fixVarNames: Fix variable names e.g. YP1, YP2 ... YP10 to YP01, YP02 ......

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fixVarNamesR Documentation

Fix variable names e.g. YP1, YP2 ... YP10 to YP01, YP02 ... YP10


Fix variable names e.g. YP1, YP2 ... YP10 to YP01, YP02 ... YP10


fixVarNames(nameTxt, width = 2, newText = "")



character vector of variable names


number, restricted to 2 or 3


character, to replace the existing character part of the names


vector of the zero padded names, perhaps with new text element


This is just a utility function that comes in useful if you want to change a vector of variable names that have the format xxxx# where "xxxx" is a character component and "#" is a number component. The function is vectorized, i.e. you can give it a vector of names or a single name. It can be used within the tidyverse dplyr pipeline with "rename_with()" which will apply the function to

History/development log

Started 17.x.24


Chris Evans

See Also

Other utility functions: convertClipboardAuthorNames(), getAttenuatedR(), getCorrectedR(), whichSetOfN()


### these show the function acting on single values (unusual use case but ...!)
fixVarNames("YP1", 3) # if you want that to become YP010, i.e. three digits
fixVarNames("YP10", 3) # same
fixVarNames("YP10", 3, "YPCORE_") # replaces "YP" with "YPCORE_"

### same but with vector (two element vector is hardly more sensible use case!)
fixVarNames(c("YP1", "YP2"))
fixVarNames(c("YP10", "YP11"))
fixVarNames(c("YP1", "YP2"), 3)
fixVarNames(c("YP10", "YP11"), 3)
fixVarNames(c("YP10", "YP11"), 3, "YPCORE_")

### create a dataset
### library(tidyverse) # to get the tidyverse functionality including tribble()
tribble(~ID, ~I1, ~I2, ~I3, ~I4, ~I5, ~I6, ~I7, ~I8, ~I9, ~I10,
         "P1", 4, 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 2,
         "P2", 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2,
         "P3", 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 4, 0, 3) -> tmpTib

### simple example, the "-ID" says "don't do this to the ID variable"
tmpTib %>%
  rename_with(fixVarNames, -ID)

### this next uses column indices to select the variables to recode
tmpTib %>%
  rename_with(fixVarNames, 2:10)

### this next uses explicit selection
tmpTib %>%
  rename_with(fixVarNames, .cols = I1 : I10)

### this illustrates passing arguments to fixVarNames() as trailing arguments
tmpTib %>%
  rename_with(fixVarNames, .cols = I1 : I10, width = 3, newText = "YP")

### new dataset so ID coding doesn't start with "I" so I can illustrate
### selecting with "starts_with()"
tribble(~P_ID, ~I1, ~I2, ~I3, ~I4, ~I5, ~I6, ~I7, ~I8, ~I9, ~I10,
        "P1", 4, 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 2,
        "P2", 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2,
        "P3", 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 4, 0, 3) -> tmpTib

### select using starts_with()
tmpTib %>%
rename_with(fixVarNames, starts_with("I"))

### as before, put arguments after selection of the variables/columns
tmpTib %>%
rename_with(fixVarNames, starts_with("I"), width = 3, newText = "YP")

cpsyctc/CECPfuns documentation built on Nov. 16, 2024, 10:43 a.m.