

`%is%` <- expect_equal

test_that("bind of a list", {
  #Assign to parallel variables!"
  bind[a,b] <- list(1, 2)
  expect_equal(a, 1)
  expect_equal(b, 2)

test_that("bind of a vector", {
  bind[x, y] <- c("foo", "bar")
  expect_equal(x, "foo")
  expect_equal(y, "bar")

test_that("bind named list", {
  #Yes, it is somewhat awkward to have the assigned-to variables on the
  #right sides of the equals, but that's how it best parallels
  #R's argument-binding syntax
  bind[a=x, b=y] <- list(a="foo", b="bar")
  expect_equal(x, "foo")
  expect_equal(y, "bar")

test_that("bind complicated lvalues", {
  a <- c(1,2)
  bind[a[1], a[2]] <- list(20, 30)
  expect_equal(a, c(20, 30))

test_that("bind a data frame with ...", {
  x <- data.frame(a=c(1,2), b=c("one", "two"), c=c("uno", "dos"))
  bind[c=spanish, b=english, ...=rest] <- x

test_that("bind happens left to right in bind arguments", {
  a <- c(1,2,3)
  bind[y=a[1:2], z=a[2:3], x=a[c(1,3)]] <-
    list(z=c(10, 20), y=c(40, 60), x=c(80, 100))
  expect_equal(a, c(80, 10, 100))

test_that("bind can ignore a 'rest' argument", local({
  bind[a=x, ...=, c=y] <- list(a="foo", b="bar", c="baz", d="qux")
  expect_equal(x, "foo")
  expect_equal(y, "baz")

test_that("bind captures rest", {
  bind[a=x, ...=foo, b=y] <- list(a="foo", b="bar", c="baz", d="qux")
  expect_equal(x, "foo")
  expect_equal(y, "bar")
  expect_equal(foo, list(c="baz", d="qux"))

test_that("bind rest capture is positional", {
  bind[first, ...=rest] <- 1:10
  first %is% 1; rest %is% 2:10

  bind[...=rest, last] <- 1:10
  rest %is% 1:9; last %is% 10

  bind[first, ...=, last] <- 2:20
  first %is% 2; last %is% 20

  bind[, ...=middle,] <- 1:10
  middle %is% 2:9

test_that("bind works with =", {
  #ah, yes, '=' is a distinct operator in R
  bind[a,b] = c(1,2)
  a %is% 1; b %is% 2

## This doesn't seem to have a possibility of working. It dispatches to [<-.
## test_that("bind works with <<-", {
##   # (for god-knows-what reason you might want to do that)
##   x <- 1
##   y <- 2
##   local({
##     bind[x, y] <<- c(3, 4)
##     ls() %is% character(0)
##   })
##   x %is% 3
##   y %is% 4
## })

##I'd like to make it pass this but how?
## test_that("using bind does not create a var named bind", local({
##   bind[x] <- 1
##   print(ls())
##   ls() %is% "x"
## }))

test_that("bind ellipsis capture preserves vector type", {
  bind[a=x, ...=foo, b=y] <- list(a="foo", b="bar", c="baz", d="qux")
  expect_equal(x, "foo")
  expect_equal(y, "bar")
  expect_equal(foo, list(c="baz", d="qux"))
  bind[a=x, ...=foo, b=y] <- c(a="foo", b="bar", c="baz", d="qux")
  expect_equal(foo, c(c="baz", d="qux"))

test_that("bind complains of unmatchable or unmatched arguments", {
  expect_error( bind[a=x, b=y] <- c(a=1,b=2,c=3) )
  expect_error( bind[w,x,y,z] <- c(1,2,3,4,5) )
  expect_error( bind[a=x, b=y] <- c(a=1, r=2) )
  expect_error( bind[a=x, b=y] <- c(a=1, r=2) )
  expect_error( bind[a=x, b=y, ...=rest] <- c(a=1, c=2, d=3, e=4) )

test_that("bind name matching behavior", {
  `%is%` <- expect_equal

  bind[a, b] <- c(a=100, b=200)
  a %is% 100; b %is% 200

  bind[a, b] <- c(b=34, a=56)
  a %is% 34; b %is% 56

  bind[a, b=b] <- c(b=78, a=90)
  a %is% 90; b %is% 78

  bind[b=a, b] <- c(a=123, b=456)
  a %is% 456; b %is% 123

  #this is interesting, the dots argument remembers names.  I wonder
  #if it's possible for other arguments to remember names, could do
  #that for binding a vector, but seem not possible for unbinding a
  bind[...=a, b=b] <- c(a=98, b=76)
  a %is% c(a=98); b %is% 76

test_that("bind ignores a variable", {
    bind[a=x, b= , c=c] <- list(a="foo", b="bar", c="baz")
    x %is% "foo"; c %is% "baz"

