
Defines functions dist.test delta.mean var.test.2 delta.vars trt.mean test.partitions

Documented in delta.mean delta.vars dist.test test.partitions trt.mean var.test.2

######################## Vecotor Summary Stats ########################

#' Test the difference in means between distributions.
#' This function computes a simple t-test, determining a p-value for the difference in means
#' between two distributions, assuming homogeneity of variance.
#' @param x A categorical value (factor) with two levels
#' @param y A list of response values
#' @return A p-value coming from an anova/t-test
#' @examples
#' y <- c(rnorm(20,mean=10,sd=2),rnorm(20,mean=25,sd=6))
#' x <- factor(c(rep('A',20),rep('B',20)))
#' dist.test(x,y)
dist.test <- function(x, y){
  data <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
  md1 <- lm(y~x, data=data)
  val <- round(as.data.frame(anova(md1))[1,5],3)
  res <- ifelse(val < 0.001, "<0.001", as.character(val))

#' Calculate the difference in means between distributions.
#' @param x A categorical value (factor) with two levels.
#' @param y A list of response values.
#' @return The difference in means.
#' @examples
#' y <- c(rnorm(20,mean=10,sd=2),rnorm(20,mean=25,sd=6))
#' x <- factor(c(rep('A',20),rep('B',20)))
#' delta.mean(x,y)
delta.mean <- function(x, y){
  data <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
  lvl <- levels(data$x)
  v1 <- data$y[data$x == lvl[1]]
  v2 <- data$y[data$x == lvl[2]]
  res <- mean(v2) - mean(v1)

#' Test the difference in variances between distributions.
#' @param x A categorical value (factor) with two levels
#' @param y A list of response values
#' @return A p-value coming from \code{\link{var.test()}}
#' @examples
#' y <- c(rnorm(20,mean=10,sd=2),rnorm(20,mean=25,sd=6))
#' x <- factor(c(rep('A',20),rep('B',20)))
#' var.test.2(x,y)
var.test.2 <- function(x, y){
  data <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
  lvl <- levels(data$x)
  v1 <- data$y[data$x == lvl[1]]
  v2 <- data$y[data$x == lvl[2]]
  vd1 <- var.test(v1, v2)
  val <- round(vd1$p.value, 3)
  res <- ifelse(val < 0.001, "<0.001", as.character(val))

#' Calculate the difference in variances between distributions.
#' @param x A categorical value (factor) with two levels.
#' @param y A list of response values.
#' @return The difference in variances.
#' @examples
#' y <- c(rnorm(20,mean=10,sd=2),rnorm(20,mean=25,sd=6))
#' x <- factor(c(rep('A',20),rep('B',20)))
#' delta.vars(x,y)
delta.vars <- function(x, y){
  data <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
  lvl <- levels(data$x)
  v1 <- data$y[data$x == lvl[1]]
  v2 <- data$y[data$x == lvl[2]]
  res <- var(v2) - var(v1)

#' Calculate the mean of a specific treatment's distribution.
#' @param x A categorical value (factor) with two levels.
#' @param y A list of response values.
#' @param ind The index of the specific treatment to return a mean for.
#' @return Treatment mean.
#' @examples
#' y <- c(rnorm(20,mean=10,sd=2),rnorm(20,mean=25,sd=6))
#' x <- factor(c(rep('A',20),rep('B',20)))
#' trt.mean(x,y,1)
#' trt.mean(x,y,2)
trt.mean <- function(x, y, ind){
  data <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
  lvl <- levels(data$x)
  v2 <- data$y[data$x==lvl[2]]
  v1 <- data$y[data$x==lvl[1]]
  res <- c(mean(v1), mean(v2))[[ind]]

# Given a data set, run series of tests on vector plot components:
# - name of treatment pairs column
# - control-control case
# - price components for pairs of communities

