
    function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE) standardGeneric("assayColorMap")

setGeneric("assayColorMap<-", signature=c("x", "i"),
    function(x, i, ..., value) standardGeneric("assayColorMap<-"))

    function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE) standardGeneric("colDataColorMap"))

setGeneric("colDataColorMap<-", signature=c("x", "i"),
    function(x, i, ..., value) standardGeneric("colDataColorMap<-"))

    function(x, i, ..., discrete=FALSE) standardGeneric("rowDataColorMap"))

setGeneric("rowDataColorMap<-", signature=c("x", "i"),
    function(x, i, ..., value) standardGeneric("rowDataColorMap<-"))


#' Generics for the panel interface
#' An overview of the generics for defining the user interface (UI) for each panel as well as some recommendations on their implementation.
#' @section Defining the parameter interface:
#' \code{.defineInterface(x, se, select_info)} defines the UI for modifying all parameters for a given panel.
#' The required arguments are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' \item \code{se}, a \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object containing the current dataset.
#' This can be assumed to have been produced by running \code{\link{.refineParameters}(x, se)}.
#' \item \code{select_info}, a list of two lists, \code{single} and \code{multiple},
#' each of which contains the character vectors \code{row} and \code{column}.
#' This specifies the panels available for transmitting single/multiple selections on the rows/columns,
#' see \code{?\link{.multiSelectionDimension}} and \code{?\link{.singleSelectionDimension}} for more details.
#' }
#' Methods for this generic are expected to return a list of \code{\link{collapseBox}} elements.
#' Each parameter box can contain arbitrary numbers of additional UI elements,
#' each of which is expected to modify one slot of \code{x} upon user interaction.
#' The ID of each interface element should follow the form of \code{PANEL_SLOT} where \code{PANEL} is the panel name (from \code{\link{.getEncodedName}(x)}) and \code{SLOT} is the name of the slot modified by the interface element, e.g., \code{"ReducedDimensionPlot1_Type"}.
#' Each interface element should have an equivalent observer in \code{\link{.createObservers}} unless they are hidden by \code{\link{.hideInterface}} (see below).
#' It is the developer's responsibility to call \code{\link{callNextMethod}} to obtain interface elements for parent classes.
#' A common strategy is to combine the output of \code{callNextMethod} with additional \code{\link{collapseBox}} elements to achieve the desired UI structure.
#' @section Defining the data parameter interface:
#' \code{.defineDataInterface(x, se, select_info)} defines the UI for data-related (i.e., non-aesthetic) parameters.
#' The required arguments are the same as those for \code{.defineInterface}.
#' Methods for this generic are expected to return a list of UI elements for altering data-related parameters,
#' which are automatically placed inside the \dQuote{Data parameters} collapsible box.
#' Each element's ID should still follow the \code{PANEL_SLOT} pattern described above.
#' This generic aims to provide a simpler alternative to specializing \code{.defineInterface} for the most common use case.
#' New panels can write methods for this generic to add their own interface elements for altering the contents of the panel, without needing to reimplement other UI elements in the parent class's \code{.defineInterface} method.
#' Conversely, there is no obligation to write a method for this generic if one is planning to specialize \code{.defineInterface}.
#' It is the developer's responsibility to call \code{\link{callNextMethod}} to obtain interface elements for parent classes.
#' @section Hiding interface elements:
#' \code{.hideInterface(x, field)} determines whether certain UI elements should be hidden from the user.
#' The required arguments are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' \item \code{field}, string containing the name of a slot of \code{x}.
#' }
#' Methods for this generic are expected to return a logical scalar indicating whether the interface element corresponding to \code{field} should be hidden from the user.
#' This is useful for hiding UI elements that cannot be changed or have no effect, especially in highly specialized subclasses where some concepts in the parent class may no longer be relevant.
#' (The alternative would be to reimplement all of the parent's \code{.defineInterface} method just to omit a handful of UI elements!)
#' It is the developer's responsibility to call \code{\link{callNextMethod}} to hide the same interface elements as parent classes.
#' This is not strictly required if one wishes to expose previously hidden elements.
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases .defineInterface .defineDataInterface .hideInterface
#' @name interface-generics
#' @author Aaron Lun

#' @export
setGeneric(".defineInterface", function(x, se, select_info) standardGeneric(".defineInterface"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".defineDataInterface", function(x, se, select_info) standardGeneric(".defineDataInterface"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".hideInterface", function(x, field) standardGeneric(".hideInterface"))

#' Generic for the panel observers
#' The workhorse generic for defining the Shiny observers for a given panel, along with recommendations on its implementation.
#' @section Creating parameter observers:
#' In \code{.createObservers(x, se, input, session, pObjects, rObjects)}, the required arguments are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' \item \code{se}, a \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object containing the current dataset.
#' This can be assumed to have been produced by running \code{\link{.refineParameters}(x, se)}.
#' \item \code{input}, the Shiny input object from the server function.
#' \item \code{session}, the Shiny session object from the server function.
#' \item \code{pObjects}, an environment containing global parameters generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' \item \code{rObjects}, a reactive list of values generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' }
#' Methods for this generic are expected to set up all observers required to respond to changes in the interface elements set up by \code{\link{.defineInterface}}.
#' Recall that each interface element has an ID of the form of \code{PANEL_SLOT}, where \code{PANEL} is the panel name (from \code{\link{.getEncodedName}}) and \code{SLOT} is the name of the slot modified by the interface element.
#' Thus, observers should respond to changes in those elements in \code{input}.
#' The return value of this generic is not used; only the side-effect of observer set-up is relevant.
#' It is the developer's responsibility to call \code{\link{callNextMethod}} to set up the observers required by the parent class.
#' This is best done by calling \code{\link{callNextMethod}} at the top of the method before defining up additional observers.
#' Each parent class should implement observers for its slots, so it is usually only necessary to implement observers for any newly added slots in a particular class.
#' @section Modifying the memory:
#' Consider an observer for an interface element that modifies a slot of \code{x}.
#' The code within this observer is expected to modify the \dQuote{memory} of the app state in \code{pObjects}, via:
#' \preformatted{
#' new_value <- input[[paste0(PANEL, "_", SLOT)]]
#' pObjects$memory[[PANEL]][[SLOT]] <- new_value
#' }
#' This enables \pkg{iSEE} to keep a record of the current state of the application.
#' In fact, any changes must go through \code{pObjects$memory} before they change the output in \code{\link{.renderOutput}};
#' there is no direct interaction between \code{input} and \code{output} in this framework.
#' We suggest using \code{\link{.createProtectedParameterObservers}} and \code{\link{.createUnprotectedParameterObservers}}, 
#' which create simple observers that update the memory in response to changes in the UI elements.
#' For handling selectize elements filled with server-side row/column names, we can use \code{\link{.createCustomDimnamesModalObservers}}.
#' Developers should not attempt to modify \code{x} in any observer expression.
#' This value does not have pass-by-reference semantics and any changes will not propagate to other parts of the application.
#' Rather, modifications should occur to the version of \code{x} in \code{pObjects$memory}, as described in the code chunk above.
#' @section Triggering re-rendering:
#' To trigger re-rendering of an output, observers should call \code{\link{.requestUpdate}(PANEL, rObjects)} where \code{PANEL} is the name of the current panel
#' This will request a re-rendering of the output with no additional side effects and is most useful for responding to aesthetic parameters.
#' In some cases, changes to some parameters may invalidate existing multiple selections, e.g., brushes and lassos are no longer valid if the variable on the axes are altered.
#' Observers responding to such changes should instead call \code{\link{.requestCleanUpdate}(PANEL, pObjects, rObjects)}, which will destroy all existing selections in order to avoid misleading conclusions.
#' @aliases .createObservers
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @name observer-generics

