
# IR analysis functions
# retained_introns_files  <-
#   list.files(path  = "000_data_files/ir_finder_s_output/",
#              pattern =  "*nondir_SRR*", full.names = TRUE,recursive = TRUE)
# names(retained_introns_files) <- stringr::str_extract(retained_introns_files,
#                                                       pattern = "SRR([^_])+")

# read irfinders output

#' Read IR-finderS output
#' @param files a character vector denoting irfinderS output file(s) ending with suffix "IR-nondir".
#' @param add_prefix_chr logical, whether to add prefix 'chr' in the column seq names
#' @param remove_prefix_chr logical, whether to remove prefix 'chr' from the column seq names
#'  + chr
#'  + start
#'  + end
#'  + name
#'  + null
#'  + strand
#'  + coverage
#'  + introndepth
#'  + spliceleft
#'  + spliceright
#'  + spliceexact
#'  + irratio
#'  + warnings
#' @return an object of the class `irFinderSdata`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' example_dir <- system.file("extdata" ,"ir_data" , package="parcutils")
#' example_files <- fs::dir_ls(example_dir, glob = "*-IR-nondir*.txt")
#' names(example_files) <- stringr::str_replace(example_files , pattern = ".*/", replacement = "") %>%
#' stringr::str_replace(pattern = "-IR-nondir.txt", replacement = "")
#' read_irfinderS_output(files = example_files,  add_prefix_chr = FALSE)
# read_irfinderS_output <- function(files,
#                                   add_prefix_chr = TRUE,
#                                   remove_prefix_chr = FALSE){
#   # check if each values in files are named, not null or not NA.
#   stopifnot("files must be named vector" = !(is.null(files) %>% all()) | !(is.na(files) %>% any()))
#   stopifnot("'add_prefix_chr' must be logical" = is.logical(add_prefix_chr))
#   stopifnot("'remove_prefix_chr' must be logical" = is.logical(remove_prefix_chr))
#   retained_introns_list <- purrr::map(files, ~ ..1 %>%
#                                         # read
#                                         readr::read_delim(delim = "\t",show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
#                                         # rename to lower case
#                                         dplyr::rename_all(~tolower(.)))
#   # add prefix chr
#   if(add_prefix_chr){
#     retained_introns_list <- retained_introns_list %>%
#       purrr::map( ~ ..1 %>% dplyr::mutate(chr = stringr::str_c("chr", chr, sep ="")))
#   }
#   # remove prefix chr
#   if(remove_prefix_chr){
#     retained_introns_list <- retained_introns_list %>%
#       purrr::map( ~ ..1 %>% dplyr::mutate(chr = stringr::str_replace(chr, pattern = "chr",replacement = "")))
#   }
#   # add class
#   retained_introns_list <- .assign_class_irFinderSdata(retained_introns_list)
#   # add unique intron id
#   retained_introns_list <- .parcutils_assign_intron_identifier(retained_introns_list)
#   return(retained_introns_list)
# }

#' #' Subset columns from IRfinder-S output
#' #'
#' #' @param x an object of class irFinderSdata
#' #' @param keep_columns a character vector denoting column names to keep in the output dataframe
#' #'  + chr
#' #'  + start
#' #'  + end
#' #'  + name
#' #'  + null
#' #'  + strand
#' #'  + coverage
#' #'  + introndepth
#' #'  + spliceleft
#' #'  + spliceright
#' #'  + spliceexact
#' #'  + irratio
#' #'  + warnings
#' #' @return NA
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' #' example_dir <- system.file("extdata" ,"ir_data" , package="parcutils")
#' #' example_files <- fs::dir_ls(example_dir, glob = "*-IR-nondir*.txt")
#' #' names(example_files) <- stringr::str_replace(example_files , pattern = ".*/", replacement = "") %>%
#' #' stringr::str_replace(pattern = "-IR-nondir.txt", replacement = "")
#' #' x <- read_irfinderS_output(files = example_files,  add_prefix_chr = FALSE)
#' #' select_cols_irfinderS_output(x)
#' select_cols_irfinderS_output <- function(x, keep_columns = c("chr",
#'                                                              "start",
#'                                                              "end",
#'                                                              "name",
#'                                                              "null",
#'                                                              "strand",
#'                                                              "coverage",
#'                                                              "introndepth",
#'                                                              "spliceleft",
#'                                                              "spliceright",
#'                                                              "spliceexact",
#'                                                              "irratio",
#'                                                              "warnings")){
#'   .validate_irfinders_object(x)
#'   x <- purrr::map(x , ~..1 %>% dplyr::select(keep_columns))
#'   class(x) <- c("irFinderSdata", class(x))
#'   return(x)
#' }

#' #' Prepare a master list of introns
#' #'
#' #' @param f a character string denoting irfinderS output file ending with suffix "IR-nondir".