#' Run a set of significance tests on vector plot components.
#' This functions tests the significance of the changes in richness and in function associated with the
#' vectors of a vector plot. It compares a single baseline (or control) community against a comparison
#' (treatment) community. This can be calculated for the BEF, CAFE, and 5-part Price components.
#' Currently, this simple suite of tests focus on detecting differences in the mean and variance
#' of distributions using parametric tests. In future versions, this can (and should) be expanded to 
#' include a variety of other tests, including non-parametric approaches. This will be important, as these
#' distributions are often skewed and complex.
#' @param data Input data, generated by \code{\link{pairwise.price}}
#' @param type Specify which set of vector components to test ("bef", "cafe", "both", "price")
#' @param treat.var Specify which column in the input data contains the treatment variable
#' @param control Identify which level of the treatment variable shoudl serve as the control distribution
#' @param standardize Use standardized variables? (T/F)
#' @param print Print output table?
#' @param plot Display plot?
#' @return Table of significance tests for the means and variances of vector components. \code{variable} is the richness or function component being tested, \code{trt.mean} and \code{ctrl.mean} are the means of each variable for the treatment and control distributions, \code{delta.mean} is the difference in means, \code{mn.pvals} is the p-value associated with a t-test of the difference between means, \code{delta.var} is the difference in variance between distributions, and \code{var.pvals} is the significance of this difference.
#' @examples
#' # Data setup
#' data(cedarcreek)
#' head(cedarcreek)
#' #Identify one grouping columns
#' cc2<-group_by(cedarcreek,NTrt,NAdd,Plot)
#' # Perform pairwise comparisons of all communities in cms identified by comm.id
#' # (takes ~30 sec)
#' pp<-pairwise.price(cc2,species='Species',func='Biomass')
#' # Organize/format the results, and pull out a subset using NAdd.x=0 as the control/baseline site
#' pp<-group.columns(pp,gps=c('NTrt','NAdd'))
#' pp1<-pp[pp$NAdd %in% c('0 0','0 27.2'),]
#' pp1$NAdd<-factor(as.character(pp1$NAdd),levels=c('0 0','0 27.2'))
#' # Test differences between the BEF vectors of control-control comparisons & control-treatment comparisons
#' test.partitions(pp1,type='bef',treat.var = 'NAdd',control = '0 0',print=F,plot=F)
#' # Combine these tests with a visual summary of the different distributions being tested:
#' test.partitions(pp1,type='bef',treat.var = 'NAdd',control = '0 0',print=F,plot=T)
#' # These tests consider the x-axis (richness) and y-axis (function) values of all of the vectors underlying the vector plots produced by \code{leap.zig}. For example, these two are compatible:
#' test.partitions(pp1,type='cafe',treat.var = 'NAdd',control = '0 0',print=F,plot=T,standardize=F)
#' leap.zig(pp1,type='cafe',group.vars='NAdd',raw.points=F,ylim=c(0,1500),standardize=F)
#' # NOTE - for these comparisions to be valid, the decision to standardize (or not) must be consisted between test.partitions() and leap.zig()
#' # This approach can also be applied to the CAFE, Price, or CAFE & BEF vector arrangements:
#' test.partitions(pp1,type='cafe',treat.var = 'NAdd',control = '0 0',print=F,plot=F)
#' test.partitions(pp1,type='price',treat.var = 'NAdd',control = '0 0',print=F,plot=F)
#' test.partitions(pp1,type='both',treat.var = 'NAdd',control = '0 0',print=F,plot=F)
#' @export 
#' @import dplyr 
#' @import ggplot2
test.partitions <- function(data, type='both', treat.var, control, standardize=T, print=F, plot=F){
  if(length(control) > 2){
    print("Error! test.cafe() only supports comparisons between one control and one treatment case")}
  if(!(treat.var %in% names(data))){ print("Error! Specified data column does not appear.")}
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
    comps <- c("SRE.L","SRE.G","SIE.L","SIE.G","CDE","SL","SG","SR","CE")
    data[,comps] <- 100*data[,comps]/data$x.func                  # X function scaled
    data$y.func <- 100*(data$y.func - data$x.func)/data$x.func    # Y function scaled
    data$x.func <- 0                                    # X function set as baseline
  # Duplicate treatment column, providing standardized name... for later use in dplyr
  data$calcTrt <- data[,treat.var]
  data$s.loss <- -1*(data$x.rich - data$c.rich)
  data$s.gain <- data$y.rich - data$c.rich
  data$s.change <- data$y.rich - data$x.rich
  data$SL.slope <- -1*data$SL/(data$y.rich - data$c.rich)
  data$SG.slope <- data$SG/(data$x.rich - data$c.rich)

  data$SL.mag <- sqrt(data$SL^2 + data$s.loss^2)
  data$SG.mag <- sqrt(data$SG^2 + data$s.gain^2)

  data$Total <- data$SL + data$SG + data$CDE
  # Process data
           m2 <- reshape2::melt(data[,c('calcTrt','s.loss','s.gain','SL','SG','CDE','Total')],
                                id.vars = 'calcTrt')
           m2 <- reshape2::melt(data[,c('calcTrt','s.change','SR','CE','Total')],
                                id.vars = 'calcTrt')
           m2 <- reshape2::melt(data[,c('calcTrt','s.loss','s.gain','s.change','SL','SG','CDE',
                                        'SR','CE','Total')], id.vars = 'calcTrt')
           m2 <- reshape2::melt(data[,c('calcTrt','s.loss','s.gain','SRE.L','SIE.L','SRE.G',
                                        'SIE.G','CDE','Total')], id.vars = 'calcTrt')
         "Error! Invalid test type in test.partitions()"
  # Ensure that baseline pair is the desired control pair
  lvls <- levels(m2$calcTrt)
  m2$calcTrt <- factor(m2$calcTrt, levels=c(control, lvls[lvls!=control]))
  # Calculate table of p-vals
  ptable2<-m2 %>% group_by(variable) %>% summarise(trt.mean=trt.mean(calcTrt,value,2),
  if(print) print(ptable2)
    g1 <- ggplot(m2, aes(x=calcTrt, y=value, variable)) +
              geom_boxplot(aes(fill=calcTrt)) +
              theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank()) +
              facet_wrap(~variable, scales='free_y')
ctkremer/priceTools documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:49 p.m.