#' @export
setGeneric(".createObservers", function(x, se, input, session, pObjects, rObjects) {

#' Generics for Panel outputs
#' An overview of the generics for defining the panel outputs, along with recommendations on their implementation.
#' @section Defining the output element:
#' \code{.defineOutput(x)} defines the output element of the panel (e.g., a plot or table widget),
#' given an instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} subclass in \code{x}.
#' Methods for this generic are expected to return a HTML element containing the visual output of the panel, such as the return value of \code{\link{plotOutput}} or \code{\link{dataTableOutput}}.
#' This element will be shown in the \pkg{iSEE} interface above the parameter boxes for \code{x}.
#' Multiple elements can be returned via a \code{\link{tagList}}.
#' The IDs of the output elements are expected to be prefixed with the panel name from \code{\link{.getEncodedName}(x)} and an underscore, e.g., \code{"ReducedDimensionPlot1_someOutput"}.
#' One of the output elements may simply have the ID set to \code{PANEL} alone;
#' this is usually the case for simple panels with one primary output like a \linkS4class{DotPlot}.
#' @section Defining the rendered output:
#' \code{.renderOutput(x, se, ..., output, pObjects, rObjects)} will create an expression to render the panel's output.
#' The following arguments are required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' \item \code{se}, a \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object containing the current dataset.
#' \item \code{...}, further arguments that may be used by specific methods.
#' \item \code{output}, the Shiny output object from the server function.
#' \item \code{pObjects}, an environment containing global parameters generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' \item \code{rObjects}, a reactive list of values generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' }
#' It is expected to attach one or more reactive expressions to \code{output} to render the output element(s) defined by \code{.defineOutput}.
#' This is typically done by calling \pkg{shiny} rendering functions like \code{\link{renderPlot}} or the most appropriate equivalent for the panel's output. 
#' The return value of this generic is not used; only the side-effect of the reactive output set-up is relevant.
#' The rendering expression inside the chosen rendering function is expected to:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Call \code{force(rObjects[[PANEL]])}, where \code{PANEL} is the output of \code{\link{.getEncodedName}(x)}.
#' This ensures that the output is rerendered upon requesting changes in \code{\link{.requestUpdate}}.
#' \item Call \code{.generateOutput} to generate the output content to be rendered.
#' \item Fill \code{pObjects$contents[[PANEL]]} with some content related to the displayed output that allows cross-referencing with single/multiple selection structures.
#' This will be used in other generics like \code{\link{.multiSelectionCommands}} and \code{\link{.singleSelectionValue}} to determine the identity of the selected point(s).
#' As a result, it is only strictly necessary if the panel is a potential transmitter, as determined by the return value of \code{\link{.multiSelectionDimension}}.
#' \item Fill \code{pObjects$commands[[PANEL]]} with a character vector of commands required to produce the displayed output.
#' This should minimally include the commands required to generate \code{pObjects$contents[[PANEL]]};
#' for plotting panels, the vector should also include code to create the plot.
#' \item Fill \code{pObjects$varname[[PANEL]]} with a string containing the R expression in \code{pObjects$commands[[PANEL]]} that holds the contents stored in \code{pObjects$contents[[PANEL]]}.
#' This is used for code reporting, and again, is only strictly necessary if the panel is a potential transmitter.
#' }
#' We strongly recommend calling \code{\link{.retrieveOutput}} within the rendering expression, which will automatically perform all of the tasks above, rather than calling \code{\link{.generateOutput}} manually.
#' By doing so, the only extra work required of the rendering expression is to actually render the output (e.g., by \code{print}ing a \link{ggplot} object).
#' Of course, the rendering expression must itself be encapsulated by an appropriate rendering function assigned to \code{output}.
#' Developers should not attempt to modify \code{x} in any rendering expression.
#' This does not have pass-by-reference semantics and any changes will not propagate to other parts of the application.
#' Similarly, the rendering expression should treat \code{pObjects$memory} as read-only.
#' Any adjustment of parameters should be handled elsewhere, e.g., by the observer expressions in \code{\link{.createObservers}}.
#' @section Generating content:
#' \code{.generateOutput(x, se, all_memory, all_contents)} actually generates the panel's output to be used in the rendering expression.
#' The following arguments are required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' \item \code{se}, a \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object containing the current dataset.
#' \item \code{all_memory}, a named list containing \linkS4class{Panel} objects parameterizing the current state of the app.
#' \item \code{all_contents}, a named list containing the contents of each panel.
#' }
#' Methods for this generic should return a list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{contents}, some arbitrary content for the panel (usually a data.frame).
#' The values therein are used by \code{\link{.multiSelectionCommands}} to determine the multiple row/column selection in \code{x} to be transmitted to other (child) panels.
#' The app will ensure that the \code{pObjects$contents} of each panel is populated before attempting to render their children. 
#' \code{contents} may be set to \code{NULL} if \code{x} does not transmit, i.e., \code{\link{.multiSelectionDimension}} returns \code{"none"}.
#' \item \code{commands}, a list of character vectors of R commands that, when executed, produces the contents of the panel and any displayed output (e.g., a \link{ggplot} object).
#' Developers should write these commands as if the evaluation environment only contains the SummarizedExperiment \code{se} and ExperimentColorMap \code{colormap}.
#' It may also contain \code{col_selected}, if a multiple column selection is being transmitted to \code{x};
#' and possibly \code{row_selected}, if a multiple row selection is being transmitted to \code{x}.
#' \item \code{varname}, a string specifying the name of the variable in \code{commands} used to generate \code{contents}.
#' This is used to fulfill code tracking obligations.
#' If the current panel is not a transmitter, this may be set to \code{NULL} instead.
#' }
#' The output list may contain any number of other fields that can be used by \code{\link{.renderOutput}} but are otherwise ignored.
#' We suggest implementing this method using \code{\link{eval}(\link{parse}(text=...))} calls, which enables easy construction and evaluation of the commands and contents at the same time.
#' A convenient wrapper for this call is provided by the \code{\link{.textEval}} utility.
#' The \code{all_memory} and \code{all_contents} arguments are provided for the sole purpose of determining what multiple selections are being received by \code{x}.
#' We strongly recommend passing them onto \code{\link{.processMultiSelections}} to do the heavy lifting.
#' It would be unusual and inadvisable to use these arguments for any other information sharing across panels.
#' @section Exporting content:
#' \code{.exportOutput(x, se, all_memory, all_contents)} converts the panel output into a downloadable form.
#' The following arguments are required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' \item \code{se}, a \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object containing the current dataset.
#' \item \code{all_memory}, a named list containing \linkS4class{Panel} objects parameterizing the current state of the app.
#' \item \code{all_contents}, a named list containing the contents of each panel.
#' }
#' Methods for this generic should generate appropriate files containing the content of \code{x}.
#' (For example, plots may create PDFs while tables may create CSV files.)
#' All files should be created in the working directory at the time of the function call, possibly in further subdirectories.
#' Each file name should be prefixed with the \code{\link{.getEncodedName}}.
#' The method itself should return a character vector containing \emph{relative} paths to all newly created files.
#' To implement this method, we suggest simply passing all arguments onto \code{\link{.generateOutput}} and then converting the output into an appropriate file.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases .renderOutput .defineOutput .generateOutput .exportOutput
#' @name output-generics

#' @export
setGeneric(".defineOutput", function(x, ...) {

#' @export
setGeneric(".renderOutput", function(x, se, ..., output, pObjects, rObjects) {

#' @export
setGeneric(".generateOutput", function(x, se, ..., all_memory, all_contents) {

#' @export
setGeneric(".exportOutput", function(x, se, all_memory, all_contents) {

#' @export
#' @rdname getEncodedName
setGeneric(".fullName", function(x) standardGeneric(".fullName"))