#' #' @param add_meta_data logical, whether to map meta data or not
#' #' @param bs_genome_object an object of class BSgenome
#' #' @param add_prefix_chr logical, whether to add prefix 'chr' in the column seqnames
#' #' @param remove_prefix_chr logical, whether to remove prefix 'chr' from the column seqnames
#' #'
#' #' @return a dataframe
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' #' example_dir <- system.file("extdata" ,"ir_data" , package="parcutils")
#' #' example_files <- fs::dir_ls(example_dir, glob = "*-IR-nondir*.txt")
#' #' get_intron_master_list(f = example_files[1],add_prefix_chr = TRUE,bs_genome_object = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38::BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)
#' get_intron_master_list <- function(f,
#'                                    add_meta_data = TRUE,
#'                                    add_prefix_chr = FALSE,
#'                                    remove_prefix_chr = FALSE,
#'                                    bs_genome_object = NULL){
#'   stopifnot("'add_meta_data' must be logical." = is.logical(add_meta_data))
#'   names(f) <- stringr::str_c("file", length(f), sep = "_")
#'   x <- read_irfinderS_output(files = f,
#'                              add_prefix_chr = add_prefix_chr,
#'                              remove_prefix_chr = remove_prefix_chr)
#'   # if x has more than one elements, select first to prepare intron list.
#'   # As all elements have same rows taking any one to prepare intron list is ok.
#'   x <- x[[1]]
#'   x <- x  %>%
#'     # select cols
#'     dplyr::select(chr, start, end, name, null, strand) %>%
#'     # prepare gene symbol and gene id
#'     dplyr::mutate(gene_name = stringr::str_replace(name,"/.*" ,""),
#'                   gene_id = stringr::str_match(string = name,pattern = "/(.*)/")[,2],
#'                   intron_type = stringr::str_replace(name,".*/" ,"") ) %>%
#'     # prepare intron id
#'     dplyr::mutate(intron_id = stringr::str_c("intron_",dplyr::row_number()))
#'   if(add_meta_data){
#'     stopifnot("if add_meta_data is TRUE, bs_genome_object must be an object of class BSgenome" = is(bs_genome_object, "BSgenome"))
#'     colnames(x)[1] <- "seqnames"
#'     x <- x %>% plyranges::as_granges()
#'     x <- .map_granges_metadata(x = x, bs_genome_object = bs_genome_object)
#'     x <- x %>% tibble::as_tibble()
#'     colnames(x)[1] <- "chr"
#'   }
#'   return(x)
#' }
#' # add intron metadata to irfinder-s output
#' #' Map metadata to irfinder-s output
#' #' @description This function allows mapping DNA sequence, GC content and intron length to irfinder-s output
#' #'
#' #' @param x an object of class irFinderSdata
#' #' @param bs_genome_object an object of class BSgenome
#' #'
#' #' @return a dataframe
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' #' example_dir <- system.file("extdata" ,"ir_data" , package="parcutils")
#' #' example_files <- fs::dir_ls(example_dir, glob = "*-IR-nondir*.txt")
#' #' names(example_files) <- stringr::str_replace(example_files , pattern = ".*/", replacement = "") %>%
#' #' stringr::str_replace(pattern = "-IR-nondir.txt", replacement = "")
#' #' x <- read_irfinderS_output(files = example_files[1],  add_prefix_chr = TRUE)
#' #' map_intron_meta_data(x = x,  bs_genome_object = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38::BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)
#' map_intron_meta_data <- function(x , bs_genome_object = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38){
