Man pages for cpsyctc/CECPfuns
Package of Utility Functions for Psychological Therapies, Mental Health and Well-being Work (Created by Chris Evans and Clara Paz)

CECPfuns-packageCECPfuns: Package of Utility Functions for Psychological...
checkAllUniqueFunction to check all values of a vector or data frame/tibble...
classifyScoresVectorByRCIFunction to classify changes using the RCI paradigm
convert2CEdateFunction to convert Dates to my date format strings
convertClipboardAuthorNamesFunction to convert a number of 'Firstname Familyname' lines...
convertVector2sentenceFunction that converts a vector to an English language list:...
fixVarNamesFix variable names e.g. YP1, YP2 ... YP10 to YP01, YP02 ......
getAttenuatedRFunction that gives the attenuated R for an unattenuated R...
getBootCIalphafunction returning observed Cronbach alpha with bootstrap...
getBootCICorrFunction to return observed correlation between two variables...
getBootCICSCTitle Function designed for use in dplyr (tidyverse) piping...
getBootCIgrpMeanDiffTitle Function designed for use in dplyr (tidyverse) piping...
getBootCImeanFunction to return bootstrap CI around observed mean
getChronbachAlphaSimple function to return Cronbach's alpha
getCIforQuantilesFunction returns a tibble of quantiles and confidence...
getCIPearsonFunction to return parametric CI around observed Pearson...
getCISpearmanFunction offering four methods to find the CI around an...
getCorrectedRFunction that gives the corrected R for an observed R and two...
getCSCFunction to return Jacobson (et al.) Clinically Significant...
getICCfromMLMGet ICC for levels in multilevel models
getNNATrivial function to count number of NA values in input
getNOKTrivial function to count number of non-NA values in input
getRCIfromSDandAlphaFunction returns RCI given baseline score SD, reliability and...
getRelBySpearmanBrownFunction using the Spearman-Brown formula to predict...
getScoreFromItemsTitle Function to convert a vector of item responses to a...
hyphenateWordsFunction to convert numbers to hyphenated (English) words,...
isNothingTitle Tests for NULL, NA or NAN
isOneToOneData checking function to check if the contents of two...
lookupCSCgenderAndAgeFunction using gender and age in input file, with a lookup,...
plotBinconfFunction outputting a plot of confidence interval around a...
plotCIPearsonFunction outputting a plot of confidence interval around a...
plotQuantileCIsfromDatTitle Function that plots ecdf of a vector of values with...
whichSetOfNFunction that takes an index number and gives which...
cpsyctc/CECPfuns documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 12:08 a.m.