#' @export
#' @rdname getPanelColor
setGeneric(".panelColor", function(x) standardGeneric(".panelColor"))

#' Generics for DotPlot plotting
#' A series of generics for controlling how plotting is performed in \linkS4class{DotPlot} panels.
#' \linkS4class{DotPlot} subclasses can specialize one or more of them to modify the behavior of \code{\link{.generateOutput}}.
#' @section Generating plotting data:
#' \code{.generateDotPlotData(x, envir)} sets up the data to use in the \linkS4class{DotPlot} plot.
#' The following arguments are required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{DotPlot} subclass.
#' \item \code{envir}, the evaluation environment in which the data.frame is to be constructed.
#' This can be assumed to have \code{se}, the \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object containing the current dataset;
#' possibly \code{col_selected}, if a multiple column selection is being transmitted to \code{x};
#' and possibly \code{row_selected}, if a multiple row selection is being transmitted to \code{x}.
#' }
#' A method for this generic should add a \code{plot.data} variable in \code{envir} containing a data.frame with columns named \code{"X"} and \code{"Y"}, denoting the variables to show on the x- and y-axes respectively.
#' It should return a list with \code{commands}, a character vector of commands that produces \code{plot.data} when evaluated in \code{envir};
#' and \code{labels}, a list of strings containing labels for the x-axis (named \code{"X"}), y-axis (\code{"Y"}) and plot (\code{"title"}).
#' Each row of the \code{plot.data} data.frame should correspond to one row or column in the SummarizedExperiment \code{envir$se} for \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s respectively.
#' Note that, even if only a subset of rows/columns in the SummarizedExperiment are to be shown, there must always be one row in the data.frame per row/column of the SummarizedExperiment, and in the same order.
#' All other rows of the data.frame should be filled in with \code{NA}s rather than omitted entirely.
#' This is necessary for correct interactions with later methods that add other variables to \code{plot.data}.
#' Any internal variables that are generated by the commands in \code{commands} should be prefixed with \code{.} to avoid potential clashes with reserved variable names in the rest of the application.
#' This generic is called by \code{.generateDotPlot} (see below), which is in turn called by \code{\link{.generateOutput}}.
#' The idea is that developers can specialize \code{.generateDotPlotData} to change the data source for a DotPlot subclass without needing to reimplement the entirety of \code{.generateDotPlot}.
#' @section Generating the ggplot object:
#' \code{.generateDotPlot(x, labels, envir)} creates the plot to be shown in the interface.
#' The following arguments are required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{DotPlot} subclass.
#' \item \code{labels}, a list of labels corresponding to the columns of \code{plot.data}.
#' This is typically used to define axis or legend labels in the plot.
#' \item \code{envir}, the evaluation environment in which the \link{ggplot} object is to be constructed.
#' This can be assumed to have \code{plot.data}, a data.frame of plotting data.
#' Note that \code{se}, \code{row_selected} and \code{col_selected} will still be present in \code{envir},
#' but it is simplest to only use information that has already been incorporated into \code{plot.data} where possible.
#' This is because the order and number of rows in \code{plot.data} may have changed since \code{\link{.generateDotPlotData}}.
#' }
#' Methods for this generic should return a list with \code{plot}, a \link{ggplot} object;
#' and \code{commands}, a character vector of commands to produce that object when evaluated inside \code{envir}.
#' This plot will subsequently be the rendered output in \code{\link{.renderOutput}}.
#' Note that \code{envir} should contain a copy of the \code{plot} object in a variable named \code{dot.plot} -
#' see below for details.
#' Methods are expected to respond to the presence of various fields in the \code{plot.data}.
#' The data.frame will contain, at the very least, the fields \code{"X"} and \code{"Y"} from \code{\link{.generateDotPlotData}}.
#' Depending on the parameters of \code{x}, it may also have the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"ColorBy"}, the values of the covariate to use to color each point.
#' \item \code{"ShapeBy"}, the values of the covariate to use for shaping each point.
#' This is guaranteed to be categorical.
#' \item \code{"SizeBy"}, the values of the covariate to use for sizing each point.
#' This is guaranteed to be continuous.
#' \item \code{"FacetRow"}, the values of the covariate to use to create row facets.
#' This is guaranteed to be categorical.
#' \item \code{"FacetColumn"}, the values of the covariate to use to create column facets.
#' This is guaranteed to be categorical.
#' \item \code{"SelectBy"}, a logical field indicating whether the point was included in a multiple selection
#' (i.e., transmitted from another plot with \code{x} as the receiver).
#' Note that if \code{RowSelectionRestrict=TRUE} or \code{ColumnSelectionRestrict=TRUE} 
#' (for \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s, respectively),
#' \code{plot.data} will already have been subsetted to only retain \code{TRUE} values of this field.
#' }
#' \code{envir} may also contain the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{plot.data.all}, present when a multiple selection is transmitted to \code{x} and \code{RowSelectionRestrict=TRUE} or \code{ColumnSelectionRestrict=TRUE} (for \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s, respectively).
#' This is a data.frame that contains all points prior to subsetting and is useful for defining the boundaries of the plot such that they do not change when the transmitted multiple selection changes.
#' \item \code{plot.data.pre}, present when downsampling is turned on.
#' This is a data.frame that contains all points prior to downsampling (but after subsetting, if that was performed) and is again mainly used to fix the boundaries of the plot.
#' }
#' Developers may wish to use the \code{\link{.addMultiSelectionPlotCommands}} utility to draw brushes and lassos of \code{x}.
#' Note that this refers to the brushes and lassos made on \code{x} itself, not those transmitted from another panel to \code{x}.
#' It would be very unwise for methods to alter the x-axis, y-axis or faceting values in \code{plot.data}.
#' This will lead to unintuitive discrepancies between apparent visual selections for a brush/lasso and the actual multiple selection that is evaluated by downstream functions like \code{\link{.processMultiSelections}}.
#' In certain situations, a \linkS4class{DotPlot} subclass may be able to build off a \link{ggplot} generated by its parent class.
#' This is easily done by exploiting the fact that methods for this generic are expected to store a copy of their \code{plot} \link{ggplot} object as a \code{dot.plot} variable in \code{envir}.
#' A specialized method for the subclass can \code{\link{callNextMethod}()} to populate \code{envir} with the initial \code{dot.plot}, and then just construct and execute commands to add more \pkg{ggplot2} layers as desired.
#' This generic is called by \code{.generateOutput} for DotPlot subclasses.
#' Again, the idea here is that developers can specialize \code{.generateDotPlot} to change the plot aesthetics without needing to reimplement the entirety of \code{.generateOutput}.
#' @section Prioritizing points:
#' \code{.prioritizeDotPlotData(x, envir)} specifies the \dQuote{priority} of points to be plotted, where high-priority points are plotted last so that they will not be masked by other points.
#' The following arguments are required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{DotPlot} subclass.
#' \item \code{envir}, the evaluation environment in which the \link{ggplot} object is to be constructed.
#' This can be assumed to have \code{plot.data}, a data.frame of plotting data.
#' Again, note that \code{se}, \code{row_selected} and \code{col_selected} will still be present in \code{envir}, but it is simplest to only use information that has already been incorporated into \code{plot.data} where possible.
#' This is because the order and number of rows in \code{plot.data} may have changed since \code{\link{.generateDotPlotData}}.
#' }
#' Methods for this generic are expected to generate a \code{.priority} variable in \code{envir}, an ordered factor of length equal to \code{nrow(plot.data)} indicating the priority of each point.
#' They may also generate a \code{.rescaled} variable, a named numeric vector containing the scaling factor to apply to the downsampling resolution for each level of \code{.priority}.
#' The method itself should return a list containing \code{commands}, a character vector of R commands required to generate these variables;
#' and \code{rescaled}, a logical scalar indicating whether a \code{.rescaled} variable was produced.
#' Points assigned the highest level in \code{.priority} are regarded as having the highest visual importance.
#' Such points will be shown on top of other points if there are overlaps on the plot, allowing developers to specify that, e.g., DE genes should be shown on top of non-DE genes.
#' Scaling of the resolution enables developers to perform more aggressive downsampling for unimportant points.
#' Methods for this generic may also return \code{NULL}, in which case no special action is taken.
#' This generic is called by \code{.generateDotPlot}, which is in turn called by \code{\link{.generateOutput}}.
#' Thus, developers of DotPlot subclasses can specialize this generic to change the point priority without needing to reimplement the entirety of \code{.generateDotPlot}.
#' @section Controlling the \dQuote{None} color scale:
#' In some cases, it is desirable to insert a default scale when \code{ColorBy="None"}.
#' This is useful for highlighting points in a manner that is integral to the nature of the plot, e.g., up- or down-regulated genes in a MA plot.
#' We provide a few generics to help control which points are highlighted and how they are colored.
#' \code{.colorByNoneDotPlotField(x)} expects \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{DotPlot} subclass, and returns a string containing a name of a column in \code{plot.data} to use for coloring in the \code{ggplot} mapping.
#' This assumes that the relevant field was added to \code{plot.data} by a method for \code{\link{.generateDotPlotData}}.
#' \code{.colorByNoneDotPlotScale(x)} expects \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{DotPlot} subclass, and returns a string containing a \pkg{ggplot2} \code{scale_color_*} call, e.g., \code{\link{scale_color_manual}}.
#' This string should end with a \code{"+"} operator as additional \pkg{ggplot2} layers will be added by \pkg{iSEE}.
#' This generic is called by \code{.generateDotPlot}, which is in turn called by \code{\link{.generateOutput}}.
#' Thus, developers of DotPlot subclasses can specialize this generic to change the default color scheme without needing to reimplement the entirety of \code{.generateDotPlot}.
#' @author Kevin \dQuote{K-pop} Rue-Albrecht, Aaron \dQuote{A-bomb} Lun
#' @name plot-generics
#' @aliases .generateDotPlotData
#' .generateDotPlot
#' .prioritizeDotPlotData
#' .colorByNoneDotPlotField
#' .colorByNoneDotPlotScale

