
##' Scatter and gather over data frames.
##' This handles a couple of cases that are not handled by core data
##' frame operations. In particular, this allows you to extract a
##' vector of values from two vectors of row and column
##' indices (which may be numeric or character).
##' Unlike using \code{`[.data.frame`} with an n-by-2 array, this does
##' not downcast the array to matrix, and tries to preserve the type
##' information.
##' @examples
##' #Here is a data frame with row names and mixed data types.
##' df <- data.frame(  A = c(1,4,2,6,7,3,6)
##'                  , B = c(3,7,2,7,3,5,4)
##'                  , C = c(2,7,5,2,7,4,5)
##'                  , index = c("A","B","A","C","B","B","C")
##'                  , letter = I(letters[7:13])
##'                  , lletter = I(list("a",1,"b",3,NULL,5,"d"))
##'                  , row.names = c( "foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"
##'                                  , "quux", "quuux", "quuuux"))
##' #select values from column A,B,C for every row
##' index(df, col=c("A","B","A","C","B","B","C")) # -> c(1, 7, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5)
##' #indexing by a 1x2 array extracts a single element unboxed
##' index(df, array(c(3,2), dim=c(1,2))) # -> 2
##' #You can also index by a 1x2 char array by row and column names
##' index(df, array(c("baz", "B"), dim=c(1,2))) # -> 2
##' # You can also index by a two-column data frame
##' index(df, data.frame(a=3, b="B")) # -> 2
##' # We try to pick an appropriate type logical/numeric/character/list)
##' index(df, c(4,5), c("A", "letter")) # -> c("6", "k")
##' index(df, c(4,5,6), c("A", "letter", "lletter")) # -> list("6", "k", 5))
##' # We can do a scattered assignment in the same way
##' index(df, c(1,2,3), c("A","B","C")) <- c(100, 1000, 10000)
##' @S3method index<- data.frame
##' @title index.data.frame
##' @param obj The data frame to subset
##' @param row Rows to subset by. These may be numeric indices,
##' character names, a logical mask, or a 2-d logical array
##' @param col The columns to index by. If `row` is a 2-d array, this
##' should not be given.
##' @param value Provide a an empty vector of some type to specify the
##' type of the output.
##' @return The specified subset of data.
##' @S3method index data.frame
##' @aliases index.data.frame index index<- index.data.frame<-
##' @author Peter Meilstrup
index.data.frame <- function(obj, row = 1:nrow(obj), col=NULL, value=c()) {
  ##Index a data frame, pulling out selected rows and columns
  ix <- index.data.frame.core(obj, row, col)
  length(value) <- max(0, vapply(ix$indices.out, max, 0))

  mapply(function(i, o, c) {
    value[o] <<- obj[i, c]
  }, ix$indices.in, ix$indices.out, ix$columns)

index.data.frame.core <- function(df, row, col){
  if (is.null(col) && length(dim(row)) >= 2) {
    col <- row[,ncol(row)]
    row <- row[,1:ncol(row)-1]
  row <- mkmatch(row, rownames(df))
  col <- mkmatch(col, colnames(df))
  indices.out <- tapply(1:length(col), col, identity)
  indices.in <- lapply(indices.out, function(x) row[x])
  columns <- vapply(indices.out, function(i) col[i[1]], 0)
  list(indices.out=indices.out, indices.in=indices.in, columns=columns)

mkmatch <- function(index, names) {
  if (is.character(index) || is.factor(index)) {
    matched <- pmatch(index, names, duplicates.ok = TRUE)
    if (any(is.na(matched) & !is.na(index))) {
      stop("Unknown indices")
  } else {
    matched <- index

##' @export
##' @S3method index<- data.frame
`index<-.data.frame` <- function(obj, row = 1:nrow(obj), col=NULL, value=NULL) {
  ix <- index.data.frame.core(obj, row, col)
  mapply(function(i, o, c) {
    obj[i, c] <<- value[o]
  }, ix$indices.in, ix$indices.out, ix$columns)

##' @export
index <- function(obj, row, col, value) {

##' @export
`index<-` <- function(obj, row, col, value) {
crowding/vadr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:33 a.m.