::get_gene_expression_box_plot(x = res, 
                                        samples =c("control" ,"treatment1"), 
                                        group_replicates = T,
                                        convert_log2 = T)

Visualize genes by heatmaps

genes_for_hm = parcutils::get_genes_by_regulation(x = res,
                                                  sample_comparison = res$de_comparisons[[2]], 
                                                  regulation = "both")

# heatmap of normalised gene expression values across samples 

hm1 <- parcutils::get_gene_expression_heatmap(x = res, 
                                       samples = c("control","treatment1" , "treatment2") , 
                                       genes = genes_for_hm %>% names() , 
                                       convert_zscore = FALSE, 
                                       convert_log2 = T, 
                                       summarise_replicates = T,
                                       name = "log2(value)" , color_default = F, 
                                       col = 
                                         circlize::colorRamp2(breaks = c(-5,0,15), colors = c("#16317d","white","#a40000")),
                                       cluster_columns = FALSE)


# Visualise  z-score and show all replicates.

hm2 <- parcutils::get_gene_expression_heatmap(x = res, 
                                       samples = c("control","treatment1") , 
                                       name = "Z-score",
                                       summarise_replicates = F,
                                        col = 
                                         circlize::colorRamp2(breaks = c(-2,0,2), colors = c("#16317d","white","#a40000")),color_default = F,
                                       genes = genes_for_hm %>% names() , 
                                       convert_zscore = TRUE, 
                                       cluster_columns = FALSE)


# log2 FC heatamap
hm3 <- parcutils::get_fold_change_heatmap(x = res, 
                                   sample_comparisons = res$de_comparisons, 
                                   genes = genes_for_hm %>% names() , 
                                   color_default = F, 
                                     col = 
                                         circlize::colorRamp2(breaks = c(-5,0,5), colors = c("#16317d","white","#a40000")),
                                   name= "Log2FC")


Visualize differential genes overlap between comparison

us_plot <- parcutils::plot_deg_upsets(x = res, 
                                      sample_comparisons = res$de_comparisons)

us_plot$treatment1_VS_control_AND_treatment2_VS_control$upset_plot %>% print()

# get list of intersecting genes. 

us_plot$treatment1_VS_control_AND_treatment2_VS_control$upset_intersects %>% print()

Visualize common DE genes between comparison by scatter plot

# show common up and down genes 
parcutils::get_fold_change_scatter_plot(x = res, 
                                                   sample_comparisons = res$de_comparisons, point_size = 3,label_size = 3,repair_genes = T)

# show common up and down genes 
parcutils::get_fold_change_scatter_plot(x = res, 
                                        sample_comparisons = res$de_comparisons, 
                                        point_size = 3,
                                        label_size = 3,
                                        repair_genes = T)

# show common up genes
parcutils::get_fold_change_scatter_plot(x = res, 
                                        sample_comparisons = res$de_comparisons, 
                                        point_size = 5,
                                        label_size = 4,
                                        color_label = "both_up",
                                        col_up = "red",
                                        repair_genes = T)

# show common down genes
parcutils::get_fold_change_scatter_plot(x = res, 
                                        sample_comparisons = res$de_comparisons, 
                                        point_size = 5,
                                        label_size = 4,
                                        color_label = "both_down",
                                        col_down = "green4",
                                        repair_genes = T)

Visualize genes by line plot

genes_for_lineplot = parcutils::get_genes_by_regulation(x = res,
                                                  sample_comparison = res$de_comparisons[[2]], 
                                                  regulation = "both") %>% names()

# line plot of gene expression values
parcutils::get_gene_expression_line_plot(x = res, 
                                   genes = genes_for_lineplot , 
                                   samples = c("control","treatment1","treatment2"),summarise_replicates = T, show_average_line = T) + 
  ggplot2::theme(text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15))

# line plot of gene expression values with k-means clustering  

parcutils::get_gene_expression_line_plot(x = res, 
                                         km = 4,
                                   genes = genes_for_lineplot , 
                                   samples = c("control","treatment1","treatment2"),summarise_replicates = T, show_average_line = T) + 
  ggplot2::theme(text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15))

# line plot of gene expression values with k-means clustering  

parcutils::get_gene_expression_line_plot(x = res, 
                                         km = 4, 
                                         facet_clusters = T,
                                   genes = genes_for_lineplot , 
                                   samples = c("control","treatment1","treatment2"),summarise_replicates = T, show_average_line = T) + 
  ggplot2::theme(text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15), 
                 axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 40,hjust = 0.8))

# Fold change values 

parcutils::get_fold_change_line_plot(x = res, 
                                   genes = genes_for_lineplot , 
                                   line_transparency = 0.5, 
                                   km = 2,facet_clusters = T,
                                     sample_comparisons = c("treatment1_VS_control", "treatment2_VS_control"), 
                                   average_line_summary_method =  "mean",
                                   show_average_line = T) + 
  ggplot2::theme(text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15),
                 axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 40,hjust = 0.8))

Perform gene ontology analysis and visualization of all UP/DOWN genes from all comparisons in one go.

go_results <- parcutils::get_go_emap_plot(x = res)

# GO results as a table 


# GO results as an emap plot 


Show overlapping genes through VENN diagram

parcutils::plot_deg_venn(res, sample_comparisons = res$de_comparisons,regulation = "up")

parcutils::plot_deg_venn(res, sample_comparisons = res$de_comparisons,regulation = "down")

parcutils::plot_deg_venn(res, sample_comparisons = res$de_comparisons,regulation = "both")

Other functions

Alignment summary

star_align_log_file <- system.file("extdata" , "" , package = "parcutils")

x =  parcutils::get_star_align_log_summary(log_file = star_align_log_file)


# plot alignment summary

star_align_log_file_dir <- system.file("extdata" , package = "parcutils")

star_align_log_files <- fs::dir_ls(star_align_log_file_dir, 
                                   glob = "*" ,
                                   recurse = T,type = "file")
names(star_align_log_files) <- NULL
parcutils::get_star_align_log_summary_plot(x = star_align_log_files,
                                col_total_reads = "red", 
                                col_mapped_reads  = "blue") 

cparsania/parcutils documentation built on Oct. 27, 2024, 4:55 a.m.