getCIPearson: Function to return parametric CI around observed Pearson...

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getCIPearsonR Documentation

Function to return parametric CI around observed Pearson correlation


Function to return parametric CI around observed Pearson correlation


getCIPearson(r, n, ci = 0.95)



numeric: the observed correlation -1 <= r <= 1


numeric: integer count of observations in the data


numeric: confidence interval required, defaults to .95


A named vector LCL and UCL


This is very simple function to return the confidence limits of the confidence interval around an observed Pearson correlation given the number of observations in the dataset (n) and the confidence interval required (ci, defaults to .95). The maths go back for ever. I suspect that my first version of this function, written for S+ not R, was probably drawing on Altman, D. G., & Gardner, M. J. (1988). Calculating confidence intervals for regression and correlation. British Medical Journal, 296, 1238–1242. The confidence interval is based on the Gaussian distribution model for both variables so if you have the raw data it's almost certainly better to use the bootstrap confidence interval which is provided by getBootCICorr() in this package. This is probably mainly useful when you read a Pearson correlation value in some report, with the n on which it was derived but the report doesn't give a CI and you want to have a sense of that CI to have a sense of the precision of estimation there for comparing that correlation with others, perhaps your own from your own data.

The function just returns a named vector of the LCL and UCL which should help using it in tidyverse pipes. See examples.

For perfect observed correlations, i.e. R = +1.0 or -1.0 the function returns c(1, 1) or c(-1, -1). This may feel slightly counterintuitive as you might expect the intervals to be c(something, 1) and c(-1, something) respectively on the logic that if you added one more pair of values such that the correlation would no longer be perfect the computed CI ought to reflect that (hence my "something" above!) However, the reality is that if the observed correlation really was perfect there is no way given the data to compute a sensible lower bound (for observed R = 1.0, upper bound for observed R = -1). Returning c(1, 1) for perfect positive correlation and c(-1, -1) for perfect negative correlation is the only sensible option and is in line with stats::cor.test().

History/development log

Version 1: 25.xi.23


Chris Evans

See Also

Other confidence interval functions: getCISpearman(), plotBinconf(), plotCIPearson()


## Not run: 
### this is a trivial example of the impact of sample size!
#      LCL       UCL
# 0.1258332 0.9228784
getCIPearson(.7, 100)
# LCL       UCL
# 0.5838581 0.7880650
getCIPearson(.7, 1000)
# LCL       UCL
# 0.6669493 0.7303015

### This illustrates the handling of a perfect correlation
getCIPearson(1, 10)
# 1   1

### this is an example of how the function can be used in a tidyverse pipe
tibble(n = rep(n, n)) %>% # column of data sizesx = rnorm(n))
   ### now create some raw data of varying degrees of correlation
   mutate(x = rnorm(n),
   y = x + 2, # perfectly correlated
   z0 = rnorm(n), # get uncorrelated y
   z1 = x + 10 * rnorm(n), # create weakly correlated values
   ### and now much more strongly correlated values
   z2 = x + rnorm(n)) -> tmpTib

tmpTib %>%
  summarise(n = first(n), # keep n
            R1 = cor(x, y), # first correlation (perfect)
            R2 = cor(x, z0), # next (random)
            R3 = cor(x, z1), # next (weak correlation)
            ### and finally: strong correlation
            R4 = cor(x, z2)) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = R1 : R4) -> tmpTib

### now use getCIPearson() in a dplyr/tidverse pipe
tmpTib %>%
  group_by(name) %>% # as we want the CIs for each of those correlations
  mutate(CIPearson = list(getCIPearson(value, n))) %>% # use list() as getCIPearson retuns a vector
  ### can now unnest the returned values to see them
### in real life groups by gender or other demographics and say correlating CORE scores
### against number of children might be sensible examples of doing this

## End(Not run)

cpsyctc/CECPfuns documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 12:08 a.m.