
Defines functions eq.tost.CI print.eq.tost.CI plot.eq.tost.CI

Documented in eq.tost.CI plot.eq.tost.CI print.eq.tost.CI

#' Independent samples equivalence test using confidence intervals
#' The two one-sided test for independent samples can be expressed using the confidence inclusion principle. If the confidence interval around a mean difference is within the equivalence bounds, then the mean difference is considered to be practically meaningless. 
#' @aliases eq.tost.CI
#' @param dat an N x 3 matrix or data.frame containing raw data used to compute the 
#'   correlation matrix between variables. The input may also be a 1 x 3 vector of correlations
#'   (r12, r13, and r23, respectively) and requires a sample size input (N)
#' @param ei equivalence interval
#' @param n sample size when dat input is a vector of correlations
#' @param alpha desired alpha level
#' @return returns a list containing the p-value, confidence interval, and statistical decision
#' @author Rob Cribbie \email{cribbie@@yorku.ca} and 
#'   Phil Chalmers \email{rphilip.chalmers@@gmail.com}
#' @export eq.tost.CI
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #raw data
#' set.seed(1234)
#' x <- rnorm(100)
#' y <- rnorm(100)
#' dat <- data.frame(dv=c(x,y),  group=c(rep('g1', length(x)), rep('g2', length(y)) ))
#' # Plot raw data distribution
#' ggplot(dat,aes(x=dv)) + 
#'   geom_histogram(data=subset(dat,group == 'g1'),fill = 'red', alpha = 0.2) +
#'   geom_histogram(data=subset(dat,group == 'g2'),fill = 'blue', alpha = 0.2)
#' # Run test
#' ei <- 0.50
#' res <- eq.tost.CI(x,y, ei=ei, alpha=.05)
#' plot(res)
#' }
eq.tost.CI <- function(x, y, ei, alpha = 0.05, na.rm = FALSE) {
    ifelse(any(is.na(y)) | any(is.na(x)), missing <- TRUE, 
        missing <- FALSE)
    if (missing & na.rm == TRUE) {
        x <- na.omit(x)
        y <- na.omit(y)
    if (missing & na.rm == FALSE) {
        stop(print("There are missing values."))
    se <- sqrt(((((length(x) - 1) * sd(x)^2) + ((length(y) - 
        1) * sd(y)^2))/(length(x) + length(y) - 
        2)) * (1/length(x) + 1/length(y)))
    num1 <- (mean(x) - mean(y) - ei)
    num2 <- (mean(x) - mean(y) + ei)
    meanDiff <- mean(x) - mean(y)
    t1 <- (mean(x) - mean(y) - ei)/se
    t2 <- (mean(x) - mean(y) + ei)/se
    dft <- length(x) + length(y) - 2
    probt1 <- pt(t1, dft, lower.tail = T)
    probt2 <- pt(t2, dft, lower.tail = F)
    ifelse(probt1 <= alpha & probt2 <= alpha, decis <- "The null hypothesis that the difference between the means exceeds the equivalence interval can be rejected", 
        decis <- "The null hypothesis that the difference between the means exceeds the equivalence interval cannot be rejected")
    # by two CIs (1-alpha) find the two CIs for each
    # of the mean diffs get critical values
    t1Crit <- qt(1 - alpha, dft, lower.tail = T)
    t2Crit <- qt(1 - alpha, dft, lower.tail = F)
    # by 1 CIs (1-2alpha)
    tCrit <- qt(1 - 2 * alpha, dft)
    lowCI <- meanDiff - tCrit * se
    hiCI <- meanDiff + tCrit * se
    ifelse(lowCI > -ei & hiCI < ei, ci.decis <- "CI bounds are within EI. Reject in favour of equivalence", 
        ci.decis <- "CI bounds are outside EI. Dont reject in favour of equivalence")
    ciBounds <- c(lowCI, hiCI)
    names(ciBounds) <- c("lowCI", "highCI")
    means <- c(mean(x), mean(y))
    names(means) <- c("Mean Grp 1", "Mean Grp 2")
    sds <- c(sd(x), sd(y))
    names(sds) <- c("SD Grp 1", "SD Grp 2")
    ei <- (c(ei))
    names(ei) <- c("equivalence interval")
    tstats <- c(t1, t2)
    dfs <- c(dft, dft)
    pvals <- c(probt1, probt2)
    names(tstats) <- c("t1", "t2")
    names(dfs) <- c("dft1", "dft2")
    names(pvals) <- c("p_t1", "p_t2")
    res <- list(means = means, meanDiff = meanDiff, 
        sds = sds, ei = ei, tstats = tstats, dfs = dfs, 
        pvals = pvals, decis = decis, ciBounds = ciBounds, 
        ci.decis = ci.decis, se = se, twoAlphaTCrit = tCrit, 
        lowCI = lowCI, hiCI = hiCI)
    class(res) <- "eq.tost.CI"

#' @rdname eq.tost.CI
#' @param x object of class \code{eq.tost.CI}
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @export
print.eq.tost.CI <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("-----Equivalence test for confidence interval inclusion principal---\n\n")
    cat("Means: ", x$means, ". Mean difference is ", 
        x$meanDiff, "\n\n")
    cat("SDs: ", x$sds, "\n\n")
    cat("Equivalence interval is ", x$ei, " in unstandardized metric.", 
    cat("-Note that this test provides the same result as TOST-\n\n")
    cat("Confidence interval: ", x$ciBounds, "\n\n")
    cat("Decision: ", x$ci.decis, "\n\n")
    cat("First one-sided test: ", "t statistic (df): ", 
        x$tstats[1], "(", x$dfs[1], ")", "p value = ", 
        x$pvals[1], "\n\n")
    cat("Second one-sided test: ", "t statistic (df): ", 
        x$tstats[2], "(", x$dfs[2], ")", "p value = ", 
        x$pvals[2], "\n\n")
    cat("Decision: ", x$decis)

#' @rdname eq.tost.CI
#' @param x object of class \code{eq.tost.CI}
#' @param y a NULL object
#' @export
plot.eq.tost.CI <- function(x, y = NULL, ...) {
    equivInfo <- data.frame(name = "mean difference", 
        meanDiff = x$meanDiff, lowCI = x$ciBounds[1], 
        highCI = x$ciBounds[2])
    name <- meanDiff <- lowCI <- highCI <- NULL
    p <- ggplot(equivInfo, aes(x = name, y = meanDiff)) + 
        geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = lowCI, ymax = highCI)) + 
        xlab("comparison") + geom_hline(yintercept = 
            c(-x$ei, x$ei), linetype = "dashed", color = "blue") + 
cribbie/equivalencetests documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:33 a.m.