#' @export
setGeneric(".generateDotPlotData", function(x, envir) standardGeneric(".generateDotPlotData"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".generateDotPlot", function(x, labels, envir) standardGeneric(".generateDotPlot"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".prioritizeDotPlotData", function(x, envir) standardGeneric(".prioritizeDotPlotData"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".colorByNoneDotPlotField", function(x) standardGeneric(".colorByNoneDotPlotField"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".colorByNoneDotPlotScale", function(x) standardGeneric(".colorByNoneDotPlotScale"))

#' Internal generics for \linkS4class{DotPlot} plotting
#' These functions are implemented as generics so as to enable differences in behavior between
#' \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s.
#' They will modify \code{plot.data} in the environment while returning the commands used to perform that modification.
#' In the following code snippets, \code{x} is an instance of a \linkS4class{DotPlot} class,
#' and \code{envir} is an environment in which \code{plot.data} can be expected to be present.
#' @section Adding aesthetic parameters:
#' \code{.addDotPlotDataColor(x, envir)} will add a \code{ColorBy} field to \code{plot.data} in \code{envir},
#' representing the covariate used to color each point.
#' \code{.addDotPlotDataShape(x, envir)} will add a \code{ShapeBy} field to \code{plot.data} in \code{envir},
#' representing the covariate used to determine the shape of each point.
#' \code{.addDotPlotDataSize(x, envir)} will add a \code{SizeBy} field to \code{plot.data} in \code{envir},
#' representing the covariate used to determine the size of each point.
#' \code{.addDotPlotDataFacets(x, envir)} will add \code{FacetRow} and/or \code{FacetColumn} fields to \code{plot.data},
#' representing the covariate used for faceting by row and/or column respectively.
#' All methods should return a list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{commands}, a character vector of R commands used to modify \code{plot.data}.
#' \item \code{labels}, a named list of strings where each name corresponds to the newly added column of \code{plot.data}
#' and each string corresponds to a label that might be used in the legend for that column.
#' }
#' If \code{plot.data} is not modified, methods should return \code{NULL}.
#' @section Adding multiple selection information:
#' \code{.addDotPlotDataSelected(x, envir)} will add a \code{SelectBy} field to \code{plot.data},
#' representing the identity of points in a multiple selection transmitted to \code{x}.
#' \code{plot.data} may also be subsetted if \code{x} is restricting its points to the transmitted multiple selection.
#' The method will return a character vector of commands used to modify \code{plot.data}.
#' If no modification is performed, it will return \code{NULL}.
#' @section Controlling the color scale:
#' \code{.colorDotPlot(x, colorby, x_aes="X", y_aes="Y")} returns a character vector of \pkg{ggplot2}
#' commands to modify the color scale, given:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{colorby}, a vector (usually \code{plot.data$ColorBy}) with which colors are decided for each point.
#' \item \code{x_aes}, a string specifying the column of \code{plot.data} containing the x-axis coordinates.
#' \item \code{y_aes}, a string specifying the column of \code{plot.data} containing the y-axis coordinates.
#' }
#' The last two are used in case of coloring based on the identity of a single point.
#' @section Get commands:
#' \code{\link{.getDotPlotMetadataCommand}(x)} returns a string containing the command to use to extract the relevant metadata from a SummarizedExperiment object, i.e., the \code{"rowData"} or \code{"colData"} for \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s respectively.
#' \code{\link{.getDotPlotNamesCommand}(x)} returns a string containing the command to use to extract the relevant names of the points from a SummarizedExperiment object, i.e., the \code{"rownames"} or \code{"colnames"} for \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s respectively.
#' @section Design note:
#' We ask the modification to occur inside the method,
#' rather than evaluating it ourselves in \code{\link{.add_extra_aesthetic_columns}},
#' so as to enable concurrent construction and evaluation of commands.
#' This enables more flexible construction of commands that can change based on intermediate variables;
#' it also avoids potential double evaluation by making it clear that evaluation is the method's responsibility.
#' The same philosophy applies to \code{\link{.generateDotPlotData}} and \code{\link{.generateDotPlot}}.
#' @aliases
#' .addDotPlotDataColor
#' .addDotPlotDataShape
#' .addDotPlotDataSize
#' .addDotPlotDataFacets
#' .addDotPlotDataSelected
#' .colorDotPlot
#' .addDotPlotDataColor,ColumnDotPlot-method
#' .addDotPlotDataShape,ColumnDotPlot-method
#' .addDotPlotDataSize,ColumnDotPlot-method
#' .addDotPlotDataFacets,ColumnDotPlot-method
#' .addDotPlotDataSelected,ColumnDotPlot-method
#' .colorDotPlot,ColumnDotPlot-method
#' .addDotPlotDataColor,RowDotPlot-method
#' .addDotPlotDataShape,RowDotPlot-method
#' .addDotPlotDataSize,RowDotPlot-method
#' .addDotPlotDataFacets,RowDotPlot-method
#' .addDotPlotDataSelected,RowDotPlot-method
#' .colorDotPlot,RowDotPlot-method
#' .getDotPlotMetadataCommand
#' .getDotPlotNamesCommand
#' @author Kevin Rue-Albrecht
#' @name INTERNAL_addDotPlotData

setGeneric(".addDotPlotDataColor", function(x, envir) standardGeneric(".addDotPlotDataColor"))

setGeneric(".addDotPlotDataShape", function(x, envir) standardGeneric(".addDotPlotDataShape"))

setGeneric(".addDotPlotDataSize", function(x, envir) standardGeneric(".addDotPlotDataSize"))

setGeneric(".addDotPlotDataFacets", function(x, envir) standardGeneric(".addDotPlotDataFacets"))

setGeneric(".addDotPlotDataLabel", function(x, envir) standardGeneric(".addDotPlotDataLabel"))

setGeneric(".addDotPlotDataSelected", function(x, envir) standardGeneric(".addDotPlotDataSelected"))

setGeneric(".colorDotPlot", function(x, colorby, x_aes="X", y_aes="Y") standardGeneric(".colorDotPlot"))

setGeneric(".getDotPlotMetadataCommand", function(x) standardGeneric(".getDotPlotMetadataCommand"))

setGeneric(".getDotPlotNamesCommand", function(x) standardGeneric(".getDotPlotNamesCommand"))


