split_respondents: Split Respondents by a Response Column

Description Usage Arguments Value


This function splits the respondents into separate respondent groups based on the values in the specified response column. Then, for each respondent group, the blocks with questions are duplicated. Each set of blocks has a different responent group inserted into its questions, and then each set of blocks is processed. The output is a list of blocks with the results processed and inserted into each BlockElement.


split_respondents(response_column, responses, survey, blocks, questions,
  headerrows, already_loaded, original_first_rows)



The response column that will be used to split the respondents


A dataframe of Qualtrics responses to a survey. Use ask_for_csv() to create such a dataframe from a CSV file.


A qualtrics survey list object, uploaded from a Qualtrics Survey File (QSF). Use ask_for_qsf() to create such a survey list object from a QSF file.


The blocks provided to this function must include questions inserted into the BlockElements. Create the list of blocks from a survey with blocks_from_survey(), and with questions on hand, insert them into the blocks with questions_into_blocks().


This can be set to TRUE to indicate that the survey and responses should be sourced from the global scope; in other words that the survey and its responses have are "already loaded."


A dataframe contianing the header information for each column of response data. This dataframe includes a row for the DataExportTag based response column names, another for the Question Text stem and choice text (although truncated), and a row with QID based column names.


A list of a list of blocks. The same question, but with different respondent groups, might look something like split_blocks[[1]][[1]][['BlockElements']][[1]] and split_blocks[[2]][[1]][['BlockElements']][[1]]. These refer to the first and second respondent groups, the first block, and the first block element.

ctesta01/QualtricsTools documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:27 p.m.