#'   .validate_irfinders_object(x)
#'   stopifnot("bs_genome_object must be an object of class BSgenome" = is(bs_genome_object, "BSgenome"))
#'   #change name 'chr' to seqnames
#'   x <- purrr::map(x , function(x){
#'     colnames(x)[1] <- "seqnames"
#'     return(x)
#'   })
#'   # convert granges
#'   x <- purrr::map(x, ~ ..1 %>% plyranges::as_granges() )
#'   x_mapped <- purrr::map(x, ~ ..1 %>% .map_granges_metadata(bs_genome_object = bs_genome_object))
#'   x_mapped <- x_mapped %>% purrr::map(~..1 %>% tibble::as_tibble())
#'   # change column 'chr' to seqnames
#'   x_mapped <- purrr::map(x_mapped , function(x){
#'     colnames(x)[1] <- "chr"
#'     return(x)
#'   })
#'   x <- .assign_class_irFinderSdata(x_mapped)
#'   return(x)
#' }
#' #' Filter IR results
#' #' @description Based on filters applied, this function will checks whether each intron is retained or not.
#' #'
#' #' @param x an object of class irFinderSdata.
#' #' @param min_intron_cov a numeric value between 0 and 1, default 0.95, denoting minimum value for coverage cutoff
#' #' @param min_intron_depth a numeric value, default 5, denoting average sequence depth for each intron.
#' #' @param minimum_splice_exact a numeric value, default 5, denoting number of reads supporting intron splicing.
#' #' @param min_irratio a numeric value, default 0.0001, denoting ir-ratio.
#' #'
#' #' @return an object of class irFinderSdata
#' #' @export
#' #' @keywords internal
#' #' @examples
#' #' example_dir <- system.file("extdata" ,"ir_data" , package="parcutils")
#' #' example_files <- fs::dir_ls(example_dir, glob = "*-IR-nondir*.txt")
#' #' names(example_files) <- stringr::str_replace(example_files , pattern = ".*/", replacement = "") %>%
#' #' stringr::str_replace(pattern = "-IR-nondir.txt", replacement = "")
#' #' x <- read_irfinderS_output(files = example_files,  add_prefix_chr = TRUE)
#' #' .mark_ir_status_by_filters(x)
#' #'
#' .mark_ir_status_by_filters <- function(x ,
#'                                       min_intron_cov = 0.95,
#'                                       min_intron_depth = 5,
#'                                       minimum_splice_exact = 5,
#'                                       min_irratio = 0){
#'   .validate_irfinders_object(x)
#'   apply_intron_coverage_cutoff = TRUE
#'   # filter by coverage
#'   if(apply_intron_coverage_cutoff) {
#'     x_filt <- x %>%
#'       purrr::map(~ ..1 %>% dplyr::filter(coverage >= min_intron_cov ))
#'   }
#'   # filter by depth
#'   apply_depth_cutoff <- TRUE
#'   if(apply_depth_cutoff){
#'     x_filt <- x_filt %>%
#'       purrr::map(~ ..1 %>% dplyr::filter(introndepth >= min_intron_depth ))
#'   }
#'   # filter by splice exact
#'   filter_by_splice_exact <- TRUE
#'   if(filter_by_splice_exact){
#'     x_filt <- x_filt %>%
#'       purrr::map(~ ..1 %>% dplyr::filter(spliceexact >= minimum_splice_exact))
#'   }
#'   # filter by IR ratio
#'   apply_ir_ratio_cuoff <- TRUE
#'   if(apply_ir_ratio_cuoff){
#'     x_filt <- x_filt %>%
#'       purrr::map(~ ..1 %>%
#'                    dplyr::filter(irratio >= min_irratio ))
#'   }
#'   introns_remained <- x_filt %>% purrr::map(~..1 %>% dplyr::pull(intron_id))
#'   # map introns_remained to original object
#'   x <- purrr::map(names(introns_remained) , ~x[[..1]] %>%
#'                     dplyr::mutate(is_retained_by_filters = intron_id %in% introns_remained[[..1]]))
#'   names(x) <- names(x_filt)
#'   x <- .assign_class_irFinderSdata(x)
#'   return(x)
#' }
#' #' Prepare a intron reads count matrix.