#' Generics for table construction
#' Generic to control the creation of a data.frame to show in the \code{\link{datatable}} widget of a \linkS4class{Table} panel.
#' \linkS4class{Table} subclasses can specialize methods to modify the behavior of \code{\link{.generateOutput}}.
#' @section Constructing the table:
#' \code{.generateTable(x, envir)} generates the data.frame to use in the \code{\link{datatable}} widget.
#' The following arguments are required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a Table subclass.
#' \item \code{envir}, the evaluation environment in which the data.frame is to be constructed.
#' This can be assumed to have \code{se}, the \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object containing the current dataset;
#' possibly \code{col_selected}, if a multiple column selection is being transmitted to \code{x};
#' and possibly \code{row_selected}, if a multiple row selection is being transmitted to \code{x}.
#' }
#' In return, the method should add a \code{tab} variable in \code{envir} containing the relevant data.frame.
#' This will automatically be passed to the \code{\link{datatable}} widget as well as being stored in \code{pObjects$contents}.
#' The return value should be a character vector of commands that produces \code{tab} when evaluated in \code{envir}.
#' Each row of the \code{tab} data.frame should correspond to one row or column in the SummarizedExperiment \code{envir$se} for \linkS4class{RowTable}s and \linkS4class{ColumnTable}s respectively.
#' Unlike \code{\link{.generateDotPlotData}}, it is not necessary for all rows or columns to be represented in this data.frame.
#' Ideally, the number and names of the columns of the data.frame should be fixed for all calls to \code{.generateTable}.
#' Violating this principle may result in unpredictable interactions with existing values in the \code{SearchColumns} slot.
#' Nonetheless, the app will be robust to mismatches, see \code{\link{filterDT}} for more details.
#' Any internal variables that are generated by the commands should be prefixed with \code{.} to avoid potential clashes with reserved variable names in the rest of the application.
#' This generic is called by \code{.generateOutput} for Table subclasses.
#' Thus, developers of such subclasses only need to specialize \code{.generateTable} to change the table contents, without needing to reimplement the entirety of \code{.generateOutput}.
#' @section Adding details on the selection:
#' \code{.showSelectionDetails(x)} should return a HTML element containing details on the currently selected row,
#' given an instance of a Table subclass \code{x}.
#' The identity of the selected row should be extracted from \code{x[["Selected"]]}.
#' The element will only be rerendered upon a single selection in the Table.
#' Alternatively, it may return \code{NULL} in which case no selection details are shown in the interface.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @aliases .generateTable
#' @aliases .showSelectionDetails
#' @name table-generics

#' @export
setGeneric(".generateTable", function(x, envir) standardGeneric(".generateTable"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".showSelectionDetails", function(x) standardGeneric(".showSelectionDetails"))


#' Generics for setting up parameters
#' These generics are related to the initial setup of the \pkg{iSEE} application.
#' @section Caching common information:
#' \code{.cacheCommonInfo(x, se)} computes common values that can be re-used for all panels with the same class as \code{x}.
#' The following arguments are required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' \item \code{se}, the \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object containing the current dataset.
#' }
#' It is expected to return \code{se} with (optionally) extra fields added to \code{\link{int_metadata}(se)$iSEE}.
#' Each field should be named according to the class name and contain some common information that is constant for all instances of the class of \code{x} - see \code{\link{.setCachedCommonInfo}} for an appropriate setter utility.
#' The goal is to avoid repeated recomputation of required values when creating user interface elements or observers that respond to those elements.
#' Methods for this generic should start by checking whether the metadata already contains the class name, and returning \code{se} without modification if this is the case.
#' Otherwise, it should \code{\link{callNextMethod}} to fill in the cache values from the parent classes, before adding cached values under the class name for \code{x}.
#' This means that any modification to \code{se} will only be performed once per class, so any cached values should be constant for all instances of the same class.
#' Values from the cache can also be \code{\link{deparse}}d and used to assemble rendering commands in \code{\link{.generateOutput}}. 
#' However, those same commands should not make any use of the cache itself, i.e., they should not call \code{\link{.getCachedCommonInfo}}.
#' This is because the code tracker does not capture the code used to construct the cache, so the commands that are shown to the user will make use of a cache that is not present in the original \code{se} object.
#' @section Refining parameters:
#' \code{.refineParameters(x, se)} enforces appropriate settings for each parameter in \code{x}.
#' The following arguments are required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, an instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' \item \code{se}, the \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object containing the current dataset.
#' }
#' Methods for this generic should return a copy of \code{x} where slots with invalid values are replaced with appropriate entries from \code{se}.
#' This is necessary because the constructor and validity methods for \code{x} do not know about \code{se};
#' thus, certain slots (e.g., for the row/column names) cannot be set to a reasonable default or checked by the validity method.
#' By comparison, \code{\link{.refineParameters}} can catch and correct invalid values as it has access to \code{se}.
#' We recommend specializing \code{\link{initialize}} to fill any yet-to-be-determined slots with \code{NA} defaults.
#' \code{\link{.refineParameters}} can then be used to sweep across these slots and replace them with appropriate entries,
#' typically by using \code{\link{.getCachedCommonInfo}} to extract the cached set of potential valid values.
#' Of course, any slots that are not \code{se}-dependent should just be set at construction and checked by the validity method.
#' It is also possible for this generic to return \code{NULL}, which is used as an indicator that \code{se} does not contain information to meaningfully show any instance of the class of \code{x} in the \pkg{iSEE} app.
#' For example, the method for \linkS4class{ReducedDimensionPlot} will return \code{NULL} if \code{se} is not a \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} containing some dimensionality reduction results.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @name setup-generics
#' @aliases
#' .refineParameters
#' .cacheCommonInfo

#' @export
setGeneric(".refineParameters", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".refineParameters"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".cacheCommonInfo", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".cacheCommonInfo"))