    ##check that bind does not assign to the empty name!!!
    expect_false("" %in% ls())
    bind[x, , baz] <- list(a="foo", b="bar", c="baz")
    x %is% "foo"; baz %is% "baz"
    expect_false("c" %in% ls())

test_that("bind works recursively", {
  bind[a=x, b=bind[xx, yy]] <- list(a="foo", b=c("bar", "baz"))
  expect_equal(x, "foo")
  expect_equal(xx, "bar")
  expect_equal(yy, "baz")

test_that("bind works recursively with ellipses", {
  bind[a=x, ...=bind[aa=xx, bb=yy], b=y] <-
    list(a=1, b="two", aa="eleven", bb=22)
  expect_equal(x, 1)
  expect_equal(y, "two")
  expect_equal(xx, "eleven")
  expect_equal(yy, 22)

test_that("bind works with data frames", {
    bind[lat=lat, long=long, ...=df] <- quakes
    expect_equal(quakes$lat, lat)
    expect_equal(quakes$long, long)

test_that('bind works with lists of language objects and NULLs', {
  l <- alist(`_data`, 5, 6, 7, NULL, , a(b))
  bind[arg, ...=args, n, m, x] <- l
  expect_equal(arg, quote(`_data`))
  expect_equal(args, list(5, 6, 7))
  expect_equal(n, NULL)
  expect_equal(x, quote(a(b)))

test_that('bind works with missing values', {
    l <- quote(function(a=foo, b, c) {foo})
    bind[ , bind[a=a_default, ...=], ...=] <- l
    expect_equal(a_default, quote(foo))
    #should this error? I claim not because
    #x <- alist(foo=, bar, baz)
    #tf <- x$foo
    #does not error.
    #On the other hand, it would be nice to be able to treat defaults
    #like they ought to be treated. This would require treatment of missings...
    bind[ , bind[b=b_default, ...=], ...=] <- l
    expect_identical(list_missing(b_default), list(quote(e=)))

test_that('bind works with pairlists', {
 l <- as.pairlist(list(a=1, b=2, x=list(4), y=list(5)))
 bind[b=b, y=y, ...=l] <- l
 expect_equal(b, 2)
 expect_equal(y, list(5))
 expect_equal(l, list(a=1, x=list(4)))

test_that("bind works with dots objects", {
    #no guarantees on what order they are extracted in though.
    x <- 1
    y <- 2
    ex <- dots(a = x[2] <- x+y, b = y[2] <- y+x[2], aa=1, bb=2)
    bind[a=a, b=b, ...=q] <- ex
    b <- ex$b
    expect_equal(a, c(3))
    expect_equal(b, c(5))
    expect_equal(x, c(1,3))
    expect_equal(y, c(2,5))
    expect_equal(c %()% q, c(aa=1, bb=2))

test_that("bind with dots objects does not do delayed assign, except for the ...", {
   a <- 1
   y <- 3
   args <- dots(1, a+1, x+y)
   bind[x, y, ...=c] <- args
   expect_equal(x, 1)
   a <- 3
   expect_equal(y, 2)
   expect_equal(as.list(c), list(3))

test_that("dots delayed assign respects origin environment of environments...", {
  a <- 1
  b <- 2
  f <- function() {
    a <- 3
    dots(a+1, b+2)
  bind[...=x] <- f()
  expect_equal(x[[1]], 4)
  expect_equal(x[[2]], 4)

test_that("bind only evaluates RHS once", {
  counter <- 0
  count <- function() counter <<- counter+1
  bind[a] <- count()
  expect_equal(a, 1)

test_that("bind expects number of elements fits number of bindings", {
  expect_error(bind[a, b, c, d] <- c(1, 2), 'Not enough')
  expect_error(bind[a, b] <- c(1, 2, 3, 4), 'Too many')
  expect_error(bind[a, b, ...=c, d, e] <- c(1, 2, 3), 'Not enough')
  bind[a, b, ...=c] <- c(1,2)
  expect_equal(a, 1)
  expect_equal(b, 2)
  expect_equal(c, numeric(0))
  expect_error(bind[a=a, b=b, ...=c] <- c(a=1,2)) #no match for b
crowding/vadr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:33 a.m.