#' #' @description Intron counts will be obtained from the column 'introndepth' of the IRFinder-S output.
#' #' @param x an object of class irFinderSdata
#' #'
#' #' @return a tbl.
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' #'
#' #' example_dir <- system.file("extdata" ,"ir_data" , package="parcutils")
#' #' example_files <- fs::dir_ls(example_dir, glob = "*-IR-nondir*.txt")
#' #' names(example_files) <- stringr::str_replace(example_files , pattern = ".*/", replacement = "") %>%
#' #' stringr::str_replace(pattern = "-IR-nondir.txt", replacement = "")
#' #' x <- read_irfinderS_output(files = example_files,  add_prefix_chr = FALSE)
#' #' get_ir_counts(x)
#' #'
#' #'
#' get_ir_counts <- function(x){
#'   .validate_irfinders_object(x)
#'   y <- x %>%
#'     .parcutils_assign_intron_identifier() %>%
#'     purrr::map(~ ..1 %>% dplyr::select(intron_id, "introndepth")) %>%
#'     tibble::enframe() %>% tidyr::unnest(cols = c(value)) %>%
#'     tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "name", values_from = "introndepth")
#'   return(y)
#' }
#' #' Run DEseq2 for retained introns.
#' #' @description This function performs DEseq2 analysis for retained introns which are identified
#' #' by IRFinder-S program. It mainly requires two inputs - 1) output file(s) from IRFinder-S program,
#' #' and 2) sample group information to inform DEseq2 which samples to be grouped for differential expression analysis.
#' #' Other arguments are to filter retained and differently expressed introns.
#' #' @param x an object of the class IRFinder-S. Usually this can be generated through the function [parcutils::read_irfinderS_output()].
#' #' @param min_intron_cov a value between 0 and 1, default 0.7, denoting minimum threshold for the intron coverage.
#' #' Introns with coverage less than the value will not be considered for DE analysis.
#' #' @param min_intron_depth an integer, default 10, denoting threshold for minimum number of aligned reads within an intron.
#' #' Same value will be passed to argument \code{min_counts} in [parcutils::run_deseq_analysis()] for differential analysis.
#' #' @param minimum_splice_exact an integer, default 5, denoting threshold for minimum number of spliced reads within an intron.
#' #' @param minimum_replicates_with_ri an integer, default 2, denoting threshold for number of replicates have an intron identified as "retained intron".
#' #' Same value will be passed to argument \code{min_replicates} in [parcutils::run_deseq_analysis()] for differential analysis.
#' #' @param sample_info internally passed to [parcutils::run_deseq_analysis()].
#' #' @param group_numerator internally passed to [parcutils::run_deseq_analysis()].
#' #' @param group_denominator internally passed to [parcutils::run_deseq_analysis()].
#' #' @param cutoff_lfc internally passed to [parcutils::run_deseq_analysis()].
#' #' @param cutoff_pval internally passed to [parcutils::run_deseq_analysis()].
#' #' @param cutoff_padj internally passed to [parcutils::run_deseq_analysis()].
#' #' @param regul_based_upon internally passed to [parcutils::run_deseq_analysis()].