#' @title Generics for controlling multiple selections
#' @description
#' A panel can create a multiple selection on either the rows or columns and transmit this selection to another panel to affect its set of displayed points.
#' For example, users can brush on a \linkS4class{DotPlot}s to select a set of points, and then the panel can transmit the identities of those points to another panel for highlighting.
#' This suite of generics controls the behavior of these multiple selections.
#' In all of the code chunks shown below, \code{x} is assumed to be an instance of the \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' @section Possibility of selection:
#' \code{.isBrushable(x)} should return a logical specifying whether the panel supports selection using a Shiny brush or lasso waypoints.
#' The output should be constant for all instances of \code{x} and is used to govern the reporting of multiple selections in the code tracker.
#' @section Specifying the dimension:
#' \code{.multiSelectionDimension(x)} should return a string specifying whether the selection contains rows (\code{"row"}), columns (\code{"column"}) or if the Panel in \code{x} does not perform multiple selections at all (\code{"none"}).
#' The output should be constant for all instances of \code{x} and is used to govern the interface choices for the selection parameters.
#' @section Specifying the active selection:
#' \code{.multiSelectionActive(x)} should return some structure containing all parameters required to identify all points in the active multiple selection of \code{x}.
#' For example, the \linkS4class{DotPlot} method for this generic would return the contents of the \code{BrushData} slot, usually a list containing a Shiny brush or lasso waypoints for \linkS4class{DotPlot} classes.
#' If \code{.multiSelectionActive(x)} returns \code{NULL}, \code{x} is assumed to have no active multiple selection.
#' The active selection is considered to be the one that can be directly changed by the user, as compared to saved selections that are not modifiable (other than being deleted on a first-in-last-out basis).
#' This generic is primarily used to bundle up selection parameters to be stored in the \code{SelectionHistory} slot when the user saves the current active selection.
#' @section Evaluating the selection:
#' \code{.multiSelectionCommands(x, index)} is expected to return a character vector of commands to generate a character vector of row or column names in the desired multiple selection of \code{x}.
#' If \code{index=NA}, the desired selection is the currently active one; developers can assume that \code{.multiSelectionActive(x)} returns a non-\code{NULL} value in this case.
#' Otherwise, for an integer \code{index}, it refers to the corresponding saved selection in the \code{SelectionHistory}.
#' The commands will be evaluated in an environment containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{select}, a variable of the same type as returned by \code{\link{.multiSelectionActive}(x)}.
#' This will contain the active selection if \code{index=NA} and one of the saved selections otherwise.
#' For example, for \linkS4class{DotPlot}s, \code{select} will be either a Shiny brush or a lasso structure.
#' \item \code{contents}, some arbitrary content saved by the rendering expression in \code{\link{.renderOutput}(x)}.
#' This is most often a data.frame but can be anything as long as \code{.multiSelectionCommands} knows how to process it.
#' For example, a data.frame of coordinates is stored by \linkS4class{DotPlot}s to identify the points selected by a brush/lasso.
#' \item \code{se}, the \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object containing the current dataset.
#' }
#' The output commands are expected to produce a character vector named \code{selected} in the evaluation environment.
#' All other variables generated by the commands should be prefixed with \code{.} to avoid name clashes.
#' @section Determining the available points for selection:
#' \code{.multiSelectionAvailable(x, contents)} is expected to return an integer scalar specifying the number of points available for selection in the the current instance of the panel \code{x}.
#' The \code{contents} field in the output of \code{\link{.generateOutput}} is passed to the \code{contents} argument of this generic.
#' The default method for this generic returns \code{nrow(contents)} for all \linkS4class{Panel} subclasses, assuming that \code{contents} is a data.frame where each row represents a point.
#' If not, this method needs to be specialized in order to return an accurate total of available points, which is ultimately used to compute the percentage selected in the multiple selection information panels.
#' @section Destroying selections:
#' \code{.multiSelectionClear(x)} should return \code{x} after removing the active selection, i.e., so that nothing is selected.
#' This is used internally to remove multiple selections that do not make sense after protected parameters have changed.
#' For example, a brush or lasso made on a PCA plot in \linkS4class{ReducedDimensionPlot}s would not make sense after switching to t-SNE coordinates, so the application will automatically erase those selections to avoid misleading conclusions.
#' @section Responding to selections:
#' These generics control how \code{x} responds to a transmitted multiple selection, not how \code{x} itself transmits selections.
#' \code{.multiSelectionRestricted(x)} should return a logical scalar indicating whether \code{x}'s displayed contents will be restricted to the selection transmitted from \emph{another panel}.
#' This is used to determine whether child panels of \code{x} need to be re-rendered when \code{x}'s transmitter changes its multiple selection.
#' For example, the method for \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s would return \code{TRUE} if \code{RowSelectionRestrict=TRUE} or \code{ColumnSelectionRestrict=TRUE}, respectively.
#' Otherwise, it would be \code{FALSE} as the transmitted selection is only used for aesthetics, not for changing the identity of the displayed points.
#' \code{.multiSelectionInvalidated(x)} should return a logical scalar indicating whether a transmission of a multiple selection to \code{x} invalidates \code{x}'s own existing selections.
#' This should only be \code{TRUE} in special circumstances, e.g., if receipt of a new multiple selection causes recalculation of coordinates in a \linkS4class{DotPlot}.
#' \code{.multiSelectionResponsive(x, dims)} should return a logical scalar indicating whether \code{x} is responsive to an incoming multiple selection on dimensions \code{dims}.
#' For example, the method for \linkS4class{ComplexHeatmapPlot} would return \code{TRUE} when an incoming selection originates from a row-oriented panel and \code{CustomRows=FALSE}.
#' Otherwise, it would be \code{FALSE} as the dimension of the transmitted selection is dismissed by the options of the child panel.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @name multi-select-generics
#' @aliases .multiSelectionDimension
#' .isBrushable
#' .multiSelectionRestricted
#' .multiSelectionActive
#' .multiSelectionCommands
#' .multiSelectionClear
#' .multiSelectionInvalidated
#' .multiSelectionAvailable
#' .multiSelectionResponsive

#' @export
setGeneric(".multiSelectionCommands", function(x, index) standardGeneric(".multiSelectionCommands"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".multiSelectionRestricted", function(x) standardGeneric(".multiSelectionRestricted"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".multiSelectionDimension", function(x) standardGeneric(".multiSelectionDimension"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".multiSelectionActive", function(x) standardGeneric(".multiSelectionActive"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".multiSelectionClear", function(x) standardGeneric(".multiSelectionClear"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".multiSelectionInvalidated", function(x) standardGeneric(".multiSelectionInvalidated"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".multiSelectionAvailable", function(x, contents) standardGeneric(".multiSelectionAvailable"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".multiSelectionResponsive", function(x, dims) standardGeneric(".multiSelectionResponsive"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".isBrushable", function(x) standardGeneric(".isBrushable"))

