
Defines functions name_lookup

Documented in name_lookup

#'Function to map stock assessment quantities between platforms
#'@name name_lookup
#'@author Christine Stawitz
#'@description Function to map names between different stock assessment models
#'@param input_format string; the model the data or output is coming from
#'@param names string or vector of strings; names to map
#'@param lookup data frame that contains the lookup table to map in between different models
#'@return new_name - the mapped name
#'@example name_lookup(input_format = "SS", names = "SR_LN(R0)")
name_lookup <-function(input_format, names, lookup){
  #Identify strings to look for
  search_strings<- lookup %>% filter(type %in% c("parameter", "derived_quantity")) %>% select(input_format)
  #Get row index corresponding to sex names
  female <- which(lookup$name == "female")
  male <- which(lookup$name == "male")
  #Remove blanks
  #Define objects needed
  ind <- rep("",length(names))
  new_name <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=length(names), ncol=4))
  names(new_name) <- c("name", "sex", "fleet", "year")
  get_name <-function(lookup_name) return(lookup[lookup_name,"output"])
  #Define cases
  #case 1: 1 parameter for whole population
  #Case 2: 1 parameter for females only
  #Case 3: 2 parameters total: 1 parameter each for males and females
  #Case 4: multiple parameters: year-specific parameters
  #Case 5: multiple parameters: 1 parameter per fleet
  for(i in 1:length(search_strings)){
    #Find which lookup table entry corresponds to the current string
    matches <- grep(search_strings[i],names, fixed = TRUE)
    lookup_index <- grep(search_strings[i],lookup[,input_format], fixed=TRUE)
    #Indices for female- and male- specific parameter value
    fem_par <- grep(lookup[female,input_format], names[matches])
    male_par <-  grep(lookup[male,input_format], names[matches])
    #Look for strings corresponding to years in the parameter names
    year_regexpr <- "_\\d{4}$"
    year_par <- grep( year_regexpr, names[matches])
    #Case 1: One parameter matches; ex: steepness
    case1_bool <- length(matches)==1
    #Case 2: One female parameter matches; ex: fecundity
    case2_bool <- (length(matches)==1)&&(length(fem_par)==1)&&(length(male_par)==0)
    #Case 3: Sex-specific parameters; ex: sex-specific M
    case3_bool <- (length(fem_par)==1)&&(length(male_par)==1)
    #Case 4: Parameters with years in them; ex: time-varying selectivity
    case4_bool <- (length(year_par)>0)
    #If only one parameter matches, put in 'name' column
    new_name[matches,1] <- get_name(lookup_index)
    new_name[matches,2] <- get_name(female)
    #Increment counter
    #new_names_rows <- new_names_rows + 1
    } else if(case3_bool){
      #In this case, there is one parameter for each sex - denoted by containing corresponding strings for "female" and "male" in it
      sex_index <- c(matches[fem_par], matches[male_par])
        #Double-check sex index and matches correspond
        assertthat::assert_that((sex_index==matches)||sex_index==rev(matches), msg = "Sex index doesn't match parameter names")
        #If so, there is one version of this parameter for each sex
        new_name[sex_index,1] <- get_name(lookup_index)
        new_name[sex_index,2] <- get_name(c(female,male))
        #new_name_rows <- new_names_rows + 2
    } else if(case2_bool){
      #If so, there is one version of this parameter total but it is female-specific
      new_name[matches[fem_par],1] <- get_name(lookup_index)
      new_name[matches[fem_par],2] <- get_name(female)
      #new_name_rows <- new_names_rows + 1
    } else if(case4_bool){
      #We know there are values corresponding to year, but may be >1 corresponding to yr
      without_year <- sub(year_regexpr, "", names[matches])
        #If year is the only unique part of variable name, these are values per year
        year_pos <- regexec(year_regexpr,names[matches])
        #Extract years with specific parameter values
        years <- regmatches(names[matches], year_pos)
        #Give each parameter the same name so it can be a vector
        new_name[matches,1] <- rep(get_name(lookup_index), length(years))
        new_name[matches,4] <- years
        #Increment counter
        #new_name_rows <- new_name_rows + length(years)
      } else{
        #If year is not the only unique part of the name, there might be sex- or fleet-specific parameters
cstawitz/RMAS documentation built on Oct. 6, 2022, 3:31 a.m.