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' #' example_dir <- system.file("extdata" ,"ir_data" , package="parcutils")
#' #' example_files <- fs::dir_ls(example_dir, glob = "*-IR-nondir*.txt")
#' #' names(example_files) <- stringr::str_replace(example_files , pattern = ".*/", replacement = "") %>%
#' #' stringr::str_replace(pattern = "-IR-nondir.txt", replacement = "")
#' #' x <- read_irfinderS_output(files = example_files,  add_prefix_chr = FALSE)
#' #' ir_sample_info <- names(example_files) %>%
#' #' tibble::tibble(samples = . , groups = rep(c("control", "treatment"), each = 2) )
#' #' run_deseq_analysis_ir(x = x, sample_info = ir_sample_info,
#' #' min_intron_depth = 2, regul_based_upon =1, cutoff_pval = 0.01)
#' run_deseq_analysis_ir <- function(x,
#'                                   min_intron_cov = 0.7,
#'                                   min_intron_depth = 10,
#'                                   minimum_splice_exact = 5,
#'                                   minimum_replicates_with_ri = 2,
#'                                   sample_info,
#'                                   group_numerator = "treatment",
#'                                   group_denominator = "control",
#'                                   cutoff_lfc = 1,
#'                                   cutoff_pval = 0.05,
#'                                   cutoff_padj = 0.01,
#'                                   regul_based_upon = 1
#' ){
#'   # x = x
#'   # min_intron_cov = 0.7
#'   # min_intron_depth = 2
#'   # minimum_splice_exact = 5
#'   # minimum_replicates_with_ri = 2
#'   # sample_info =  ir_sample_info
#'   # group_numerator = "treatment"
#'   # group_denominator = "control"
#'   # min_counts = 10
#'   # min_replicates = 2
#'   # cutoff_lfc = 1
#'   # cutoff_pval = 0.05
#'   # cutoff_padj = 0.01
#'   # regul_based_upon = 1
#'   .validate_irfinders_object(x)
#'   # mark retained introns based on filters
#'   x_ir_marked <- .mark_ir_status_by_filters(x,
#'                                            min_intron_cov = min_intron_cov,
#'                                            min_intron_depth = min_intron_depth,
#'                                            minimum_splice_exact = minimum_splice_exact)
#'   # prepare list of retained introns
#'   retained_introns_id <- x_ir_marked %>%
#'     purrr::map(~..1 %>% dplyr::filter(is_retained_by_filters) %>%
#'                  dplyr::pull(intron_id)) %>%
#'     tibble::enframe(name = "samples", value ="intron_id") %>%
#'     tidyr::unnest(cols = c(intron_id)) %>%
#'     dplyr::left_join(sample_info, by = "samples") %>%
#'     dplyr::group_by(groups, intron_id) %>%
#'     dplyr::summarise( n = dplyr::n()) %>%
#'     dplyr::ungroup() %>%
#'     dplyr::filter(n >= minimum_replicates_with_ri) %>%
#'     dplyr::pull(intron_id) %>% unique()
#'   if(length(retained_introns_id) == 0 ){
#'     stop("Cannot process furhter. Number of retained introns are 0.")
#'   }
#'   # prepare intron count data for de analysis
#'   count_data <- get_ir_counts(x_ir_marked) %>%
#'     # round each value. Required to run DESeq2 analysis.