#' Generics for controlling single selections
#' A panel can create a single selection on either the rows or columns and transmit this selection to another panel for use as an aesthetic parameter.
#' For example, users can click on a \linkS4class{RowTable} to select a gene of interest, and then the panel can transmit the identities of that row to another panel for coloring by that selected gene's expression.
#' This suite of generics controls the behavior of these single selections.
#' @section Specifying the nature of the selection:
#' Given an instance of the \linkS4class{Panel} class \code{x}, \code{.singleSelectionDimension(x)} should return a string specifying whether the panel's single selection would contain a \code{"feature"}, \code{"sample"}, or if the Panel in \code{x} does not perform single selections at all (\code{"none"}).
#' The output should be constant for all instances of \code{x}.
#' @section Obtaining the selected element:
#' \code{.singleSelectionValue(x, contents)} should return a string specifying the selected row or column in \code{x} that is to be transmitted to other panels.
#' If no row or column is selected, it should return \code{NULL}.
#' \code{contents} is any arbitrary structure returned by \code{\link{.generateOutput}} for \code{x} in the field of the same name.
#' This should contain all of the information necessary to determine the name of the selected row/column.
#' For example, a data.frame of coordinates is stored by \linkS4class{DotPlot}s to identify the point selected by a brush/lasso.
#' @section Indicating the receiving slots:
#' \code{.singleSelectionSlots(x)} controls how \code{x} should \emph{respond} to a single selection.
#' It should return a list of lists, where each internal list describes a set of slots in \code{x} that might respond to a single selection from a transmitting panel.
#' This internal list should contain at least entries with the following names:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{param}, the name of the slot of \code{x} that can potentially respond to a single selection in a transmitting panel, e.g., \code{ColorByFeatureName} in \linkS4class{DotPlot}s.
#' \item \code{source}, the name of the slot of \code{x} that indicates which transmitting panel to respond to, e.g., \code{ColorByFeatureSource} in \linkS4class{DotPlot}s.
#' }
#' For each set of responsive slots, the expected paradigm is that the user interface will contain two \code{\link{selectInput}} elements, one for each of the \code{param} and \code{source} slots.
#' Users are free to manually alter the choice of feature/sample in the \code{param}'s \code{selectInput}.
#' Users are also allowed to change the identity of the transmitting panel via the \code{source}'s \code{selectInput}, which will automatically update the chosen entry in the \code{param}'s \code{selectInput} when the transmitter's single selection changes.
#' Developers are strongly recommended to follow the above paradigm.
#' In fact, the observers to perform these updates are automatically set up by \code{\link{.createObservers,Panel-method}} if the internal list also contains the following named entries:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{dimension}, a string set to either \code{"feature"} or \code{"sample"}.
#' This specifies whether the slot specified by \code{param} contains the identity of a single feature or a single sample.
#' If this is not present, no observers will be set up.
#' \item \code{dynamic}, the name of the slot indicating whether the choice of transmitting panel should change dynamically.
#' One example would be \code{"ColorByFeatureDynamicSource"} for \linkS4class{DotPlot}s.
#' If supplied, a \code{\link{checkboxInput}} should also be present in the UI to turn on/off dynamic choices for this parameter.
#' This field can be missing if the current panel does not support dynamic selection sources.
#' \item \code{use_mode}, the name of the slot of \code{x} containing the current usage mode.
#' This is used in cases where there are multiple choices of which only one involves using information held in \code{source}.
#' An example would be \code{ColorBy} in \linkS4class{DotPlot}s where coloring by feature name is only one of many options, such that the panel should only respond to transmitted single selections when the user intends to color by feature name.
#' If the value of this field is \code{NA}, the usage mode for \code{x} is assumed to be such that the panel should always respond to transmitted single selections.
#' \item \code{use_value}, a string containing the relevant value of the slot specified by \code{use_mode} in order for the panel to respond to transmitted single selections.
#' An example would be \code{"Feature name"} in \linkS4class{DotPlot}s.
#' This field can be missing if \code{use_mode} is \code{NA}.
#' \item \code{protected}, a logical scalar indicating whether the slot specified by \code{param} is \dQuote{protected}, i.e., changing this value will cause all existing selections to be invalidated and will trigger re-rendering of the children receiving multiple selections.
#' This is \code{FALSE} for purely aesthetic parameters (e.g., coloring) and \code{TRUE} for data-related parameters (e.g., \code{XAxisFeatureName} in \linkS4class{FeatureAssayPlot}).
#' }
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @name single-select-generics
#' @aliases .singleSelectionDimension
#' .singleSelectionValue
#' .singleSelectionSlots

#' @export
setGeneric(".singleSelectionDimension", function(x) standardGeneric(".singleSelectionDimension"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".singleSelectionValue", function(x, contents) standardGeneric(".singleSelectionValue"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".singleSelectionSlots", function(x) standardGeneric(".singleSelectionSlots"))


#' Generics for row/column metadata plots
#' These generics allow subclasses to refine the choices of allowable variables on the x- and y-axes of a \linkS4class{ColumnDataPlot} or \linkS4class{RowDataPlot}.
#' This is most useful for restricting the visualization to a subset of variables, e.g., only taking log-fold changes in a y-axis of a MA plot.
#' @section Allowable y-axis choices:
#' \code{.allowableYAxisChoices(x, se)} takes \code{x}, a \linkS4class{Panel} instance; and \code{se}, the \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object.
#' It is expected to return a character vector containing the names of acceptable variables to show on the y-axis.
#' For \linkS4class{ColumnDataPlot}s, these should be a subset of the variables in \code{\link{colData}(se)}, while for \linkS4class{RowDataPlot}s, these should be a subset of the variables in \code{\link{rowData}(se)}.
#' Given a constant \code{se}, the output of this function should be constant for all instances of the same panel class.
#' As such, it is a good idea to make use of information precomputed by \code{\link{.cacheCommonInfo}}.
#' For example, \code{\link{.cacheCommonInfo,ColumnDotPlot-method}} will add vectors specifying whether a variable in the \code{\link{colData}} is valid and discrete or continuous, which can be intersected with any additional requirements in a subclass's method for this generic.
#' This generic is called by \code{\link{.defineDataInterface}} for \linkS4class{ColumnDataPlot}s and \linkS4class{RowDataPlot}s.
#' Thus, developers wanting to restrict those choices for subclasses can simply specialize \code{.allowableYAxisChoices} rather than reimplementing \code{.defineDataInterface}.
#' @section Allowable x-axis choices:
#' \code{.allowableXAxisChoices(x, se)} is the same as above but controls the variables that can be shown on the x-axis.
#' This need not return the same subset of variables as \code{.allowableYAxisChoices}.
#' However, again, the output of this function should be constant for all instances of the same class and a constant \code{se}.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @name metadata-plot-generics
#' @aliases .allowableYAxisChoices
#' .allowableXAxisChoices

#' @export
setGeneric(".allowableYAxisChoices", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".allowableYAxisChoices"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".allowableXAxisChoices", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".allowableXAxisChoices"))


#' Generics for visual DotPlot parameters
#' @description
#' These generics allow subclasses to override the user interface elements controlling visual parameters of \linkS4class{DotPlot} panels.
#' @section Interface definition:
#' In all of the code snippets below, \code{x} is a \linkS4class{Panel} instance and \code{se} is the \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{.defineVisualColorInterface(x, se, select_info)} should return a HTML tag definition that contains UI input elements controlling the \code{color} aesthetic of \code{ggplot} objects.
#' Here, \code{select_info} is a list of two character vectors named \code{row} and \code{column}, which specifies the names of panels available for transmitting single selections on the rows/columns respectively.
#' A common use case would involve adding elements to change the default color of the points or to color by a chosen metadata field/assay values.
#' \item \code{.defineVisualShapeInterface(x, se)} should return a HTML tag definition that contains UI input elements controlling the \code{shape} aesthetic of \code{ggplot} objects.
#' A common use case would involve adding elements to change the shape of each point according to a chosen metadata field.
#' \item \code{.defineVisualSizeInterface(x, se)} should return a HTML tag definition that contains UI input elements controlling the \code{size} aesthetic of \code{ggplot} objects.
#' A common use case would involve adding elements to change the size of each point according to a chosen metadata field or assay values.
#' \item \code{.defineVisualPointInterface(x, se)} should return a HTML tag definition that contains UI input elements controlling other aesthetics of \code{ggplot} objects.
#' This might include controlling the transparency or downsampling.
#' \item \code{.defineVisualFacetInterface(x, se)} should return a HTML tag definition that contains UI input elements controlling the \code{facet_grid} applied to \code{ggplot} objects.
#' This typically involves providing UI elements to choose the metadata variables to use for faceting.
#' \item \code{.defineVisualTextInterface(x, se)} should return a HTML tag definition that contains UI input elements controlling the appearance of non-data text elements of \code{ggplot} objects.
#' This typically involves matters such as the font size and legend position.
#' \item \code{.defineVisualOtherInterface(x)} should a HTML tag definition that contains UI inputs elements to display in the \code{"Other"} section of the visual parameters.
#' This is a grab-bag of other parameters that don't fit into the more defined categories above.
#' }
#' A method for any of these generics may also return \code{NULL}, in which case the corresponding section of the visual parameter box is completely hidden.
#' All of these generics are called by \code{\link{.defineInterface}} for DotPlot subclasses.
#' Developers of subclasses can simply specialize these generics to change the UI instead of reimplementing \code{.defineInterface} itself.
#' When implementing methods for these generics, it is a good idea to make use of information precomputed by \code{\link{.cacheCommonInfo}}.
#' For example, \code{\link{.cacheCommonInfo,ColumnDotPlot-method}} will add vectors specifying whether a variable in the \code{\link{colData}} is valid and discrete or continuous.
#' @section Controlling \code{ColorBy*Data} choices:
#' \code{.allowableColorByDataChoices(x, se)} should return a character vector of the allowable row/column data variables to use 
#' when \code{ColorBy} is set to \code{"Row data"} or \code{"Column data"} for \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s, respectively.
#' The default method will use all available (atomic) variables, but subclasses can specialize this to only allow, e.g., continuous or discrete variables.
#' @section Controlling hover choices:
#' \code{.getTooltipUI(x, se, name)} should return an \code{HTML} tag definition representing information to display in the tooltip that is displayed in \code{DotPlot} panels when hovering over a data point.
#' The data point is identified by \code{name}, its \code{rownames} or \code{colnames} value in \code{se}.
#' @author Kevin Rue-Albrecht
#' @name visual-parameters-generics
#' @aliases .defineVisualColorInterface
#' .defineVisualShapeInterface
#' .defineVisualSizeInterface
#' .defineVisualPointInterface
#' .defineVisualFacetInterface
#' .defineVisualTextInterface
#' .defineVisualOtherInterface
#' .allowableColorByDataChoices
#' .getTooltipUI