#'     dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, round,0) %>%
#'     # keep only those are marked as retained
#'     dplyr::filter(intron_id %in% retained_introns_id )
#'   # perform deseq analysis
#'   id_column <- count_data[1] %>% colnames()
#'   suppressWarnings(
#'     de_output <- run_deseq_analysis(counts = count_data,
#'                                     column_geneid = id_column,
#'                                     sample_info = sample_info,
#'                                     group_numerator = group_numerator,
#'                                     group_denominator = group_denominator,
#'                                     min_counts = min_intron_depth,
#'                                     min_replicates = minimum_replicates_with_ri,
#'                                     cutoff_pval = cutoff_pval,
#'                                     cutoff_padj = cutoff_padj ,
#'                                     regul_based_upon = regul_based_upon)
#'   )
#'   # prepare object parcutils_ir
#'   de_output <- .prepare_parcutils_ir(de_output)
#'   # add intron annotations to object de_output
#'   intron_annot <- .get_intron_annotations(x = x, intron_ids = retained_introns_id)
#'   # add to list column of intron_annot to final output
#'   de_output <- de_output %>%
#'     dplyr::mutate(intron_annot = list(intron_annot))
#'   # to have consistency across columns assign names to each elem of intron_annot
#'   names(de_output$intron_annot) <- de_output$de_comparisons
#'   return(de_output)
#' }
#' #' Annotate introns.
#' #'
#' #' @param x an object of class 'parcutils_ir'.
#' #' @param query_introns a character vector of intron_ids to be queried.
#' #' @param add_meta_data logical, default FALSE, whether to add intron meta-data (seq, GC and lenght) to the output.
#' #' @param bs_genome_object an object of class bs_genome. This will be used to retrieve meta-data.
#' #' Default  NULL. Required when add_meta_data = TRUE.
#' #' @param add_prefix_chr logical, default TRUE, denoting whether to add prefix 'chr' in the column seqnames.
#' #' @param remove_prefix_chr logical, default FALSE, denoting whether to remove prefix 'chr' from the column seqnames.
#' #'
#' #' @return a data frame
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' #' example_dir <- system.file("extdata" ,"ir_data" , package="parcutils")
#' #' example_files <- fs::dir_ls(example_dir, glob = "*-IR-nondir*.txt")
#' #' names(example_files) <- stringr::str_replace(example_files , pattern = ".*/", replacement = "") %>%
#' #' stringr::str_replace(pattern = "-IR-nondir.txt", replacement = "")
#' #' x <- read_irfinderS_output(files = example_files,  add_prefix_chr = FALSE)
#' #' ir_sample_info <- names(example_files) %>%
#' #' tibble::tibble(samples = . , groups = rep(c("control", "treatment"), each = 2) )
#' #' y = run_deseq_analysis_ir(x = x, sample_info = ir_sample_info,
#' #' min_intron_depth = 2, regul_based_upon =1, cutoff_pval = 0.01)
#' #'
#' #' q_intron_id = c("intron_223342","intron_223728","intron_225394","intron_228167","intron_228226")
#' #' annotate_retained_introns(y, query_introns = q_intron_id)
#' annotate_retained_introns <- function(x,
#'                                       query_introns,
#'                                       add_meta_data = FALSE,
#'                                       bs_genome_object = NULL,
#'                                       add_prefix_chr = TRUE,
#'                                       remove_prefix_chr = FALSE
#' ){
#'   # x = oo
#'   # query_introns = parcutils::get_genes_by_regulation(x = oo, sample_comparisons = "treatment_VS_control")
#'   # add_meta_data = TRUE
#'   # bs_genome_object = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38::BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38
#'   # add_prefix_chr = TRUE
#'   # remove_prefix_chr = FALSE
#'   .validate_parcutils_ir_object(x)
#'   stopifnot("'query_introns' must be a character vector." = is.character(query_introns))
#'   stopifnot("'add_meta_data' must be a logical." = is.logical(add_meta_data))
#'   stopifnot("'add_prefix_chr' must be logical." = is.logical(add_prefix_chr))
#'   stopifnot("'remove_prefix_chr' must be logical." = is.logical(remove_prefix_chr))
#'   stopifnot("'add_prefix_chr' & 'remove_prefix_chr' both cannnot be 'TRUE'." = !all(c(add_prefix_chr,remove_prefix_chr)))
#'   # all values in the list column 'intron_annot' carry same data. Using 1st element below.
#'   intron_annotations <- x$intron_annot[[1]]
#'   # get intron meta-data seq, GC and length
#'   if(add_meta_data){
#'     intron_annotations_mod <- intron_annotations %>%
#'       dplyr::rename(seqnames = chr)
#'     if(add_prefix_chr){
#'       intron_annotations_mod <- intron_annotations_mod %>%
#'         dplyr::mutate(seqnames = stringr::str_c("chr",seqnames, sep = ""))
#'     }
#'     if(remove_prefix_chr){
#'       intron_annotations_mod <- intron_annotations_mod %>%
#'         dplyr::mutate(seqnames = stringr::str_replace(seqnames,"chr", ""))
#'     }
#'     # convert gr
#'     intron_annotations_gr <- intron_annotations_mod %>%
#'       plyranges::as_granges()
#'     stopifnot("'bs_genome_object' cannot be NULL when 'add_meta_data' is TRUE")
#'     ir_meta_data <- .map_granges_metadata(x = intron_annotations_gr,
#'                                           bs_genome_object = bs_genome_object)
#'     # join meta-data
#'     intron_annotations <- intron_annotations %>%
#'       dplyr::left_join(ir_meta_data  %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>%
#'                          dplyr::select(intron_id, seq, GC,length), by = "intron_id")
#'   }
#'   # check how many queried retained introns (intron_id) not present in the all_retained
#'   all_retained <- intron_annotations %>%
#'     dplyr::pull(intron_id)
#'   present <- query_introns[query_introns %in% all_retained]
#'   not_present <- query_introns[!query_introns %in% all_retained]
#'   if(length(not_present) >0){
#'     cli::cli_warn(message =  "Intron{?s} {not_present} not found.")
#'   }
#'   if(length(present) == 0 ){
#'     cli::cli_abort(message =  "None of the queried introns found in the x.")
#'   }
#'   # filter and fix row order.
#'   out <- intron_annotations %>%
#'     dplyr::filter(.data$intron_id %in% present) %>%
#'     dplyr::slice(match(present , .data$intron_id))
#'   return(out)
#' }
#' #' Save differential expression results in an excel file.
#' #' @description All DE comparison from the \code{x} will be saved in an excel file.
#' #' Each tab within the excel file denotes an individual DE comparison.
#' #' @param x an object of class parcutils.
#' #' @param file a character string denoting a file name WITHOUT file extension. (e.g. "out_file" or "path/to/save/data/out_file")
#' #'
#' #' @return an absolute file path denoting a file in which data saved.
#' #' @export
#' #' @examples
#' #' example_dir <- system.file("extdata" ,"ir_data" , package="parcutils")
#' #' example_files <- fs::dir_ls(example_dir, glob = "*-IR-nondir*.txt")
#' #' names(example_files) <- stringr::str_replace(example_files , pattern = ".*/", replacement = "") %>%
#' #' stringr::str_replace(pattern = "-IR-nondir.txt", replacement = "")
#' #' x <- read_irfinderS_output(files = example_files,  add_prefix_chr = FALSE)
#' #' ir_sample_info <- names(example_files) %>%
#' #' tibble::tibble(samples = . , groups = rep(c("control", "treatment"), each = 2) )
#' #' out <- run_deseq_analysis_ir(x = x, sample_info = ir_sample_info,
#' #' min_intron_depth = 2, regul_based_upon =1, cutoff_pval = 0.01)
#' #' save_de_results(out, file = fs::file_temp())
#' save_de_results <- function(x, file){
#'   file <- fs::path(file,ext = "xlsx")
#'   file <- fs::path_abs(file)
#'   file <- fs::file_create(path = file)
#'   .validate_parcutils_obj(x)
#'   if(inherits(x = x, what = "parcutils_ir")){
#'     .save_de_ir_results(x, file)
#'   } else{
#'     .save_deg_results(x, file)
#'   }

# }
cparsania/parcutils documentation built on Oct. 27, 2024, 4:55 a.m.