#' @export
setGeneric(".defineVisualColorInterface", function(x, se, select_info) standardGeneric(".defineVisualColorInterface"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".defineVisualShapeInterface", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".defineVisualShapeInterface"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".defineVisualSizeInterface", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".defineVisualSizeInterface"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".defineVisualPointInterface", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".defineVisualPointInterface"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".defineVisualFacetInterface", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".defineVisualFacetInterface"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".defineVisualTextInterface", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".defineVisualTextInterface"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".defineVisualOtherInterface", function(x) standardGeneric(".defineVisualOtherInterface"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".allowableColorByDataChoices", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".allowableColorByDataChoices"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".getTooltipUI", function(x, se, name) standardGeneric(".getTooltipUI"))

#' Internal interface generics 
#' @description
#' These functions are implemented as generics so as to enable differences in the parameter interfaces between Row/Column panels,
#' such as \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s.
#' In the following code snippets, \code{x} is an instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} class (usually a \linkS4class{DotPlot})
#' and \code{se} is a SummarizedExperiment after running \code{\link{.cacheCommonInfo}}.
#' @section Get metadata choices:
#' \code{.getMetadataChoices(x, se)} returns a character vector of possible metadata choices, usually names of columns in the \code{\link{rowData}} or \code{\link{colData}} for \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s, respectively.
#' This should be applied on \code{se} after running \code{\link{.cacheCommonInfo}}.
#' \code{.getDiscreteMetadataChoices(x, se)} returns a character vector of discrete metadata choices.
#' \code{.getContinusMetadataChoices(x, se)} returns a character vector of continuous metadata choices.
#' @section Defining color choices:
#' \code{.defineDotPlotColorChoices(x, se)} returns a character vector of names for the \code{"ColorBy"} slot in \linkS4class{DotPlot} classes.
#' This is usually dependent on what is available in \code{se}, 
#' and should be applied on \code{se} after running \code{\link{.cacheCommonInfo}}.
#' @section Defining DotPlot constants:
#' These functions return a list of lists containing constant strings to use as UI labels, as well as the names of slots to use as the UI identifiers (and to populate the default UI values) from a \linkS4class{DotPlot} \code{x}. 
#' \code{.getDotPlotColorConstants(x)} returns color-related constants.
#' \code{.getDotPlotSizeConstants(x)} returns size-related constants.
#' \code{.getDotPlotShapeConstants(x)} returns shape-related constants.
#' \code{.getDotPlotFacetConstants(x)} returns facet-related constants.
#' @name INTERNAL_dotplot-interface
#' @aliases
#' .getDiscreteMetadataChoices
#' .getMetadataChoices
#' .getContinuousMetadataChoices
#' .defineDotPlotColorChoices
#' .getDotPlotColorConstants
#' .getDotPlotShapeConstants
#' .getDotPlotSizeConstants
#' .getDotPlotFacetConstants

setGeneric(".getDiscreteMetadataChoices", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".getDiscreteMetadataChoices"))

setGeneric(".getContinuousMetadataChoices", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".getContinuousMetadataChoices"))

setGeneric(".getMetadataChoices", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".getMetadataChoices"))

setGeneric(".defineDotPlotColorChoices", function(x, se) standardGeneric(".defineDotPlotColorChoices"))

setGeneric(".getDotPlotColorConstants", function(x) standardGeneric(".getDotPlotColorConstants"))

setGeneric(".getDotPlotSizeConstants", function(x) standardGeneric(".getDotPlotSizeConstants"))

setGeneric(".getDotPlotShapeConstants", function(x) standardGeneric(".getDotPlotShapeConstants"))

setGeneric(".getDotPlotFacetConstants", function(x) standardGeneric(".getDotPlotFacetConstants"))


#' Documentation generics
#' The generics power the creation of panel-specific documentation within the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' Users can click on an icon next to the panel name to open a self-guided tour for that panel's functionality. 
#' @section Defining the panel tour:
#' \code{.definePanelTour(x)} takes a \linkS4class{Panel} \code{x} and is expected to return a data.frame
#' with the character fields \code{"element"} and \code{"intro"}.
#' Each row corresponds to a step of an \pkg{rintrojs} tour;
#' the \code{"element"} specifies the active UI element to be highlighted in that step,
#' while the \code{"intro"} element contains the HTML-formatted text to show in the tour pop-up.
#' It is a good idea to \code{\link{callNextMethod}()} to obtain the tour steps for the parent class to append onto the current class's data.frame.
#' In some cases, modification of the parent class's tour steps may be necessary if some of the parent's functionality has been overwritten.
#' Some communication with the parent's maintainers may be necessary to establish a stable way to identify the rows corresponding to the steps to be written, 
#' e.g., based on the row names of the data.frame.
#' A tour for a Panel \code{x} is expected to only highlight UI elements \emph{on the same panel}.
#' This is very important as other panels cannot be assumed to exist in an arbitrary instance of \code{\link{iSEE}}.
#' As such, these tours are not well-suited to highlighting interactions between different panels.
#' The observer set-up for the panel tour is done in \code{\link{.createObservers}} for the base \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' No further action is required on behalf of developers to set up the triggers to launch the tour.
#' @section Defining UI-specific tours:
#' It is possible to provide tours for individual UI elements, which can be more helpful than a single large tour for the entire panel.
#' A documented element has a clickable icon (usually generated by functions like \code{\link{.selectInput.iSEE}}) that launches a specific tour,
#' typically explaining the behavior and effects of the associated parameter.
#' The tours themselves should be registered by \code{\link{.addSpecificTour}}.
#' This is best done inside the various interface-defining functions (e.g., \code{\link{.defineInterface}} and related methods)
#' where the documentation can be written adjacent to the definition of the UI element itself.
#' For a \linkS4class{DotPlot} instance \code{x}, the \code{.getDotPlotColorHelp(x, color_choices)} generic should return a function that returns a data.frame
#' containing the \pkg{rintrojs} tour for the color choice UI element, i.e., \code{"ColorBy"}.
#' This allows downstream Panels to tune the wording of the color documentation, given that this is commonly specialized. 
#' \code{color_choices} is a character vector that contains the valid choices for the \code{"ColorBy"} radio button;
#' some input datasets will not have, e.g., any column data, so the corresponding button will not be shown and its associated tour can be omitted.
#' @author 
#' Aaron Lun
#' @name documentation-generics
#' @aliases
#' .definePanelTour
#' .getDotPlotColorHelp

#' @export
setGeneric(".definePanelTour", function(x) standardGeneric(".definePanelTour"))

#' @export
setGeneric(".getDotPlotColorHelp", function(x, ...) standardGeneric(".getDotPlotColorHelp"))


#' @export
#' @rdname cleanDataset
setGeneric("cleanDataset", function(se) standardGeneric("cleanDataset"))
csoneson/SEE documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 10:19 a.m.